
PhD in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

Doctorado en Química Teórica y Modelización Computacional

Doctoral Programme in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

The PhD programme in "Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling" is an interuniversity programme involving the Autonomous University of Madrid; the Complutense University of Madrid; the University of Barcelona; the University of Cantabria; the University of Extremadura; the University of the Balearic Islands; the University of Oviedo; the University of Seville; the University of Vigo; the University of the Basque Country; the Jaume I University of Castellón; the University of Valencia and the University of Murcia.

The aim of this programme is to prepare experts in the use and development of computational techniques with applications in very diverse fields ranging from chemical reactivity, spectroscopy or catalysis to bioinformatics, materials science, or polymers. The strongly interdisciplinary character of this programme enables the fundamental areas of Chemistry to be covered: organic, inorganic, solid state chemistry, spectroscopy, kinetics, catalysis, polymers, mass spectrometry, molecular design, as well as fundamental areas of Physics: atomic and molecular physics, physics of condensed matter and materials, and several areas of biochemistry, bioinformatics, biological chemistry and medical chemistry.

Once students have completed this doctoral programme:

  • They will have demonstrated a systematic understanding of the methodology used in Theoretical Chemistry and mastery of the skills and research methods related to simulation in Chemistry.
  • They will have made a contribution to knowledge in simulation in Chemistry, developing a substantial corpus to be published nationally or internationally.
  • They will be able to carry out a critical analysis of the methodologies used, and the results obtained, as well as the assessment and synthesis of new and complex ideas.
  • They will be able to conceive, design, implement, and adopt a substantial research process with academic seriousness and scientific rigour.
  • They will be able to communicate with their colleagues in the field of Chemistry (or in other related areas) at both experimental and theoretical level, with the academic community and with society about the predictions made or the rationalisation of experimental evidence using methods of Theoretical Chemistry.
  • They will be able to promote, in academic and professional contexts, technological and scientific progress within a society based on knowledge and respect for: (a) fundamental rights and equal opportunities for men and women, (b) the principles of equal opportunities and universal accessibility for persons with disabilities, and (c) the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.
  • They will have an overview of the different applications of Theoretical Chemistry in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Materials Science, Astrophysics and Catalysis. The interuniversity nature of the doctoral programme will allow them to get to know different groups working in these areas in Spain.


D. Adolfo Bastida Pascual
Facultad de Química
Campus Universitario de Espinardo, 30100
+34 868 88 7479
+34 868 88 4148

Portal de Estudios de la Universidad de Murcia
Teléfono: 868 88 88 88

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