Biodiversidad de vertebrados

Material Talleres-Prácticas

pdf Sesión TP1
pdf Claves de identificación de Peces continentales
Peces continentales de la península ibérica - Fauna endémica – Imágenes (Vídeo 1; Vídeo 2).

pdf Sesión TP2
pdf Claves de identificación de larvas de Anfibios
Guía visual de los anfibios de Pinoso

pdf Sesión TP3

pdf Sesión TP4
pdf Introducción al proceso de la Lista Roja de la UICN
How to search the Red List


Material Seminarios

Revisión, análisis y exposición de publicaciones (formato artículo científico) sobre vertebrados de la Península Ibérica, especialmente referentes a especies o grupos faunísticos presentes en el sureste ibérico.
Entre los objetivos se pretende familiarizar al alumnado con trabajos científicos de diferentes áreas (biología poblacional, genética de poblaciones, ecología de comunidades, etc.) cuyos resultados son aplicables en la gestión ambiental.



Peces epicontinentales
  • Aparicio E et al. 2000. Decline of native freshwater fishes in a Mediterranean watershed on the Iberian Peninsula: a quantitative assessment. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 59: 11-19. Abstract
  • Aparicio E et al. 2011. Development and evaluation of a fish based index to assess biological integrity of Mediterranean streams. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 21: 324-337. Abstract
  • Araguas RM et al. 2007. Management of gene diversity in the endemic killifish Aphanius iberus: revisiting Operational Conservation Units. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 16(2): 257-266. Abstract
  • Casas JJ et al. (2011). The paradox of the conservation of an endangered fish species in a Mediterranean region under agricultural intensification. Biological Conservation, 114: 253-262. Abstract
  • Clavero M et al. 2004. Fish fauna in Iberian Mediterranean river basins: biodiversity, introduced species and damming impacts. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 14: 575-585. Abstract
  • Oliva-Paterna FJ et al. 2003. Habitat quality affects the Condition of Barbus sclateri in Mediterranean semi-arid streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 67: 13-22. Abstract
  • Oliva-Paterna FJ et al. 2009. Biology of the endangered cyprinodontid Aphanius iberus in a saline wetland (SE Iberian Peninsula). Italian Journal of Zoology, 76(3): 316-329. Abstract
  • Ruiz-Navarro A. et al. 2012. Dilution stress facilitates colonization of invasive mosquito fish in a saline Mediterranean stream: population biology response. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Abstract

Anfibios y reptiles
  • Anadón JD et al. 2006. Factors determining the distribution of the spur-thighed tortoise Testudo graeca in south-east Spain : a hierarchical approach. Ecography, 29: 339-346. Abstract
  • Bosch J et al. 2006. Effects of Introduced Salmonids on a Montane Population of Iberian Frogs. Conservation Biology 20: 180-189. Abstract
  • Egea-Serrano A et al. 2006. Amphibians in the Region of Murcia (SE Iberian Peninsula): conservation status and priority areas. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 29(1): 81-94. Abstract
  • Egea-Serrano A et al. 2006. Breeding habitat selection of Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) in the most arid zone of its European distribution range: application to conservation management. Hydrobiologia, 560: 363-371. Abstract
  • Rey Benayas, J.M. et al. 2006. Identifying areas of high herpetofauna diversity that are threatened by planned infrastructure projects in Spain. Journal of Environmental Management, 79: 279-289. Abstract
  • Santos, X. et al. 2006. Inferring habitat-suitability areas with ecological modelling techniques and GIS: A contribution to assess the conservation status of Vipera latastei. Biological Conservation 130: 416-425. Abstract
  • Pérez, I. et al. 2004. Non-commercial collection of spur-thighed tortoises (Testudo graeca graeca): a cultural problem in southeast Spain. Biological Conservation 118: 175-181. Abstract

  • Abellán et al. 2011. Efficiency of a protected-area network in a Mediterranean region: a multispecies assessment with raptors. Environmental Management, 47: 983–991. Abstract
  • Carrete, M. et al. 2005. Demography and habitat availability in territorial occupancy of two competing species. Oikos, 108: 125-136. Abstract
  • Carrillo C et al. 2006. Northward expansion of a desert bird: effects of climate change? Ibis, 149: 166-169. Abstract
  • Gil-Tena A et al. 2007. Effects of forest composition and structure on bird species richness in a Mediterranean context: Implications for forest ecosystem management. Forest Ecology and Management, 242: 470-476. Abstract
  • Jiménez MV et al. 2011. Territorial occupancy dynamics in a forest raptor community. Oecologia,166: 507-516. Abstract
  • Martínez J et al. 2005. Aquatic birds as bioindicators of trophic changes and ecosystem deterioration in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain). Hydrobiologia, 550: 221–235. Abstract
  • Martínez JA et al. 2006. How to manage human-induced mortality in the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo. Bird Conservation International, 16: 265–278. Abstract
  • Martínez JE et al. 2006. Factors influencing territorial occupancy and reproductive output in the Booted Eagle Hieraaetus pennatus. Ibis, 148: 807-819. Abstract
  • Martínez JE et al. 2010. Potential impact of wind farms on territories of large eagles in south-eastern Spain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19: 3757-3767. Abstract
  • Oro D & Martínez-Abrain A. 2007.Deconstructing myths on large gulls and their impact on threatened sympatric waterbirds. Animal Conservation, 10: 117–126. Abstract
  • Osborne PE et al. 2007. Behavioural mechanisms that undermine species envelope models: the causes of patchiness in the distribution of great bustards Otis tarda in Spain. Ecography, 30: 819-828. Abstract
  • Acevedo P et al. 2007. Invasive exotic aoudad (Ammotragus lervia) as a major threat to native Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica): a habitat suitability model approach. Diversity and Distributions, 13: 587-597. Abstract
  • Barbosa AM et al. 2003. Otter (Lutra lutra) distribution modeling at two resolution scales suited to conservation planning in the Iberian Peninsula. Biological Conservation, 114: 377-387. Abstract
  • Lisón F & JF Calvo. 2011. The significance of water infrastructures for the conservation of bats in a semiarid Mediterranean landscape. Abstract
  • Prenda J et al. 2001. Conservation of otter (Lutra lutra) in a Mediterranean area: the importance of habitat quality and temporal variation in water availability. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 11. Abstract
  • Rodríguez A & Delibes M. 2004. Patterns and causes of non-natural mortality in the Iberian lynx during a 40-year period of range contraction. Biological Conservation, 118: 151-161. Abstract
  • Virgós E et al. 2002. A comparison on the response to forest fragmentation by medium-sized Iberian carnivores in central Spain. Biodiversity and Conservation, 11: 1063-1079. Abstract