Marine Protected Areas
as tools for
management and conservation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
WP5 Bio-economic modelling of MPA effects Print E-mail

Work in this WP will be organised around three axes (each task will constitute a working group):


a) Theoretical framework for bio-economic modelling

b) Definition of scenarios and alternative regimes

c) Enhancement, adaptation and running bio-economic models


   The BEMMFISH model is to be adapted to the bio-economic modelling of implementation of MPAs in the framework of EMPAFISH project. The results of the BEMMFISH project (Bio-economic Modelling of Mediterranean Fisheries, Q5RS-2001-01533) will be used to help in producing the quantitative analysis of the socio-economic effects of MPAs. The model includes multiple species and multi-species interactions, multiple fleets (disaggregated at the level of vessel) and gear types. Bio-economic models are mathematical models of the interaction between (at least) two compartments:


(i) Biological sub-model encompasses the dynamics of the stock, at different levels of precision (from global production models to the more detailed age-structured models).

(ii) Economic sub-model focuses on the dynamics of fishing effort and catchability, and their combination in fishing mortality to the stock.


Other issues to be taken into account are:


(iii) Spatial structure of the model, in order to capture at least the spatial dynamics arising from a “protected patch” and an open-access patch.

(iv) Explicit consideration of fisherman behaviour in the bio-economic model, as an essential step to capture accurately the social and biological responses to protected areas.

Incorporation of uncertainty sources (“process uncertainty”, “model uncertainty” “observation uncertainty”, “implementation uncertainty” and “institutional uncertainty”

European Union
Sixth Framework Programme