Late Abstract Submision

Late Abstract Submission

  • Late Abstract Submission and open registration July 24, 2024.
  • Late Abstract Submission Deadline September 5, 2024.
  • Abstracts should be written in English.
  • The total abstract length (excluding title and affiliation) should not exceed 400 words.
  • Standard Microsoft Office 12 pt fonts (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri) should be used for abstract preparation.
  • Abstracts must contain a self-explanatory title and at least one author name with affiliations.
  • If the list of authors contains more than one name, please indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk. A corresponding author’s e-mail address should be indicated after affiliations.
  • The participants are strongly recommended to use the same e-mail address during registration and abstract submission (in the text of abstract).
  • The title, authors’ names, e-mail address of the corresponding author and the main text should be separated from each other with a one line space.
  • The authors should avoid tables and figures in their abstracts. Key words and references are prohibited.
  • In order to help the authors to prepare the abstract files.
  • Free abstract structure is accepted. However, the authors are strongly encouraged to create the abstract in accordance with the following order: objective, materials and methods, results and conclusions.
  • Abstracts will be revised upon submission. Therefore, authors may not revise or resubmit an abstract in order to make changes or corrections.
  • IMPORTANT: in case the text box to enter the abstract does not appear, we invite you to use the keys Crtl + F5  to reload the tab without cache memory, or to use another browser. 
