


In 1915, the year the University of Murcia was refounded (it was originally founded in 1272), there were only around 10 different Universities in all of Spain. No sciences studies were taught by then. It took nearly forty years until the University of Murcia (UMU) started teaching the first course of its Bachelor of Sciences in 1954, covering the five classical disciplines: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology. This first course granted access to studies in any of those disciplines, except for Mathematics, which was unavailable at the time. It was later, in 1975, when the Faculty of Sciences created a fully independent Bachelor of Sciences in Mathematics.

In 1980 our first students graduated from our faculty. In the mid 80’s, the Departments of Mathematics (covering the areas of Algebra, Geometry and Topology and Analysis) and Applied Mathematics and Statistics were created. In 1996, the later department segregated into two different ones: Statistics and Operations Research and Applied Mathematics. Those departments are in charge of almost all the subjects taught in the bachelor and master degrees in mathematics.


It was in 1991 when the Faculty of Mathematics was founded, and received its own building in the Campus of Espinardo. Then, in 1994, it moved to the current building, which was inaugurated by the kings of Spain.