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  • Box Set. Add a set of 3D box to the drawing panel.
  • Sphere Set. Add a set of 3D spheres to the drawing panel.
  • Ellipsoid Set. Add a set of 3D ellipsoid to the drawing panel.
  • Cylinder Set. Add a set of 3D cylinders to the drawing panel.
  • Cone Set. Add a set of 3D cones to the drawing panel.
  • Tetrahedron Set. Add a set of 3D tetrahedron to the drawing panel.
  • Plane Set. Add a set of 3D planes to the drawing panel.
  • Surface Set. Add a set of 3D surfaces to the drawing panel.
  • 3D Particle Set. Add a new 3D set of particles such as ellipses, rectangles...
  • 3D Segment Set. Draw a new interactive set of 3D segments.
  • 3D Arrow Set. Draw a new interactive set of arrows for a 3D drawing panel.
  • 3D Spring Set. Add a new set of 3D springs.
  • 3D Image Set. Add a new set of images or animated GIF images in a 3D drawing panel.
  • 3D Text Set. Include a set of 3D interactive text fields. You can select the most appropriate text font.
  • Polygon Set. Trace a set of polygonal lines through the vertex coordinates.
  • 3D Trail Set. A set of 3D trails.
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Page last modified on October 23, 2010, at 01:50 AM