Marine Protected Areas
as tools for
management and conservation

Wednesday, 17 July 2024
Participant # 12 Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) – CEDEM Print E-mail

Centre de Droit et d’Économie de la Mer (CEDEM), Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest (France)


Scientists:    Prof. Dr. Jean BONCOEUR: fisheries and coastal management economics, socio-economic impacts of MPAs

                   Dr. Pascal LE FLOCH: fisheries economics, socio-economic field surveys of                    fisheries

Dr. Gildas APPERE: environmental economics, economic impacts of recreational activities

                   Dr. Frédérique ALBAN: fisheries and coastal management economics, socio-economic impacts of MPAs, socio-economic field surveys of fisheries


Specific skills:     CEDEM is a multidisciplinary research unit at the University of Western Brittany (Brest, France), specialised in marine law and economics. It is composed of 17 professors and senior lecturers and nearly 30 postgraduate and PhD students, as well as 4 contract researchers. The laboratory conducts research programmes at regional, national and European levels, concerning various fields related to public policy issues in marine and coastal areas. The research group involved in the project has wide experience in the following fields: economic field surveys of fisheries, bio-economic modelling, economic analysis of fisheries management, economic impacts of recreational coastal activities and economics of MPAs.


Role in the project: Co-ordinator of WP3; participating in WPs 4, 5 and 6




Track record on MPAs and/or fisheries (max. 5 works): 


Alban F. & J. Boncoeur (2004). Potential Interest of Fishermen in Developing a Boat-Chartering Activity in a Context of Marine Park, In: J. Boissevain et T. Selwyn (eds), Tourism on the foreshore : society, economics and politics of the coast, Mare Publication Series, SISWO / MARE, Amsterdam.


Bailly D. & Franquesa R. (1999). Social and economic indicators for fisheries management in the Mediterranean Sea. In: D. Symes (ed.), Fisheries Management in Southern Waters, Chapitre 13, Blackwell Sciences, Fishing News Books.


Boncoeur J., Coglan L., Le Gallic B. & Pascoe S. (2000). On the (ir)relevance of rates of return measures of economic performances to small boats. Fisheries Research, 49 : 105-115.


Boncoeur J., Fifas S. & Le Gallic B. (2000). Un modèle bioéconomique d ’évaluation du coût social des rejets au sein d’une pêcherie complexe. Economie et prévision, 143-144(2-3) : 185-199.


Boncoeur J., Berthou P., Prat J.L., Latrouite D., Le Gallic B., Fifas S. & Curtil O. (2000). Gestion des pêches côtières en Manche occidentale : le cas du Golfe Normand-Breton. Colloque « Nouveaux outils, nouvelles démarches pour la gestion durable du milieu marin », Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick (Canada), 10-13 Août 1999. Revue de l’Université de Moncton, n°hors série, p.225-262.




EC projects:    Bio-economic Modelling of the Fisheries of the English Channel”,         FAIR-PL96-1993, partner


                             VALFEZ, QLK5 – CT1999-01271, partner


                             MOFISH, QLK5-CT1999-01273, partner


                             TECTAC, QLK5 2001-01291, partner


European Union
Sixth Framework Programme