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Basic elements 3D

  • 3D Particle. Add a new 3D ellipse, rectangle...This element only can be hold by a 3D drawing panel.
  • 3D Segment. Draw a new interactive 3D segment.
  • 3D Arrow. Draw a new interactive arrow for a 3D drawing panel.
  • 3D Spring. Add a new 3D spring.
  • 3D Image. Add a new image or a animated GIF image in a 3D drawing panel.
  • 3D Text. Include a 3D interactive text field. You can select the most appropriate text font.
  • Polygon. Trace a polygonal line through the vertex coordinates.
  • 3D Trail. The most simple way to print a function on a drawing panel.
  • Group. Define a 3D elements group.
  • 3D Rotation. Define a rotation for a 3D element.
  • 3D Analytic Curve. A curve in 3D given by analytic expressions or a whole parametric family of such curves.
  • 3D Points. A cloud of points 3D.
  • 3D Vector Field. A 3D field of vectors.
  • 3D Analytic Vector Field. A 3D field of vectors given by analytic expressions.
  • 3D dPanelUnder. A 2D drawing panel in a 3D scene.
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Page last modified on October 28, 2010, at 12:34 PM