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3D Drawables. These are drawable elements for three-dimensional panels. As such, these elements can only be children of 3D drawing panels.

3D Bodies

Box3D Sphere3D Ellipsoid3D Cylinder3D Cone3D Tetrahedron3D Plane3D Surface3D
Group3D Disk3D Object3D ObjectVRML3D Tile3D Mesh3D? AnalyticSurface3D
Basic 3D drawables

Particle3D Segment3D Arrow3D Spring3D Image3D Text3D Polygon3D Trail3D
Group3D AnalyticCurve3D Points3D VectorField3D AnalyticVectorField3D dPanelUnder3D
Sets of 3D drawables

BoxSet3D SphereSet3D EllipsoidSet3D CylinderSet3D ConeSet3D TetrahedronSet3D PlaneSet3D SurfaceSet3D
ParticleSet3D SegmentSet3D ArrowSet3D SpringSet3D ImageSet3D TextSet3D PolygonSet3D TrailSet3D
Tools and utils

Group3D Rotation3D RotationX3D? RotationY3D? RotationZ3D? Quaternion3D? Alignment3D? Matrix3D?
Light3D WebCam RemoteARSystem LocalARSystem
Deprecated 3D drawables

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Page last modified on September 07, 2013, at 10:35 AM