Research teams and lines. Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades: Bellas Artes, Literatura, Traducción e Interpretación y Lingüística General e Inglesa

Research teams and lines

Research team: Linguistic and translation studies

Lines of investigation

A. Research Line: English Linguistics.

Description of the research line: This line of research aims to systematically understand research in theoretical (diachronic and synchronic) and applied English linguistics, so that the student can make informed decisions regarding their research work and, at the end of the period of training of the Doctoral Programme, frame their own research in the appropriate epistemological context.


Dr. Aguado Giménez, Pilar
Associate Professor

Dr. Almela Sánchez, Moisés
Associate Professor

Dr. Almela Sánchez-Lafuente, Ángela
Contratada Doctora

Dr. Arboleda Guirao, Inmaculada de Jesús
Contratada Doctora

Dr. Cantos Gómez, Pascual
Full Professor

Dr. Cerezo García, M.ª Lourdes
Associate Professor

Dr. Conde Silvestre, Juan Camilo
Full Professor

Dr. Criado Sánchez, Raquel
Associate Professor

Dr. Cutillas Espinosa, Juan Antonio
Associate Professor

Dr. Hernández Campoy, Juan Manuel
Full Professor

Dr. Manchón Ruiz, Rosa M.ª
Full Professor

Dr. Marín Pérez, María José
Associate Professor

Dr. Marqués Aguado, Teresa de Jesús
Associate Professor

Dr. Mena Martínez, Florentina Micaela
Associate Professor

Dr. Mompeán González, José Antonio
Associate Professor

Dr. Pérez Paredes, Pascual Francisco
Associate Professor

Dr. Valenzuela Manzanares, Javier
Associate Professor

B. Research Line: Historical and Synchronic Linguistics.

Description of the research line: This line of research offers doctoral students the possibility of making their way as researchers in any facet of historical and synchronic linguistics, associated with the Spanish, Greek, Latin, French, Arabic or German languages, as well as from the area of ​​General Linguistics, starting from theoretical or applied methodologies. Likewise, the doctoral student will be able to acquire the skills and competencies necessary to carry out prestigious research within the international scientific community.


Dr. Abad Merino, María Mercedes
Full Professor

Dr. Berná Sicilia, Celia
Doctor Assistant

Dr. Bravo Martín, Ana M.ª
Associate Professor

Dr. Eurrutia Cavero, María Mercedes
Full Professor

Dr. Macías Otón, Elena
Associate Professor

Dr. Madrid Cánovas, Sonia
Associate Professor

Dr. Pellicer García, Lidia
Associate Professor

Dr. Prieto García-Seco, David
Associate Professor

Dr. Provencio Garrigós, Herminia
Associate Professor

Dr. Puche Lorenzo, Miguel Ángel
Associate Professor

Dr. Sánchez Manzanares, M.ª del Carmen
Associate Professor

Dr. Sánchez Martín, Francisco Javier
Associate Professor

Dr. Sánchez Orense, Marta
Associate Professor

C. Research Line: Translation and Interpreting

Description of the Line: The objective of this line of research is to promote advanced research training by generating a space of academic excellence in teaching and translation research. As the final stage of advanced training, this line aims to combine the consolidation of translation knowledge with the development of those competencies and skills necessary to enter the teaching and/or professional world.


Dr. Alessandro, Arianna
Associate Professor

Dr. Beneito Arias, Pablo
Associate Professor

Dr. Cifuentes Férez, Paula
Associate Professor

Dr. Foulquié Rubio, Ana Isabel
Associate Professor

Dr. Goberna Falque, Juan Ramón
Associate Professor

Dr. Mansilla Pérez, Ana Belén
Associate Professor

Dr. Meseguer Cutillas, Purification
Associate Professor

Dr. Navarro Coy, Marta
Associate Professor

Dr. Orts Llopis, María Ángeles
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Ramos Caro, Marina
Associate Professor

Dr. Rojo López, Ana María
Associate Professor

Dr. Sáez Méndez, Leonor
Associate Professor

Dr. Zamora Muñoz, Pablo
Associate Professor

Research team: textuality: literary and theological texts

Lines of investigation

A. Line of Research: Spanish and Latin American Literature.

Line Description: This line of research seeks the systematic understanding of advanced research in literature in the Spanish language. The learning is aimed at transmitting a wide range of theoretical and methodological options so that the student can make informed and properly contextualized decisions about their research and to promote the generation of knowledge, initially within the framework of doctoral research and later in the form of studies. critics that allow progress in their field of study.


