Marine Protected Areas
as tools for
management and conservation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Participant # 10 Universidade dos Azores (IMAR) Print E-mail

Centre of IMAR of the University of the Azores - Department of Oceanography and Fisheries (IMAR-DOP/UAz)


Scientists: Dr. Ricardo Serrão SANTOS: ichthyology, biogeography, marine behavioural ecology, and marine conservation (biodiversity, MPAs).

Dr. Eduardo ISIDRO: fisheries ecology and ichthyoplankton.

Dr. Gui MENEZES: deep-sea fisheries and deep-sea ecology.

Dr. João GONÇALVES: marine ecology, marine mammals and cephalopods.

Dr. Mário Rui PINHO: fisheries ecology and population dynamics.

Pedro AFONSO DOS SANTOS: benefits of MPAs, fish telemetry.

Jorge FONTES: benefits of MPAs, fish recruitment.

Telmo MORATO: modelling trophic chains in seamounts.

Frederico CARDIGOS: habitat mapping in MPAs using AUV and ASV.

Fernando TEMPERA: mapping of habitats and biodiversity in MPAs, management plans.

Damien SIRJACOBS: habitat mapping using video-mosaicing in MPAs.

Gilberto CARREIRA: genetics of exploited inshore invertebrates.


Specific skills:    The IMAR-DOP/UAz, is involved in research and educational activities related with the ecology and management of island marine ecosystems. Emphasis is given to the study of the biology, genetics and population dynamics of fishing resources including inshore, demersal and deep-sea fish with commercial interest in the Azores region. The group has long been involved with governmental partners in local implementation of Marine Protected Areas, monitoring programs and research for biodiversity conservation. At the same time IMAR-DOP/UAz is responsible for conducting fisheries research cruises and manage fisheries statistics databases for the region. IMAR-DOP/UAz has 26 years of experience based on detailed research in shallow and deep-sea ecosystems that formed the basis for the creation of both existing and proposed regional MPAs. The study of the effects and benefits of these areas for biodiversity and living resources is now one of the major objectives of its ongoing research, which involves significant technological means and information. Both research and technological development are being conducted under close cooperation with international and national institutions involved in marine sciences and technologies. Special infrastructures and facilities available include: Telemetry systems – receivers and array of fixed stations for studies using acoustic telemetry to detect movements and residency of fishes; Databases: fisheries landings, observers fisheries programs, mapping of habitats and biodiversity in MPAs, etc; R/V “Arquipélago” - This 25.5 m GRP ship was designed and built specifically for Oceanographic and Fisheries research. L/V “Águas-Vivas” - This 11m vessel was designed and built to conduct research on coastal ecosystems in various scientific domains, 3 RIB –semi-rigid inflatable boat specially adapted for SCUBA diving and telemetry activities; AUV Infante and the ASV Delfim – These two autonomous robotic vehicles equipments belong to the Institute of Systems and Robotics of the Technological University of Lisbon with whom the IMAR-DOP/UAz forms an Associated Laboratory under the scope of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and are being used on habitat mapping in on of the target MPAs since 3 years now.


Role in the project: Co-ordinator of WP3; participating in WPs 1, 2, 4 and 6; supplying data from case studies #16 and 17


Track record on MPAs and/or fisheries (max. 5 works): 

Morato, T.; E. Solà; M. P. Grós and G. Menezes (2003) Diets of thornback ray (Raja clavata) and tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) in the bottom longline fishery of the Azores, northeastern Atlantic. Fishery Bulletin 101:509-602.


Morato, T.; P. Afonso; P. Lourinho; R. D. M. Nash and R. S. Santos (2003) Reproductive biology and recruitment of the white sea bream in the Azores. Journal of Fish Biology 63:59-72.


Wirtz, P. and T. Morato (2001) Unequal sex ratios in longline catches. Journal of Marine Biological Association of the UK 81:187-188.


Morato, T.; R.S. Santos and P. Andrade (2000) Feeding habits, seasonal and ontogenetic diet shift of blacktail comber, Serranus atricauda (Pisces: Serranidae), from the Azores, Northeastern Atlantic. Fisheries Research 49(1): 51-59.


Santos, R. S., S. Hawkins, L. R. Monteiro, M. Alves and E. J.Isidro (1995) Case studies and reviews. Marine research, resources and conservation in the Azores. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 5: 311-354.


EC projects:  DG XIV/C1/1994/034 - Design optimization and implementation of demersal cruise survey in the Macaronesian Archipelagos. UAz: co-ordinator

DG XIV/C1/1994/028 - An intensive fishing experiment in Azores, UAz: co-ordinator

DG XIV/C1/1995/032 - Biology of some Macaronesian deep-sea commercial species, partner

DG XIV/C1/1995/095 - Design optimization and implementation of demersal cruise survey in the Macaronesian Archipelagos II. UAz: co-ordinator

DG XIV - Study contract 97/0081 - Seasonal changes in biological and ecological traits of demersal and deep-water fish species in the Azores. UAz: co-ordinator

ASIMOV, MAS3-CT97-0092, partner

MARÉ, LIFE98 - NAT-P-5725, UAz: co-ordinator

BIOMARE, EVK2 - 1999 – 00250, partner

M@RBLE, EVK3-2001-00110, partner

OASIS, EVK3 – CT 2002 – 00073, partner

MARBENA, EV1K3-2001-00177, partner

OGAMP, INTEREG IIIb MAC/4.2/A2, UAz: co-ordinator

MARBEF, FP6 2002 GLOBAL 1 – P505446 (Network of Excellence), partner


European Union
Sixth Framework Programme