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A 3D drawing panel.

Interaction in 3D

You can interact with a drawing panel 3d to change the projection. And you can also interact with 'active' 3D elements. An active element is one that has its "Draggable" or "Resizable" properties set to true. The interaction is described here.

3D Panel
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
Minimum XMinimum X value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Maximum XMaximum X value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Minimum YMinimum Y value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Maximum YMaximum Y value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Minimum ZMinimum Z value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Maximum ZMaximum Z value that can be displayed.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Size XThe size of the element in the X direction.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Size YThe size of the element in the Y direction.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Size ZThe size of the element in the Z direction.Constant or variable (double or int).-
Graphical Aspect
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
VisibilityThe visibility of the element.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
DisplayDisplay style for the element, e.g., "none", "inline", etc.--
WidthWidth to display, e.g., 100%-400px
HeightHeight to display, e.g., 90vh-300px
BackgroundBackground color for the element.-White
ForegroundColor for drawing or writing in the element.-Black
CSSCSS to apply.--
Graphical Aspect
NameDescriptionValues Accepted-
ProjectionHow to project the 3D scene to the 2D screen. Display popup menus in this panel. Options: "PLANAR_XY", "PLANAR_XZ", "PLANAR_YZ", "PERSPECTIVE_OFF", "PERSPECTIVE_ON"Use the editor provided to make a choice.-
DecorationTypeWhich decoration elements of the scene (axes, box) to display.Use the editor provided to make a choice.-
ImageUrlFile with the image to display.String variable or editor selection.-
LightsWhether to have default lights on.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
LineColorLine color, e.g., rgb(0,0,0) for black.--
LineWidthLine width, e.g., 1-1
DrawLinesDraw lines.Boolean variable or constants true or false.1
FillColorFill color, e.g., rgb(0,0,0) for black.-1
DrawFillDraw fill.Boolean variable or constants true or false.1
Camera and Interaction
NameDescriptionValues Accepted-
CameraAltitudeAltitude angle of the camera position.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraAzimuthAzimuthal angle of the camera position.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraTiltTilt angle of the camera position.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraNearCamera near.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
CameraFarCamera far.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
CameraZoomRateCamera zoom rate.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
CameraXX position of the camera.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraYY position of the camera.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraZZ position of the camera.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraFocusXX position of the camera focus.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraFocusYY position of the camera focus.Constant or variable (double or int).-
CameraFocusZZ position of the camera focus.Constant or variable (double or int).-
NameDescriptionValues Accepted-
EnabledWhether the element is responsive to user action.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
DraggableWhether the element is responsive to user action.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
OnMoveAction to invoke when the mouse moves within the element.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnPressAction to invoke when the element is pressed.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnDragAction to invoke when the element is dragged.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnReleaseAction to invoke when the element is released.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnZoomAction to invoke when the mouse enters the element.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnDoubleClickAction to invoke on double-click.JavaScript code for the action.-
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Page last modified on October 23, 2023, at 03:15 AM