

Special Issue:  Biological Living Standards and Nutritional Health Inequality in Transition to the Developed World



Guest Editors: José Miguel Martínez-Carrión, Carlos Varea & Ricardo Salvatore

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MARTÍNEZ-CARRIÓN, J.M., VAREA, C. & SALVATORE, R. (Guest Editors) (2020-2022): Special Issue:  Biological Living Standards and Nutritional Health Inequality in Transition to the Developed World, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.





This Special Issue of IJERPH contains 15 papers on the dynamics of biological living standards and nutritional health in human populations in social and economic transition. The historical experience of the industrialized and urbanized Western world can be useful for today’s poorest populations. Aspects of the evolution of height and body mass at different stages of the life cycle are covered, mainly based on data from children and adolescents from the remote and recent past. Several studies analyze the impact of nutritional crises and the prevalence of malnutrition with height data and other anthropometric variables. The social height gap and the rural-urban and intra-urban differences are analyzed. Dynamics by region, social class, and socioeconomic circumstance are also explored. The investigations cover interdisciplinary problems, from anthropology, public health, history, economics and sociology.

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