Perfil de ingreso y criterios de admisión Doctorado en Biología Molecular y Biotecnología

Admission criteria

Selection and admission to the Doctoral Programme in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology will be carried out by the programme Academic Commission, the composition of which will be in accordance with Article 35 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia (R-42/2012, BOE nº 35, 11 February. 2012).

Throughout the selection process, the Academic Commission of the Doctoral Programme will take into account the criteria established in art. 8 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia (R-42/2012), without prejudice to those specifically established by the Programme, as follows:

  • For admission to the Doctoral programme, students must previously be accepted into one of the research groups responsible for delivering the programme.
  • The Academic Commission of the Doctoral Programme will also evaluate other merits: academic record, prior training and experience in research methodology, knowledge of English, etc.
  • The Academic Commission may, if deemed convenient, call applicants for a personal interview to provide the final resolution of the application in case of tied candidates and/or if further clarification on the claimed merits is required.
  • The Academic Commission will ensure students with specific educational needs resulting from disability receive appropriate advisory and support services. The need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies will be determined. To this end, the University of Murcia counts on the Personal Guidance and Advisory Service (SAOP), including a Support Unit for students with disabilities and/or special needs. This unit supports university students with physical, sensory and intellectual disabilities who request it. It seeks to ensure equal conditions with the rest of the students and full integration into the University of Murcia and its academic life.

According to Article 5 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia (R-42/2012), PhD studies may be carried out on a part-time basis, as detailed in the Regulations for Progression and Permanency (R-429/2011) of 23 October. However, even when the requirements to carry out part-time studies are met, prior authorisation by the Academic Commission is needed. In the case of part-time studies, the admission requirements and procedures will be the same as those described above and the admission and selection process will be restricted to the number of places offered by the Doctoral Programme.

Admissions profile

Generally speaking, students interested in this programme must have a master's degree related to Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or another related subject. The following two entry profiles are established:

Entry profile without training complements:

Master's degree programmes allowing access to this Doctoral Programme without further training will be: "Master in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology" offered by the University of Murcia.

Other profiles:

Students who have completed a related master’s degree programme other than that mentioned above or have a Degree of at least 300 credits, will be individually assessed by the Academic Commission, which will consider the possibility of requiring additional training.

Generally speaking, students should have the following prior knowledge and skills:

  • Initiative, entrepreneurship, and motivation for quality.
  • Ability to identify problems, find original solutions and apply them in a research or professional context.
  • Knowledge of working appropriately in labs with biological and chemical material including responsible management of safety, handling, and disposal of waste with respect to environment.
  • Ability to analyse, synthesise, organise, plan and communicate in Spanish and in English at least at A2 level.
  • Ability to formulate judgments on the current and future ethical and social issues posed by biotechnological sciences in general.
  • Ability to update and continue studies in a self-directed and autonomous way, collecting and selecting the necessary information that enables original research and which brings about new knowledge.
  • Knowledge of the organisation and function of living organisms at cellular and molecular level; a good understanding of the biochemical complexity of living beings.
  • Knowledge of the experimental technologies and systems used in research within the field of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
  • Ability to apply the theory to practice use in the context of a research laboratory in the field of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
  • Knowledge of information technologies (bibliographic databases) to process scientific and technical information.
  • Ability to identify a significant issue or hypothesis on a topic or problem and formulate objectives, design and follow-up of a project to address its solution.
  • Ability to develop, present and defend original research work within the field of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.
  • Recognise emerging and relevant areas in the field of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology.

Students with Special Educational Needs

Article 8 of the Doctorate Regulations of the University of Murcia states that in the event of students with special educational needs derived from a disability, the selection and admissions systems and procedures will include the relevant action to favour, as far as possible, equality in the access conditions and integration in all aspects. To do so, the Service of Attention to Diversity and Volunteers (ADV) will evaluate the need for possible syllabus adaptations).

Number of available places: 40