
Directives for authors

Every author who wants to publish their book through the Publication Service of University of Murcia (EDITUM) must remember some recommendations and directives that go as follow:

  • EDITUM shall not publish any other than scientific books. Literature, no matter what genre, and other documents like opinion essays, works that were previously published in other resources, thesis, congress certificates, etc. shall be excluded. You can contact the Publication Service for more information.
  • The original works must be previously registered in the copyright registry office. A copy of the receipt will be required. These are the addresses of the copyright registry office in Spain and in Region of Murcia.
  • If you want to publish a book, you will have to fill in the corresponding form, which is available in the website. If you are a foreign author, you will have to send your proposal to the following e-mail: coordinadora.editum@um.es.
  • The authorship of the work, whatever individual or collective, must be correctly stated. Remember that your work will be examined by a programme against plagiarism that will determine whether to accept your work or not.
  • The planned title and subtitle of the work must be stated in the application form.
  • It is required to state the approximate number of pages of the work as well as other basic aspects: body text, pictures, charts, tables, transcripts, etc.
  • It is required an abstract of the work that includes its goals.
  • If the work is a joint publication proposal, the joint publishing house shall be expressly mentioned, as well as the agreement between them if it existed and, in any case, the contact details of the institution or institutions involved no matter if it is a joint publication or just a mere economic cooperation. It will be required the commitment of expenditure issued by the competent institution and it shall be duly prepared in accordance with the law in force.
  • Based on what it is stated above, an estimation of the printing of said work shall be done. The possible economic cooperation and the number of students (in case of the work being a manual) will be kept in mind.
  • It should be noted that every work shall go through a double-blind peer review and get two favourable reports in order to be published in EDITUM.
  • Open books publication shall be regulated by the Open Access Policy of Editum. Publishing house of University of Murcia, which passed on the 2nd October 2020 in the Governing Council of University of Murcia.

Directives for Collections and Series directors

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Calidad en Edición Académica 



Edificio Pleiades. Campus de Espinardo 
30.100 Murcia

Teléfono: 868 88 3013/ 3207

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