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The EJS console has three main tabs: the Basic options tab, the Advanced options tab, and the Output area tab.

The Basic Options tab on the EJS console contains information about:

  • the location of your Java VM (Virtual Machine)
  • your current workspace. Click on the button to the right of this field to change the workspace.

And allows you to chose the following options:

  • Load last file: whether EJS should load the last simulation file of the previous session at start-up.
  • Minimize the console: whether the console should be minimized when it is started.
  • Language: the language that EJS will use. Currently, the choices are (thought not all translations are complete):
Local (default)en (English)es (Spanish)ca (Catalan)
da (Danish)fr (French)el (Greek)nl (Dutch)
pl (Polish)ru (Russian)sl (Slovenian)zh CN (Simplified Chinese)
zh TW (Traditional Chinese)
  • Look and feel: the graphical scheme for the graphical interface of EJS and the console. The look and feel schemes available depend on your installation. Three options are always available:
    • SYSTEM: The standard look and feel for windows in your operating system.
    • CROSS PLATFORM: A standard, sort of minimalistic, look and feel available in all platforms.
    • DEFAULT: The default you decided in the Java configuration file. (This is an optional file that you can create in your Java lib directory.)

The choices for these options are all saved; you do not have to choose them again each time you start EJS. You just change them, and the changes will take effect at the next session.

Finally, the Basic options tab has a button at the bottom which will launch additional copies of EJS.

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Page last modified on April 29, 2009, at 12:11 AM