2016 —Do more creative translators translate better than less creative ones? EST Congress. Universidad de Aarhus, Copenhague (Denmark)

2016, December —Translating with background music [Poster]. 5th International Workshop on Translation Process Research. University of Graz (Austria)

2017, May —La transportación psicológica en traducción literaria [Psychological transportation in literary translation]. XXXV Congreso Internacional de AESLA. Universidad de Jaén

2019, January —The allegros and adagios of translating with music. An English-Spanish experimental study. 9º Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación (AIETI9). Universidad de Alicante

2019, July —'Mixed feelings' while translating with music. ICTIC 2019. 2nd International Congress on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition Interdisciplinarity: the Way out of the Box Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germersheim

2017 —El traductor funambulista: ¿es la personalidad creativa una baza o una limitación a la hora de traducir? VIII AIETI. Universidad de Alcalá Universidad de Alcalá

2017 —¿Se puede ser creativo en la traducción técnica? El papel de la inteligencia creativa en la traducción de textos técnicos. AESLA XXXVI. 36TH International Conference of the Spanish Association of Applied LiInguistics. University of Cadiz, Spain

2019, June —Dime cómo te sientes y te diré cómo traduces [Tell me how you feel, I will tell you how you translate]. Workshop organized by AVANTI HUM-763 research group from the University of Granada

2019, July —The role of self-esteem, affect and emotion regulation on student translators performance under time pressure. ICTIC 2019. 2nd International Congress on Translation, Interpreting and Cognition Interdisciplinarity: the Way out of the Box Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germersheim

2016 —Can High Self-Esteem Foster Creativity in Translation? 4th International Conference Creativity in Translation. Nápoles Italia