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NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
ImageDataImage data, typically an object.Object.-
Visibility and Interaction
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
EnabledEnable interaction in this panel.Boolean (True/False), variable, or constants true or false.False
OnPressAction to invoke when the element is pressed.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnDragAction to invoke when the element is dragged.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnReleaseAction to invoke when the element is released.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnEnterAction to invoke when the element is entered.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnMoveAction to invoke when the element is moved.JavaScript code for the action.-
OnExitAction to invoke when the element is exited.JavaScript code for the action.-
Graphical Aspect
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
VisibleVisibility of the element.Boolean (True/False), variable, or constants true or false.True
DisplayCSS display of the element. [Learn More]( display values like block, inline-block, flex, inline-flex, etc. Example: Use a boolean variable for "inline-block" or "none".True
WidthElement width in pixels (px) or as a percentage (%). [Learn More]( 800px or 100%.400px
HeightElement height in pixels (px) or viewport height (vh). [Learn More]( 800px or 90vh.300px
BackgroundBackground color for the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.-White
ForegroundColor for drawing or writing in the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.-Black
FontFont for displaying text in the element. Select name, style, and size using the editor.--
TooltipText displayed when the mouse is over the element.String constant or variable.none
CSSCSS to apply.-none
TransformCSS transform string. [Learn More]( rotate(0.5turn)none
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Page last modified on October 23, 2023, at 02:46 AM