
Expected results

New goods or services in the market.

HERCULES:  University Research Data Semantics will introduce in the market new web semantic techniques that will allow to obtain new information from the integration of information from multiple nodes with heterogeneous ontologies and vocabularies, making possible a greater inductive knowledge from apparently unconnected data. These techniques will be applicable to geographic environments and knowledge of all kinds, allowing market players their inclusion in new products and services given their licensing as free software.


Public service improvements.

The expected public service improvements from HERCULES: University Research Data Semantics in the single action line "Semantic Interoperability of University Research Information Nodes" are the following:

  • To improve the efficiency in the management of research in software licenses and maintenance of expenses.
  • Greater efficiency in public investment: decrease in duplication of investment in R&D&I.
  • Improve the efficiency of research in universities.
  • Improve scientific dissemination of research results.
  • Create a research management system with semantic capacities and infrastructures.
  • Create support systems for the detection of synergies in R&D between universities.
  • Possess semantic capabilities to strengthen the transfer of R&D results to companies.
  • Create a system of cost analysis in universities (in research).