
Doctorado en Física de la Materia Condensada, Nanociencia y Biofísica (Interuniversitario)

Doctorado en Física de la Materia Condensada, Nanociencia y Biofísica

The nanometric scale is a meeting point for different scientific disciplines, amongst which special mention should be given to Physics, Materials Science, and Biology. For that reason, it would seem appropriate to develop a doctorate that is specific to this multidisciplinary character. The Doctorate Programme in Physics of Condensed Matter, Nanoscience and Biophysics is the result of the unification of the Inter-university Doctorate in Physics of Condensed Matter and Nanotechnology and the Doctorate in Biophysics. As a result, we offer a pluri-disciplinary programme, oriented towards the training in excellence of new researchers, and which is multi-territorial.


Jaime Virgilio Colchero Paetz
 Facultad de Química
Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 30100
+34 868 88 8273
+34 868 88 4148

Portal de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 88 88

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