

This action line aims to support and encourage the participation of researchers in entities and forums for the definition of EU strategies and work programmes, to support proposals in Brussels, to participate in Infodays for the presentation of proposals and to increase visibility in Community actions linked to research, the formation of European consortia and contacts with the Commission and national research management bodies.

Types of actions

  • Attending personally and virtually (from March 2020) to national and international infodays, seminars and thematic workshops in the different areas of the Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe programmes, as well as other R&D&I programmes (LIFE, EIC, COST, PRIMA, BBI, etc.).
  • European events held in Brussels, attended by representatives of institutions interested in the preparation of proposals. 
  • Brainstorming of project ideas in order to create consortia.
  • Participation and attendance at the meetings of the Working Groups of the European Offices Network of the CRUE (Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities) and of the national Euraxess network, as UMU is the contact point of the Network. 
  • Call for applications to aid scheme “Elena Vidal” for Networking activities of UMU research groups to participate in Horizon 2020 and other European and International Research Programmes.
  • Advisory meetings for the preparation of proposals.
  • Networking events.
  • Initiatives to promote participation in Health Challenges, SSH. 


The common denominator of all the Networking actions is the improvement of knowledge for the preparation of proposals, the expansion of the network of contacts to promote the formation of consortia and the increase of the visibility of the University.
The participation in specific seminars on focused topics allows the Office in particular and the University in general to improve the preparation of the proposals to be submitted to the different programmes, which are increasingly competitive, and also to improve the management of the projects once they have been awarded.

Being prepared and positioning the Universidad de Murcia for the new Horizon Europe Programme (2021-2027) is one of the institution's priorities at the moment, which is why the presence of the UMU in the events organised at national and international level on this subject is so important, as they increase visibility in community actions linked to research, the formation of European consortiums and contacts with the Commission.

Action related to NETWORKING CMN in 2018

  • Call for applications to aid scheme “Elena Vidal” for Networking activities of UMU research groups in order to participate in the Horizon 2020 Programme and other European and international research programmes for 2018:

Resolution of The University of Murcia's Vice-chancellor publishing the call for applications to aid scheme "Elena Vidal" for Networking activities for researchers activities for UMU research groups to participate in Horizon 2020 and other european and international programmes for 2018. (TOUM 20 April 2018)

Resolution of the University of Murcia’s Vice-chancellor appointing the beneficiaries of the aid scheme “Elena Vidal” for Networking activities of UMU research groups in order to participate in the Horizon 2020 Programme and other European and international research programmes for 2018. (TOUM 2 November 2017)

These activities are co-funded by ERDF Operational Programme of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia 2014-2020,
Line of Action 2: “Guidance, search for partners and funding for International R&D&I Projects”