Perfil de ingreso y criterios de admisión Doctorado en Artes y Humanidades: Bellas Artes, Literatura, Teología, Traducción e Interpretación y Lingüística General e Inglesa

Admission profile

The Doctorate Programme in Arts and Humanities includes the training of doctors related to Fine Arts, Theology and Classical and Modern Languages ​​(in the areas of Linguistics, Language Technologies, Literature, Translation and Interpreting). The programme contains nine research lines that foster multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity:

1. Research line: English Linguistics

2. Research line: Historical and Synchronic Linguistics

3. Research line: Translation and Interpreting

4. Research line: Spanish and Latin American Literature

5. Research line: Classical Greco-Latin Literature

6. Research line: Theology

7. Research line: Literature (French and Francophone, Romance, Italian, German, Arabic)

8. Research line: Literature and Cultural Studies in the English Language

9. Research line: Fine Arts

The Doctoral Programme in Arts and Humanities is especially aimed at students with Bachelor's degrees of 300 ECTS credits or Bachelor's degrees of 240 ECTS credits in Fine Arts, Philologies, Modern Languages, Translation and Interpretating or Theology who have completed a master's degree in specialization in these areas of at least 60 ECTS credits. In addition, the admission of graduates in other specialties not belonging to the preferred profile will be considered, assessing their scientific relationship with the Programme and whether they intend to carry out interdisciplinary research, which will require complementary training.

Depending on the student's entry profile, the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme will assess the assignment of the most scientifically appropriate tutor and director with said training and with the corresponding research line to which the student will be assigned.

The official languages of the doctoral programme are Spanish and English for some training activities. These activities will be offered in a bilingual format, with two different groups, so that students will have the opportunity to choose whether to follow them in one language or another. Duly justified use of Spanish at the B2 level will be required for those students whose first language is not Spanish. It is also recommended that students have a B2 level of English as the usual language for scientific communication.

According to the internal rules at the University of Murcia (Article 7, Rector’s Resolution 42/2012, of 6 February) access to PhD programmes is subject to the following requirements:

1. For a candidate to be admitted to any doctoral programme at the University of Murcia, in accordance with Article 6 of the Royal Legislative Decree 99/2011, of 28 January, it is necessary that the candidate be in possession of an official Bachelor’s degree or equivalent and a Master’s degree.

2. In addition, students may also be admitted to any doctoral programmes if they:

a) Have an official Spanish university degree, or that of another country belonging to the European Higher Education Area, giving access to a Master’s degree programme and have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits of official university studies (at least 60 ECTS t Master's degree level).

b) Have an official Spanish Graduate Diploma consisting of at least 300 ECTS, as established by EU law. These graduates must compulsorily complete the complementary training referred to in Article 7.2 of the Royal Legislative Decree 99/2011, unless the syllabus of the corresponding degree included credits in research training that are equivalent to the research credits in master's degree programmes.

c) Are university graduates who, after obtaining a training place in the corresponding exam to access specialised health training, have successfully passed at least two years training in a programme to obtain the official qualification of one of the specialities in Health Sciences.

d) Have a qualification obtained in accordance with foreign education systems. In this case, the qualification need not be officially recognised as the University of Murcia will verify that it accredits a training level equivalent to that of official Spanish Master's degrees and gives access to doctoral studies in the country where it was issued. This admission does not imply, in any case, the official homologation of a student’s previous degrees nor its recognition for purposes others than accessing doctoral studies.

e) Are in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained according to previous university regulations.

f) Be in possession of an official university degree that has obtained correspondence to level 3 of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education, in accordance with the procedure established in the Royal Legistative Decree 967/2014, of November 21, by which the requirements and procedure are established for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to a degree and to an official university academic level and for the validation of foreign Higher Education studies, and the procedure to determine correspondence to the levels of the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Education Superior of the official titles of Architect, Engineer, Graduate, Technical Architect, Technical Engineer and Diploma.

3. In addition, graduates, architects or engineers who are in possession of the Diploma of Advanced Studies, obtained in accordance with the provisions of Royal Decree 778/1998, of 30 April, or had reached the investigative sufficiency regulated in Royal Legislative Decree 185/1985, of January 23.