Dr. Adsuar Fernández, María Dolores
Associate Professor

Dr. Bagué Quílez, Luis
Associate Professor

Dr. Baquero Escudero, Ana Luisa
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Belmonte Serrano, José
Associate Professor

Dr. Cervera Salinas, Vicente
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Florit Durán, Francisco
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Montoya Juárez, Jesús
Associate Professor

Dr. Pujante Segura, Carmen María
Associate Professor

Dr. Rodríguez Alonso, María de los Ángeles
Associate Professor

Dr. Vicente Gómez, Francisco
Associate Professor

B. Line of Research: Classic Greco-Latin Literature.

Line Description: This line of research seeks the systematic understanding of advanced research in the literatures of the Greco-Latin classical tradition. The learning is aimed at transmitting a wide range of theoretical and methodological options so that the student can make informed and properly contextualized decisions about their research and to promote the generation of knowledge, initially within the framework of doctoral research and later in the form of studies. critics that allow progress in their field of study.


Dr. Calderón Dorda, Esteban
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Fernández Zambudio, Josefa
Associate Professor

Dr. Guarino Ortega, Rosario
Associate Professor

Dr. Miralles Maldonado, José C.
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Morales Ortiz, Alicia
Associate Professor

Dr. Redondo Reyes, Pedro
Associate Professor

Dr. Valverde Sánchez, Mariano
Dr. University Full Professor

C. Research Line: Theology.

Description of the Line: The line of research in Theology aims for doctoral students to apply the knowledge acquired in the field of human sciences to theological research, so that they express it clearly, and integrate the fields of thought typical of the Arts and Humanities to theological reflection, within a fruitful and reciprocal dialogue. Likewise, the integration of theology in the world of standardized academic research is sought, as it was since the beginning of this branch of knowledge.


Dr. Pérez Andreo, Bernardo


Research team: Forms of artistic expression in Humanities: Literature and Fine Arts

Lines of investigation

A. Line of Research: French and Francophone, Romance, Italian, German and Arabic Literature

Description of the Line: This line of research brings together several relatively minority literary traditions in the context of doctoral studies at the University of Murcia. The learning is aimed at transmitting a wide range of theoretical and methodological options so that the student can make informed and properly contextualized decisions about their research and to promote the generation of knowledge, initially within the framework of doctoral research and later in the form of studies. critics that allow progress in their field of study.


Dr. Cremades Cano, Isaac David
Associate Professor

Dr. Esteban Bernabé, Encarna
Associate Professor

Dr. Garrido Clemente, Pilar
Associate Professor

Dr. Hernández González, María Belén
Associate Professor

Dr. Ladrón de Guevara Mellado, Pedro Luis
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Martínez Pérez, Antonia
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Méndez Robles, Pedro Salvador
Associate Professor

Dr. Pagán López, Antonia
Associate Professor

Dr. Ríos Guardiola, María Gloria
Associate Professor

Dr. Sáez Méndez, Leonor
Associate Professor

B. Line of Research: Literature and Cultural Studies in the English Language.

Description of the Line: This line of research seeks the systematic understanding of advanced research in English-language literatures and cultural studies applied to the field of English-speaking communities. The learning is aimed at transmitting a wide range of theoretical and methodological options so that the student can make informed and properly contextualized decisions about their research and to promote the generation of knowledge, initially within the framework of doctoral research and later in the form of studies. critics that allow progress in their field of study.


Dr. Belmonte Ávila, Juan Francisco
Associate Professor

Dr. Calvo López, Clara
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. García Periago, Rosa M.ª
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Gregor, Keith
Associate Professor

Dr. Suárez Sánchez, Juan Antonio
Dr. University Full Professor

C. Line of Research: Fine Arts.

Description of the Line: This line of research puts at the service of students the teaching and research experience of the doctoral faculty assigned to the Center and the Department of Fine Arts of the Faculty of Fine Arts, with the general objective of promoting advanced research training, generating a space of academic excellence, in teaching and artistic research. As the final stage of advanced training, this Doctoral Program aims to combine the consolidation of knowledge within the Fine Arts, with the development of those competencies and skills necessary to enter the teaching and/or professional world.


Dr. Abarca Martínez, Inmaculada
Associate Professor

Dr. Alcaide Ramírez, Aurora
Associate Professor

Dr. Amorós Blasco, María Lorena
Associate Professor

Dr. Aznar Mínguez, Antonio
Associate Professor

Dr. Caballero Cano, Francisco J.
Associate Professor

Dr. Castillo Moriano, Carmen
Associate Professor

Dr. Conesa Tejada, Salvador
Associate Professor

Dr. García López, Antonio
Associate Professor

Dr. López Martín, Elena
Associate Professor

Dr. Martínez Oliva, Jesús Ángel
Associate Professor

Dr. Morgado Aguirre, Borja
Associate Professor

Dr. Ortuño Mengual, Pedro
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Perales Blanco, Verónica
Associate Professor

Dr. Robles Reinaldo, Gerardo Diego
Associate Professor

Dr. Sánchez Giner, María Victoria
Associate Professor

Dr. Santiago Godos, María Victoria
Associate Professor

Dr. Santos Sánchez-Guzmán, Eva María
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Segura Cabañero, Jesús
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Simó Mulet, Antonio
Associate Professor

Dr. Tejeda Martín, M.ª Isabel
Dr. University Full Professor

Dr. Tornero Sanchís, Josep
Associate Professor