Other Contracts


 Hercules Ontologies Network

The project aims to carry out a Service consisting of the development of an ontological infrastructure (Hercules Ontology Network, ROH) that integrates the two ROHs developed within the framework of the OISA project (Semantic Architecture and Ontological Infrastructure) of the HERCULES-Semantics Project of University Research Data for the University of Murcia.

The contractor SIGMA Gestión universitaria, A.I.E. must analyze the two proposed ontologies, which we will call ROH1 and ROH2, and will result in the ROH3 ontology (OWL version) resulting from the fusion of both and contemplating, additionally, improvements that add greater consistency to the model. For it:

  • The use of ontological standards and reuse of methods and structures in accordance with existing ontologies will be ensured when any of the ASIO structures in the merger proposal are reviewed (for improvement).
  • The hierarchies that are considered most appropriate from among those existing in the ontologies will be adapted (or eventually, improved).
  • The consistency of the ontology created will be tested and documented.
  • An OWL version of the ROH3 ontology will be delivered.

To do this, the contractor will have to make an analysis of the two ROHs developed to find the alignments, equivalence relationships, inconsistencies between their content. This analysis will serve as a starting point for the development of the integrated ROH (ROH3).

It will contain:

  • Own ontologies.
  • External ontologies that are reused.
  • Standard and external vocabularies conversions to supplement and increase ROH.
Concept Budget without VAT VAT Total
ROH3 14.900,00 € 3.129,00 € 18.029,00 €

Ended. SIGMA Management university, A.I.E. has delivered the Hercules Ontology Network.

The documentation can be accessed through the following GitHub link:


Access to the paper made by the developers and participants clicking here or GitHub

Accede al artículo realizado por las empresas que han participado en el proyecto, pinchando aquí o en el respositorio GitHub


The purpose of this contract is to supply a hyperconventional storage and process infrastructure to support the development of the HERCULES project. This infrastructure will comprise hardware elements, as well as the software with the necessary licenses for its correct operation.

Likewise, the services necessary for the installation, optimal configuration and commissioning of the acquired solution must be included, as well as the guarantee of all the constituent elements of the supply, both hardware and software.

For the correct execution of the actions included in the object of the agreement signed between the MICIU and the University of Murcia (HERCULES Project: Semantics of University Research Data) the acquisition of the necessary equipment is required to implement all the phases of the development cycle of the platform, as well as the allocation of resources and actions that optimally enable the tasks that are planned for the planned execution period.

Estimated value of the contract: 173,553.72 €

Amount: 210,000 €



  • Hercules Advertising Standards Manual.
