
Consejo Social



null The Plenary of the Social Council agrees to accept the proposal of Chancellor in favor of D. Francisco José Cámara García for his appointment as Manager of the University of Murcia.

The Plenary of the Social Council meeting in ordinary session on 16 March, 2022, agreed to accept the proposal of Chancellor of the University of Murcia, Mr. José Lujar Alcaráz, in favor of Mr. Francisco José Cámara García, for his Appointment as Manager of the University of Murcia. 

Foto del Rector y el Secretario y Presidente del Consejo Social


Consejo Social

Consejo Social

Avda. Teniente Flomesta, 5,
Edif. Convalecencia, 1ª planta
30003 Murcia

Tlf.: 868 88 35 03 - 81 90