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NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
Html<h2>Dipole Trajectory Wrong Model</h2> <p>The erroneous EJSS Dipole Trajectory model portrays the electric field produced by a dipole, a pair of equal and oppositely charged particles. Rearrange the positions of the two dipole charges by dragging and dropping them, thereby altering the gap between these charges. While a positive test charge travels within the dipole's field, it displays its velocity vector; however, the path it follows is inaccurate.</p>--
TextAlignThe horizontal alignment of the text. Choose from LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT or use the menu to make a choice.-
OnClickThe action to invoke when the element is pressed.JavaScript code to invoke for the action.-
Graphical Aspect 
NameDescriptionValues AcceptedDefault
VisibilityThe visibility of the element.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
DisplayDisplay style, can use "none", "inline-block", etc.Boolean variable or constants true or false.-
Width400px or 100%400px
Height300px or 90vh300px
BackgroundThe background color for the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.-
ForegroundThe color to use when drawing or writing in the element. Use the editor provided or read about colors.-
FontThe font used to display text in the element. Use the editor provided to select name, style, and size of the font.-
TooltipText displayed when the mouse is over the element.String constant or variable.-
ClassNameClass name.String constant or variable.-
CSSCSS.String constant or variable.-
WhiteSpaceWhite space.String constant or variable.-
TransformTransform.String constant or variable.-
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Page last modified on October 23, 2023, at 04:32 AM