Marine Protected Areas
as tools for
management and conservation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Participant # 6 Instituto dell'Ambiente Marino Costiero – Oristano (IAMC) Print E-mail

Instituto dell'Ambiente Marino Costiero – Sezione di Oristano – CNR (IAMC-CNR)


Scientists:  Dr. Paolo DOMENICI: fish behaviour, physiological ecology and biomechanics


Specific skills:    The IAMC – CNR (Oristano) carries out research on fish energetics. Research activity in this area aims to identify behavioural and physiological characteristics associated with species-specific patterns of animal design and/or ecology. Current research focuses on aspects related to habitat preference, sensory performance and spatial-temporal variability. Present collaboration between marine ecologists, oceanographers and organismal biologists aims to investigate the movement pattern of fish in relation to environmental factors. The laboratory has wide experience in various techniques of motion and behavioural analyses, using telemetry, high-speed video, infrared video, field video and scientific echosounder (Simrad EK500), as well as environmental monitoring and physical oceanography. IAMC-CNR collaborates with the managers of the MPA Sinis Mal di Ventre in order to implement the management measures on the basis of scientific data. In addition, since 2001, the IAMC-CNR carries out work on the behaviour of fish in MPAs and adjacent areas using video techniques and telemetry.


Role in the project: Participating in WPs 1, 4 and 6 (case studies #9 and 10): WP1-identify the data required for fish ecological indicators; set-up of ecological indicators for effects of MPAs on fish responsiveness; WP4-Evaluation of fish ecological indicators; WP6-Development of management tools in relation to management of fish resources.


Track record on MPAs and/or fisheries (max. 5 works): 

Domenici, P. and Batty, R.S. (1997) The escape behaviour of solitary herring       and comparisons with schooling individuals. Marine Biology 128 (1): 29-38

Domenici, P., Simila, T. Batty, R.S. (2000) Spacing of schooling herring while encircled by killer whales.  J. Fish Biol. 57: 831-836.

Domenici, P. (2001). Scaling the locomotor performance of aquatic vertebrates during predator-prey interactions: from fish to killer whales. Comp. Physiol. Biochem. Vol 131/1, pp 169-182

Domenici, P. (2002) The visually-mediated escape response in fish: Predicting prey responsiveness and the locomotor behaviour of predators and prey. Mar. Fresh. Behav. Physiol. 35 : 87-110

Domenici, P. Ferrari, S., Batty, RS and Steffensen JF.  (2002). The effect of     progressive hypoxia on the schooling behaviour of herring Clupea harengus.     Proc. Royal Soc. B. 269: 2103-2111.


EC projects:         MAMA, EVR1-2001-00006, partner


European Union
Sixth Framework Programme