Ponencias de profesores del departamento al 24º Congreso Mundial de Ciencias Políticas.


El congreso mundial de Ciencias Políticas, organizado por la Asociación Internacional de Ciencias Políticas, es uno de los eventos más importantes para politólogos de todo el mundo.

En estos congresos intervienten los más importantes politólogos, como Joseph E. Stiglitz que intervendrá este año. Pero no sólo están invitados politólogos, pues el carácter multidisciplinar de las Ciencias Políticas hace que en él se encuentren académicos provenientes de otros campos afines como la sociología, la psicología, el derecho o la economía.

El tema de este año no podría ser más acertado para el mundo en el que vivimos: «Politics in a World of Inequality»

Las áreas en las cuales se organizará el congreso son:

  • Comparative Politics, Democracy and Regime Types
  • Identity Politics, National and Social Movements
  • International Political Economy and Globalisation
  • International Relations
  • Political Institutions and Citizen Engagement
  • Political Theory
  • Public Policy and Administration


El trabajo de investigación que se realiza desde el departamento tendrá visibilidad también en este congreso y son varios los profesores del departamento que ya han mandado sus ponencias:

Cristina Moreno & Alberto Mora, «Campaign Effects in National Election of 2015 in Spain: nes insights of the political predispositions»

The study of electoral campaign effects has developed parallel to the study of the effects of political communication. The minimal effects approach (Lazarsfeld et al., 1944) stressed the importance of political predispositions instead of the expected campaign effects. Subsequent studies supported theories that challenged the approach of minimal effects (agenda setting, priming, framing). However, political predispositions remain important, with new variables that have become important, such as the political leadership or the assessment of specific public policies.

The National Election of 2015 in Spain, offer an opportunity to test the validity of the minimal effects approach and the relevance of new variables that must be considered in a context of great development of new information and communications technology and therefore of political communication.

Antonio Garrido & Cristina Moreno, «Political Communication of Monarchies: A Comparative Perspective»

In this paper we try to develop an approach to political communication of modern monarchies from three perspectives. Firstly, we emphasize the contrast between government communication and communication of symbolic institutions as the chiefs of State. Secondly, we address the construction of the monarchy as a brand from the perspective of modern political branding and its relationship and differentiation with other brands, such as the country brand, the political party brand, or the candidate brand. In other words, we will discuss the particular aspects of political brand-building affecting monarchies in their role of symbolic representative institutions. Third, we describe the unique approach that this kind of institutions use in order to manage crisis communication when they are affected by scandals or serious processes which erode public legitimization, as happened recently in Spain following the “Urdangarín” case. Finally, this study will examine how the monarchies as chiefs of State, are acting in the field of communication with citizens in a more global context of deep economic and political crisis.

Antonia González, «New Experiences of Political Participation and Modernization of Public Administration»

The promotion of citizen participation at the local level can be observed as an attempt to regenerate democracy, that nowadays appears to show weaknesses in various aspects, such as representativeness and governance. Modern democracies are also having difficulties to involve increasingly apathetic and suspicious about public citizens. This attempt at democratic revitalization from local participation has been promoted both by the EU and the OECD, through concrete proposals, recommendations, principles and measures.

New developments in political participation, related to developments in the field of new information and communications technology, such as Open Government, Open Data and Big Data, refer to a new conception of politics, applying the precepts of political communication, where politics are no longer conceived without constant communication with citizens. These approaches are being developed from experiences that are occurring at the local level, with different results. This paper proposes the in-depth analysis of some of these cases, in the Spanish local level of government.

Ramón Villaplana, «Leadership in Spanish Political Parties: A forbidden scenario for women?»

Since the arrival of Democracy in 1977, there hasn’t been a woman leading any of the main Spanish political parties or beeing its Prime Minister candidate, and this trend continues nowadays. Which are the causes of this gender inequality? Comparing the inner dynamics of Spanish political parties, we can find noteworthy explanations to the fact of the systematic distance of women with respect to the main power positions.

Attending to the party leader selection processes of the main Spanish parties, we can observe that the usual practice have always been in benefit of men. In despite of the fact that parties walk towards primaries, the Spanish experience shows that democratization doesn’t bring gender equality in practice. How is that possible? Habits like managed transitions have a important impact on women discrimination from the leadership, i. e. when a man decides to hand down a chief possition to another man. However, even in not-managed transitions, any woman have been able to win the leadership yet. Studying specific cases, we can answer some questions and arrive to a better understanding of the problem.


Web oficial del congreso de este año: https://istanbul2016.ipsa.org/

Web oficial IPSA: http://www.ipsa.org/

En España también contamos con una asociación de ciencias políticas (AECPA): http://www.aecpa.es/
