Newsletter 1 HRS4R-UMU




Newsletter HRS4R-UMU nº1 

UMU Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

What is the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R?

Human Resources Strategy for Researchers” (HRS4R) is a tool launched by the European Commission to support universities and research institutions in the implementation of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for hiring Researchers. The aim of these is to contribute to the development of an attractive European labour market for researchers.

The University of Murcia signed the adhesion to the principles described in the "European Charter for Researchers" and the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" in 2013.

Source: Canal Youtube ESHorizonte2020

Since 2018 the UMU has been working to define the "Human Resources Strategy for Researchers" (HRS4R), which underlines the institutional commitment to promote and improve recruitment, working conditions and research careers, thus contributing to the development of the European Research Area.

At the end of this process, we will receive the “HR Excellence in Research”, the quality award granted by the European Commission identifying universities and institutions generating and supporting a stimulating and favourable work environment for research.

Actions undertaken...

  • 1. At the beginning of 2018, a website was created:  All the information related to HRS4R UMU strategy is avaible in this website
  • 2. Last 9th October 2018 an Open information Session was carried out at the University of Murcia to present to the university Staff, the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

María Senena Corbalán, Vice-Chancellor for Internationalisation, Francisco Javier García, Vice-Chancellor for Quality, Culture and Communication, and Antonio Skarmeta, Coordinator of International Projects and Research Strategies presented to the University Staff the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at the University of Murcia aimed at obtaining the “HR Excellence in Research”, the quality award granted by the European Commissionpresented the university community with the Human Resources strategy for UMU researchers, with the aim of obtaining the quality seal awarded by the European Commission "HR Excellence in Research" (HRS4R). 

  • 3. In order to apply for the "HR Excellence in Research" seal, it is necessary to carry out an internal analysis of the entity, in order to know the degree of alignment with the charter and code, and to detect the gaps that exist between the principles identified in these documents and the institution's strategy.

For this reason, a first survey of researchers at the University of Murcia was carried out between 29 October and 22 November 2018. The survey focused on issues related to the 40 principles of the Charter and the Code, which are divided into 4 thematic blocks:

- Ethical and Professional Aspects
- Recruitment and Selection
- Working Conditions and Social Security
- Training and Development

The results of this survey are available on the Web "HRS4R-UMU - PHASE INITIAL Documentation".

Presentation on the survey.

Survey results

  • 4. Following the internal analysis, an Action Plan was drawn up and submitted to the European Commission in March 2019.

Internal Analysis

Action Plan

The documents are available in the section "HRS4R-UMU: PHASE INITIAL Documentation" of the website:

Right now!

The HRS4R implementation process consists of three phases:

1) Initial phase

2) Implementation phase

3) Recognition renewal phase, through periodic evaluations and continuous improvement of the Action Plan.

The Universidad de Murcia submitted the revised documentation required by the European Commission last November 2019, therefore the Initial phase of the process has been completed:



HRS4R implementation procedure


Next steps:

The UMU Action Plan submitted to the European Commission for the achievement of the HRS4R award involve actions to be inplementd in the last quarter of 2019, such as:

1. Translation of the main landing pages of UMU website related to the HSR4R strategy:

2. Publication of positions linked to international research projects in Euraxess:

3. Creation of a specific web page to inform about the process of obtaining the Award

4. Publication of a Newsletter to inform the university community about the HSR4R strategy at UMU

Date: December 2019



These activities are co-funded by ERDF Operational Programme of the Region of Murcia 2014-2020,
Line of Action 2: “Guidance, search for partners and funding for International R&D&I Projects”