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null Welcome Week for International Students - BUMI

BUMI 2016 2C

From February the 10th until the 17th

Organizer: Vicerrectorado de Coordinación e Internacionalización




The University of Murcia welcomes you with a programme of activities from February the 10th until the 17th. You can check the information and register on-line: http://www.um.es/web/internacionalizacion/bumi

The programme will start with an Institutional Welcome Event that will take place on Friday February the 10th at 1.35 p.m. in the Hemiciclo of the Faculty of Arts, located in La Merced  Campus.

All attendants will receive an official t-shirt of the University of Murcia. Please select your size here https://encuestas.um.es/MTQzODc.c. You will also enjoy the Modern University Choir show and wine of honor afterwards. This is a great opportunity to meet other international students.

We hope you find this programme of activities interesting and you can take part in the trips, guided tours and/ or the International Party.


Ayuntamiento de Murcia ESN Murcia