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Brief Summary of the meetings

4th Plenary meeting (7-9 February 2008)

4rd Plenary Meeting was held in Murcia. Results of EMPAFISH project were presented. Proposals of different publications were discussed

3rd Plenary Meeting (6-8 February, 2007)

3th Plenary Meeting was held in Pisa. First results of Meta-analysis were discussed. Methodological approach to select indicators to measure the efectiveness of MPAs was introduced. WP6 leader explained the steps to achieve the objectives of this WP.

Proposals of different publications were discussed.

WP4 Sectorial Meeting (28-30 November, Alicante)

The following objectives were achieved during this meeting:

  • Decide on analysis approaches for the indicators review
  • Decideon a discussion scheme for the indicators review
  • Presentation of the DPSIR framework and discussion of the model
  • Discussion on the methos to select indicators

WP3, WP5, WP6 Sectorial Meeting (Brest, 31 October, 1 November 2006)

The following objetives were achieved during this meeting:

  • Progress in WP3
  • Progress in the Bioeconomic Model
  • Input of WP3 into WP5
  • Start of WP6 and Requirements of WP6
  • Plan wotk for the next 6 months

 WP2 Data analysis group meeting (Horta, 3-7 July 2006)

Methods for standardising data to reduce the large degree of heterogeneity were discussed and accepted during the meeting.

Standardised data was required in order to proceed with WP2 analyses. In addition to traditional analyses, it was also agreed to proceed with meta-analyses and spatial analyses.

On the other hand, it was presented a schematic of the bioindicator model to be applied in WP4. Data for for the WP4 model will be derived from the WP2 database.

WP5 leader presented the methods for calculating the parameters requiered forWP5.

WP1 Data analysis group meeting with participation of Meta-analysis group (Barcelona, 19-21 June 2006)

WP1 leader prented the situation regarding the collection of data, requesting information for several case studies by the end of June 2006.

Issues about how to specify the effect size related to protection, the associated measure of uncertainty and the weight for the analises were discussed.

It was shown an example of meta-analysis and several questions about how to apply meta-analysis and about the election of response variable were raised.

It was established a work lan  and it was agreed to achieve significant meta-analysis by February plenary meeting.

WP5 Sectorial meeting (6-8 April 2006, Brest, France)

WP5 leader presented the current progress of the bioeconomic model for the analysis of Marine Protected Areas. The mathematic details of the BEAMPA model were available to the participants as a hardcopy discussion document "BEmodel_framework.doc", which was the main focus of discussion during the 2-day meeting.

It was presented the results of an investigation on the definition of user values and user types that will be used in the evolution of the BEAMPA model.

WP3 leader presented an investigation on the econometric techniques to approach Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Assessment of Net Present Value as well as a general approach to the overall economic valuation on the benefits of MPAs.

WP6 leader described the output needed by WP6 from the BEAMPA model and, in general, from WP5.

2nd Plenary Meeting (14-16 February 2006, La Laguna, Spain)

The 2nd Plenary Meeting in addition to coordination and administrative aspects, included WP1-3 metings for presentation and revision of the work done during this first year of the project, and WP4-5 meetings for planning coordinating the second year of the project.

A presentation on the use of meta-analysis and on how to be applied to achieved the Empafish objectives was displayed. A meta-analysis group was established, including the experts in data analysis techniques, and the data analyses required for WP1-3 were discussed.

The first steps to the selection of parameters to be explored and tested as indicators and quantitative methods, and the selection of case studies and parameters to feed and validate models were made. Furthermore, the constitution of an Editorial Committee to prepare the edition of publication and the first steps to the constitution of the stakeholders committee (Refrence User Group) were made during this plenary meeting.

WP3 Sectorial meeting (14-16 December 2005, Brest, France)

Partners presented the main activities identified in each case study and the stage of the survey.

The design of the different questionnaries was discussed during the meeting. the draft of all questionnaires was presented during the meeting, and the comments were integrated into a final version of the questionnaries by WP3 leader.

The question on the way to deal with off shore MPA's which are far from several ports on the coast raised the question on the identification of the area relevant to the survey stage.

The question about the identification of users, operators, who operate in the MPA was raised.

It has been clarified that together with the questionnaires, WP3 leader will provide a template to collect answers from individual users/ operators. These templates were presented during the meeting.

WP2 Sectorial Meeting (14-16 December 2005, Brest, France)

The following objectives were achieved during this meeting:

  • Update partners on WP2 objectives and progress
  • Outline the current data considerations of WP2
  • Form discussion groups, one group to discuss means of addressing the main research quations of WP2.
  • Explain the data requirements and database structure of WP2
  • Discuss the Booklet and retrieve missing information
  • Discuss ways to homogenise the description of varying gear types for both the database and the booklet
  • Determine the species to be included in WP2 database and data analyses
  • Confirm the requirements of data for WP4 and Wp5
  • Set deadlines and goals for next meeting

WP1 Sectorial Meeting (28-30 November 2005, Barcelona, Spain)

A first overview of data available was achieved by each partner and review during the meeting for putting together the database framework.

The list of data to be included in the data base was established.

It was agreed that additional series of data will be uploaded in the following 6 months, with achievement planned for September 2006.

WP1-3 Joint Sectorial Meeting (6-8 July 2005, Barcelona, Spain)

During these sectorial meetings the data available for WP1 and WP3, the design of the database framework and the structure of the booklets were discussed and detailed.

The type of socioeconomic data that are needed and the type of database framework requires were discused and it was defined the economic survey to be realised.

Several questions were raised with WP4, WP5 and WP6 about the data they expect from WP1, WP2,  and WP3.

WP5 leader presented a set of state variables that will be included in the bioeconomic model of MPA.

1st Plenary Meeting (10-12 March 2005, Murcia, Spain)

This first meeting included starting and coordination activities, administrative aspects, constitution of the Steering Commitee, elaboration of database structure to be used at each WP, and representation of the different case studies and available data. The framework for effective clustering with other EC related projects was designated, and formal contacts with these projects were established.




European Union
Sixth Framework Programme