Validate my academic qualifications


A.1. How can I validate my previous studies?

Just follow these steps:

  • Certify your secondary school studies to the Spanish Bachiller degree at the Ministry of Education, Government of Spain.
  • Pass the Test of Specific Competences (PCE) that the UNED organizes and for which accreditation will be issued.

For these purposes, the University of Murcia will consider that the test has been passed with the attendance and passing of at least two of the subjects indicated as Specific Competences Test (PCE) carried out at the UNED.

Check the chart of Bachiller and FP University of Murcia.

A.2. How can you access the Spanish Bachiller diploma?

It is simple, you only have to fill in the application for pre-enrollment in undergraduate studies via Internet, through the website, within the period established for each academic year.

A.3. How to access undergraduate studies with partial or total foreign university studies that have not been recognized?

  • First of all, you must apply for admission to continue your studies, having a minimum of 30 recognized credits.
  • The application must be submitted to the secretary's office of the Faculty where the studies are being taught.
  • As a general rule, the deadline is from May 15 to June 15 and from July 16 to September 5.

A.4. How can I access undergraduate studies with higher education studies completed abroad that have already been homologated?

  • You must pre-register for undergraduate studies online, through the website by the deadline established for each academic year.

A.5. How to access Master's studies?

  • Be in possession of degrees of the same level as the Spanish Bachelor's or Master's degree issued by universities and institutions of higher education of a country of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which in that country allows access to Master's studies.
  • Pre-register for Master's studies online, through the website within the period established for each academic year.

A.6. How to access PhD studies?

  • Applicants must be in possession of an official university degree from a country belonging to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which qualifies them for access to a Master's degree in accordance with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of October 29, 2007, and have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at the Master's degree level.
  • Pre-register for PhD studies through the website, within the period established for each academic year.

A.7. How to become a Guest Student -process, requirements, conditions and validity-?

The figure of Guest Student may be acquired by those students who, having legal access to university studies, wish to broaden their training by taking subjects corresponding to official Bachelor's or Master's Degree studies at the University of Murcia in an extracurricular way. Always, under the protection of the Statutes of the University of Murcia.

You may be a Guest Student:

  • If you are pursuing university studies at another national or foreign institution and wish to take subjects taught at our institution, even if you do not belong to a mobility program or there is no agreement with your home institution.
  • If you are not currently studying at a university, but you have access to UMU.
  • If you have already obtained a university degree at another university and wish to return to the lecture halls to take complementary training.

The registration will be made at the secretary's office of the corresponding Center, within the ordinary deadlines approved in the registration rules for each academic year.

Up to half of the credits of a Bachelor's Degree may be passed.

In case of later access to the corresponding degree at the University of Murcia, the credits passed as a Guest Student will have full academic effects in the official transcript.

Consult the list of courses offered here:

  1. 8. Guidance on the issuance of the European Qualifications Passport for Refugees.

More info at:

Description of the document:

The European Qualifications Passport for Refugees is a standardized document consisting of two parts: the assessment part and the explanatory part. The assessment part of the European Qualifications Passport contains information on the highest qualification(s) obtained, academic discipline, other relevant qualifications, as well as relevant work experience and language proficiency (where this can be demonstrated). The explanatory part contains information on the status of the document and a brief description.

Responsible Service:

Academic Management UMU.

José Reche Alonso

Head of Academic Management Area

Tf. 868 88 3338


Vice-rectorate of Studies and Vice-rectorate of Internationalization UMU.