ODSesiones Forum

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The University of Murcia founded this Forum in order to engage, promote and disseminate the ODSesiones Project at a social level. This Project started in February 2019 and it wil finish in February 2021, and it will embrace more than 300 activities related with each one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda.

Who participates?


The following institutions are members of the Forum:

-Public Administrations: Comunidad AutónomaAyuntamiento de MurciaAyuntamiento de Molina de Segura, Federación de Municipios de la Región de Murcia and the Consejo Económico y Social.

-Business Organizations: CROEM and UCOMUR.

-Labor Unions: Comisiones Obreras and UGT.

-Associations of NGOs: EAPN Región de Murcia, CERMI Región de Murcia and Coordinadora ONGD Región de Murcia.

Representantes de las instituciones murcianas que pertenecen al Foro ODSesiones

From commitment to action

It is the time to focus on the people and on the planet, getting from commitments to actions. At the University of Murcia we want ODSesiones project to raise awareness about the importance of the 2030 Agenda among the university community, as well as to achieve a transformation in collaboration with the Third Sector and the rest of institutions who are members of the Forum.


The following people came in representation of their institutions to the signing of the Protocol of Action in which the Forum was founded: the president of the Social and Economic Council, José A. Cobacho; the Councillor for Urban Agenda and Open Government of the Town Hall of Murcia, Mercedes Bernabé; the councillor for Social Wellbeing of the Town Hall of Molina de Segura, Ángel Navarro; the president of the Municipal Federation of the Region of Murcia, Mª Dolores Muñoz; the president of the NGOs Association of the Region of Murcia, Moisés Navarro and the president of EAPM-Region of Murcia, Rosa Cano.

The vice-secretary of CROEM, Ramón Avilés, presidente of UCOMUN, J. Antonio Pedreño, general secretary of CCOO, Santiago Navarro and general secretary of UGT, Antonio Jiménez came on the behalf of business organizations and labor unions.

The event was leaded by the Rector of the UMU, José Luján; the regional Counselor of Transparency, Participation and Public Administrations, Beatriz Ballesteros; and the vice-chancellor for Social Responsibility and Transparency of the University of Murcia, Longinos Marín.