Marine Protected Areas
as tools for
management and conservation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Participant # 11 University of Palermo (UPa) Print E-mail

Dipartimento di Biologia Animale, Laboratorio di Ecologia Marina e Conservazione della Natura, Università di Palermo (UPa)


Scientists:     Prof. Dr. Renato CHEMELLO: benthic ecology/biology, MPAs evaluation and zonation, human impacts.

                    Dr. Marco MILAZZO: benthic ecology/biology, evaluation of MPAs, human impacts

                    Dr. Fabio BADALAMENTI: fishery ecology, trophic structure within MPAs

                    Dr. Giovanni D’ANNA: fishery ecology and biology, socio-economic impacts of MPAs

                    Dr. Carlo Pipitone: fishery ecology and biology, socio-economic impacts of MP


Specific skills:  The team participated from 1997-1999 to the EU concerted action ECOMARE, and at present is in charge of two research projects funded by the Italian Ministry for Environment and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, and two projects funded by the management agencies of the Ustica Island and Egadi Islands MPAs. The main research topics of the team are: evaluation of protection efficacy within MPAs, criteria for MPAs zonation, recreational human impacts (e.g. trampling, diving and boat anchoring) on coastal marine benthic communities.


Role in the project: Participating in WPs 1, 2, 4 and 6; supplying data from case studies #12 and 13


Track record on MPAs and/or fisheries (max. 5 works): 

Pinnegar J.K., N.V.C. Polunin, P. Francour, F. Badalamenti, R. Chemello, M.L. Harmelin-Vivien, B. Hereu, M. Milazzo, M. Zabala, G. D’anna, C. Pipitone, 2000 - Trophic cascades in fisheries and protected-area management of benthic marine ecosystems. Environmental Conservation, 27(2) : 179-200.

Badalamenti, F., Ramos, A.A., Voultsiadou, E., Sánchez-Lizaso, J.L., D’Anna, G., Pipitone, C., Mas, J., Ruiz-Fernández, J.M., Whitmarsh, D., Riggio, S. 2000 - Cultural and socio-economic impacts of Mediterranean marine protected areas. Environmental Conservation 27(2): 110-125.

Milazzo M., R. Chemello, F. Badalamenti, R. Camarda, S. Riggio, 2002 – The impact of human recreational activities in marine protected areas: what lessons should be learnt in the Mediterranean Sea? PSZNI: Marine Ecology, 23(S1): 280-290.

Milazzo M., F. Badalamenti, S. Riggio, R. Chemello, 2004 - Patterns of algal recovery and small-scale effects of canopy removal as a result of human trampling on a Mediterranean rocky shallow community. Biological Conservation, DOI: 10.1016/S0006-3207(03)00292-1

Milazzo M., F. Badalamenti, G. Ceccherelli, R. Chemello, 2004 - Boat anchoring on Posidonia oceanica beds in a marine protected area (Italy, western Mediterranean): effect of anchor types in different anchoring stages. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, DOI: 10.1016/j.jembe.2003.09.003


EC projectsECOMARE, MAS3-CT-1997-0155, partner


European Union
Sixth Framework Programme