Opening hours

Loans, Renewals and Reservations

In user card you have all the information about the use of the library and the loan service for people who do not belong to the University of Murcia.

You have to register with the Alumni Association. They will provide you with the smart card, which is also the user card. Check the loan conditions.

To consult the documents that you have borrowed or reserved, access the ALBA Catalogue/My Library.

There is an access for UM Users and for UPCT users, with e-mail and password.

For external users, enter in the User box:

Reader number: Your ID

Password: What is my password?

See the table with the lending conditions by type of user and document.

If the book is on short loan, you will not be able to enjoy new loans at the rate of 4 calendar days for each document and day late, and 2 days per document and day late for the rest of the loans.

The loss must be reported to the Library immediately, and the person is obliged to purchase a new copy of the work. In the event that the work is out of print, the Library will indicate a title similar to the subject matter and market value of the lost work.


The following collections are expressly excluded from loans:

  • Manuscripts and incunables.
  • Works that are out of print or difficult to replace.
  • Reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, bibliographies, atlases, etc.) and single copy manuals.
  • Periodicals.
  • Special collections (old, unpublished, microforms, audiovisual or computer-based).
  • Unpublished theses and dissertations.
  • Works that are used frequently in the Library when they are unique copies.

The number of renewals depends on the type of documents you have on loan and the type of user you are. All the information about this can be found in the following table.

La biblioteca te avisará mediante un correo electrónico

Calculators, lecterns, headphones, mouses, mobile phone chargers. For the last one, ask at the lending desk as they are not available at all service points.

You can submit your complaint using the form on our website, in the Library Mailbox and you will receive a response in a short time.

Group Work Booths (Cabinas de Trabajo en Grupo, CTG, in Spanish)

  1. Entra a espacios.um.es o a través de SUMA/Reservas/espacios
  2. Autentícate en Entrada UM.
  3. Elige la biblioteca, día, hora y cabina disponible que sea de tu interés.
  4. Dale a Aceptar

Más información 

Es la cabina de trabajo en grupo que se puede reservar por una persona con esa finalidad.

No, los antiguos alumnos no pueden reservar.


Yes, all branches of the library and the General Library are WIFI zones. But to be able to surf the internet on your computer you have to install the VPN client.


Any member of the university community: students, PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) or PAS (Administration and Services Staff), can suggest the purchase of a work they consider important, which is not in the Library, or the acquisition of more copies of a work already in our collections.

Using the form available at the lending desks of any Library or Annexe, or by filling in the online form

Bibliographic Information

There are two ways: in the main screen of the ALBA Catalogue, select in the drop-down menu "Consult the catalogue of: ..." the library you want to search in and put the author or subject in the line "Search". Another way is, from the option "General Library Catalogue", which performs more precise searches by choosing between one or several search fields: any field, Author, Title, Subject, Publisher and Collection. You can select the library to consult in the option "Searching in: ".

In person, at the information and lending desks.

For online enquiries, you can find information on where to go online in user support .

The library's collection is freely accessible, and users can take their books themselves, which are arranged by subject. Each shelf has a sign with information about its contents. You will soon be familiar with the area where the books you are interested in are located, but if at any time you become disoriented, the staff at the lending desk will show you the correct location.

The journals are grouped in the newspaper libraries by major areas. The Scientific Newspaper Library is located on the first floor of the General Library, the Social Sciences Newspaper Library is in the Luis Vives building, and the Economics Newspaper Library is located on the ground floor of its building. On the La Merced Campus is the Clara Campoamor Newspaper Library, which houses the collection of legal and humanities journals.

Sometimes in the ALBA Catalogue the term "electronic document" appears next to the title of the journal. However, we recommend that you look for it on the Library's website in: information resources, in the electronics journals section.

Interlibrary Loan Service

Preferably, all members of the University of Murcia (teaching and research staff, administration and services staff, students) are users of this Service, although any user external to the University of Murcia who requests it can also access it. Users, scholarship holders or doctoral students, who wish to pass on the invoice at the expense of a Department, must attach written authorisation from the lecturer responsible for that Department.

This service is subject to fees. The form of payment can be charged to the Department (internal relations) or paid privately at any of the bank branches offered by the invoice, which in this case is given to the user.

The following may be requested: books on loan, doctoral theses, etc., as well as photocopies of journal articles or book chapters and microfilm reproductions. Reference works (such as dictionaries, encyclopaedias, etc.), originals of old or rare books, complete issues of journals, etc. are excluded.

University Archive

No, they are not available for loan, but they can be consulted in the Archive by filling in a form. Authorisation from the author is required to take notes or photocopy certain pages.

Because, according to the University Statutes, doctoral theses must be exhibited in the Library for a period of 15 (working) days for consultation by doctors, prior to their reading.

Doctoral Theses on public display