4. Access to doctoral studies regulated by Royal Legislative Decree 99/2011 from previous official Spanish university degrees (Spanish bachelor's degrees and Spanish Higher Engineering degrees) to those regulated by the Royal Legislative Decree 1393/2007.

Admission criteria

In addition to the access requirements and general admissions criteria established by RD 99/2011 (Art. 6) and Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia (R 42/2012), the Doctoral Programme also has the following admission criteria. Preference access is granted to:

1. applicants in possession of any of the following master's degrees from the University of Murcia or the Theological Institute of Murcia OFM:

    • Master’s degree in Artistic Production and Management
    • Master’s degree in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
    • Master’s degree in Advanced Linguistic Studies
    • Master’s degree in English Language and Literature: Research Orientation and Academic Applications
    • Master’s degree in European Comparative Literature
    • Master’s degree in Editorial Translation
    • Master’s degree in Theology
    • Master's degree in Teacher Training (Secondary Education)

2. Those in possession of equivalent foreign master's degrees, with prior rectoral authorization after verification of the level of training approved for access.


4. Applicants from equivalent Doctoral Programs (of the preferred profile) who have not been able to complete their doctoral thesis but did obtain the Diploma of Advanced Studies in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or achieved Sufficiency Researcher regulated by Royal Legislative Decree 185/1985, of January 23.


Exceptionally, the admission of graduates in other specialties not belonging to the preferred profile will be considered, assessing their scientific relationship with the PhD Programme and whether they intend to carry out interdisciplinary research. However, they will be subject to the completion of the complementary training.


As a general admission criterion applicable to all profiles, a B2 level of Spanish will be required for foreigners who do not have Spanish as their mother tongue.

The selection criteria will be applied when the number of applicants who meet the admission criteria is greater than the number of places offered by the Program.

Irrespective of the provisions of article 7 of the R.D. 99/2011, of January the 28th, selection and admission to the Doctoral Programme in Arts and Humanities is subject to the following rules:

1.The selection criteria will be published on the website in advance of the start of the pre-registration process for each year, so that applicants are aware of them.

a) The selection process will be carried out by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme. To this end, when the number of applicants who meet the admission criteria is greater than the number of places offered by the Program, the Academic Committee will prioritize those applications from students who have completed master's studies considered preferential (see Admission Criteria) and will apply the following for the selection of candidates:

- An assessment of the academic record: up to 60% of the total evaluation of the selective process, including candidates’ mean grade in studies (40%) and any extraordinary academic awards (20%).

- An assessment of the curriculum and its adaptation to the entry profile: up to 40%, including publications (15%), participation in conferences (15%), and stays in other research centers (10%).

If necessary, the Academic Committee will use additional criteria (transparent and public) that guarantee the numerical balance of admissions in the different profiles of the PhD Programme based on the proportional distribution of the 90 places of the Programme for the nine profiles of the research lines (10 places) and the assignment of vacancies to profiles with greater demand from other research lines not meeting their number of places. Furthermore, following the criteria established by the University of Murcia, a 5% quota will be reserved for students with disabilities.

b) The appropriate resolution regarding admission to the Doctoral Programme will be issued by the rector at the proposal of the program’s Academic Committee and without prejudice to the delegation of powers or signature of the Director of the EIDUM.

2.-The lists of those selected and admitted to the Doctoral Programme will be published on the Notice Board of the International Doctoral School of the University of Murcia. Each candidate will also be individually notified by email of the outcome of the process. Other means of advertising may be established by resolution of the rector.

3.-The provisions established yearly in the regulations and instructions for admissions and enrollment at the University of Murcia will also apply to the admission process.

4.-In the case of students with special educational needs derived from disabilities, the selection and admission systems and procedures must include appropriate support and advisory services. These services will evaluate the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.

Students with special educational needs

Article 8 of the Doctoral Regulations of the University of Murcia states that the selection and admission systems and procedures will include the pertinent actions to favoring the equality in the conditions of access and integration in all aspects of students with special educational needs derived from disabilities. To this aim, the Diversity and Volunteering Service (AdyV) which will evaluate the need for possible curricular adaptations.

Number of places offered: 90