Legal Clinic

The Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law at UM, functioning since September 2018, seeks to provide students with opportunities of gaining practical experience and social awareness, particularly through the work with partner NGOs and entities working on legal matters with significant social value. The students carry out this work under the supervision and guidance of the Faculty's professors that function as tutors within the Clinic.

The Clinic at our Faculty of Law is currently partnering with NGOs at the local, national and European level (and searching to build further alliances), among them: Fundación Cepaim (; Plena Inclusión (; and Women's Link Worldwide (, that work respectively with migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, and people at risk of social exclusion; persons with mental and intellectual disabilities; and women's rights and gender equality.

So far the Clinic has carried out work in the following areas:

  • Follow-up of the UN CEDAW Committee's report on Spain and follow-up recommendations, included in the Bulletin of Cepaim for International Women's Day, 8 March 2019.
  • Reports and input to UN human rights monitoring bodies, concretely:
    • to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, on accountability mechanisms regarding social and economic rights in Spain (together with Fundación Cepaim); and
    • to the UN Committee on the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, on immigration detention in Spain (together with Fundación Cepaim). UN reference to the Clinic's input here:
  • Drafting of the proposal of legal reform in Spain to adapt its national legislation to its international obligations regarding the rights of stateless persons.
  • Organization of an event at UM of the European Network on Statelessness, together with Fundación Cepaim and supported by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (17 October 2019). 
  • The Clinic has also coordinated the participation of the two teams of students that represented the UM Faculty of Law in the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and the Europa Moot Court Competition (EU Law)