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The RemoteARSystem is an implementation of an Augmented Reality (AR) system that uses the images from a local camera. Here you can see the available methods.

The AR system of EJS is based on ARToolkit, and requires markers that the system can recognize and (optionally) a calibration file for your particular camera.

Here is a collection of over a hundred markers in PDF format, and in GIF format.

Here are some calibration files for particular cameras. Though these files are not absolutely necessary if you don't need much accuracy.

Finally, to connect to the camera, the element needs some hardware libraries. These libraries, called streamer must be either in the directory you run the simulation on in "../export". Hence, a good way to place the streamer directory is the "export" directory of your workspace. This way, your simulation will find it when run from within EJS. You can download a large (100 Mb) ZIP file of the gstreamer directory (for both Mac and Windows 32 and 64 bits platforms) from here.


Visibility and Interaction
NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
EnabledWhether the element displays video from the web cam.A boolean variable or one of the constants true or false.false
MarkersA comma-separated list of markers and sizes (EJS:76,UHU:80,MyMarker:120,...).A constant or variable of type String. 
ActionThe action to invoke when the user interacts with the element.The Java code to invoke for the action. 
Graphical aspect
NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
PortThe port to which the camera is attached.A constant or variable of type String. 
ResolutionThe Resolution of the images (such as "640,480").A constant or variable of type String."640,480"
FPSThe number of frames per second to process from the camera.A constant or variable of type int.10
ConfigurationAn optional configuration file for the camera.A constant or variable of type String. 
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Page last modified on November 11, 2013, at 06:20 PM