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A interface element is an abstract class (that is, that can not be created by itself - and hence is not in the palette of elements), parent of all interface elements. This means that properties below are inherited by all (interface) children classes.


NameDescriptionValues acceptedDefault
BackgroundThe background color for the element.Use the editor provided or input a String with any valid CSS color. 
CSSCSS properties.An object with a collection of comma-separated "property":"value" pairs. Such as { "border":"1px solid red", "cursor":"crosshair" }. 
FontThe font used to display text in the element.Use the editor provided to select name, style and size of the font. 
ForegroundThe color to use when drawing or writing in the element.Use the editor provided or input a String with any valid CSS color. 
HeightThe vertical size of the element.An int for the size in pixels, or a String with a percentage of the parent size (such as "50%") or any valid HTML size value."auto"
TextAlignThe horizontal alignment of the text.Type one of the allowed values or use the editor to make a choice."center"
TooltipText displayed when the mouse is over the element.A string constant or variable. 
VerticalAlignThe vertical alignment of the text.Type one of the allowed values."baseline"
Visibility The visibility of the element.A boolean variable or one of the constants true or false.true
Width The horizontal size of the element.An int for the size in pixels, or a String with a percentage of the parent size (such as "50%") or any valid HTML size value."auto"
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Page last modified on May 14, 2013, at 08:06 AM