XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (Murcia, del 11 al 15 de julio de 2022)
bienal fisica 2022

XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física

Murcia, del 11 al 15 de julio de 2022


Sesiones plenarias (Mañanas)

11/07 Lunes por la mañana

09:00-09:35 Welcome / Acto de bienvenida

09:35-10:10 Pedro Miguel Echenique Landiribar (Donostia International Physics Centre)
Ciencia después de la pandemia. La sublime utilidad de la ciencia inútil

10:10-10:45 Pilar Hernández Gamazo (IFIC, Universitat de Valencia-CSIC)
On the matter-antimatter asymmetry

10:45-11:15 Café

11:15-11:50 Maria Ángeles Chamarro Calvo (Sorbonne Université-- Institut de Nanosciences de Paris)
Lo que siempre quiso saber sobre los excitones y las perovskitas a base de halógenos pero nunca se atrevió a preguntar...

11:50-13:20 Mesa redonda
Promoting Gender Equality in Physics in Europe


  • GENERA (Gender Equality Network in Physics in the European Research Area): Lisa Kamlade (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany)
  • WIDERA project (Horizon Europe) and QUANTERA project (European partnership on Quantum technologies): Lydia González (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Spain)
  • JUNO Project: Jane Smith and Fiona Dorrington (Institute of Physics, UK)

Moderadora: Pas García Martínez (Universitat de València)

12/07 Martes por la mañana

09:00-09:35 Àngels Ramos Gómez (Universitat de Barcelona)
Strangeness Nuclear Physics and astrophysical implications

09:35-10:10 Alejandro González-Tudela (Instituto de Física Funsamental, CSIC)
Nanophotonics for quantum technologies

10:10-10:45 Rafael Garcia-Molina (Universidad de Murcia)
Physics in everyday life

10:45-11:15 Café

11:15-11:50 María Luisa Castaño Marín (CIEMAT)
¿De que hablamos cuando decimos Transición Energética?

11:50-13:20 Mesa redonda
Energía y sostenibilidad


  • Mercedes Ballesteros (CIEMAT)
  • Roberto Gomez Calvet (Universida Europea de Valencia)
  • Antonio Gonzalez Jiménez (Director de Estudios y Apoyo Técnico en Foro Nuclear)
  • Maria de la Mercedes Vazques (Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente en Red Eléctrica Española)

Moderadora: María Luisa Castaño Marín (CIEMAT)

13/07 Miércoles por la mañana

Sesión de Medallas de la RSEF

Moderador de la sesión: Luis Viña

09:00-09:35 Eugenio Coronado Miralles (Universitat de Valencia)
Molecular Control Over the Properties of 2D Materials

09:35-10:10 Pablo Artal Soriano (Universidad de Murcia)
Peripheral optics in the eye: from myopia to cataracts

10:10-10:45 Andrius Baltuska (Vienna University of Technology)
Nonlinear spectroscopy with amplified femtosecond bursts

10:45-11:15 Café

11:15-11:50 Florian Macquardt (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)
Physical Self-Learning Machines

11:50-13:20 Mesa redonda
Agencia Estatal de Investigación


  • Domènec Espriu Climent, Director de la AEI (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • Francisco J. García Vidal, Presidente del área de Ciencias físicas de la AEI (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)

Moderador: Pablo Artal Soriano (Universidad de Murcia)

14/07 Jueves por la mañana

Sesión de Premiados Jaime I

Moderador de la sesión: Pablo Artal

09:00-09:05 Javier Quesada (Secretario General de la Fundación)

09:05-09:35 Laura Lechuga Gómez (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
Nanophotonic biosensors for ultrasensitive and decentralised diagnostics at the point-of-need

09:35-10:10 Francisco J. García Vidal (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Nanophotonics: the first 30 years

10:10-10:45 Licia Verde (Universitat de Barcelona)
Precision Cosmology, when the party is over

10:45-11:15 Café

11:15-11:50 Rafael Rebolo (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)
High precision spectroscopy in astrophysics: implications on fundamental physics and the characterization of Earth-like planets

11:50-13:20 Mesa redonda
Presente y Futuro de las Grandes Instalaciones Científico-Técnicas


  • Ángela Fernández Curto (Subdirectora General Adjunta de Grandes Instalaciones Científico-Técnicas, Madrid)
  • Caterina Biscari (Sincrotrón ALBA, Barcelona)
  • Luis Roso (Centro de Láseres Pulsados de Salamanca)
  • Martín Guerrrero (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, Granada)
  • Carlos Peña (Laboratorio Subterráneo de Canfranc, Huesca)

Moderador: Juan M. Bueno (Universidad de Murcia)

15/07 Viernes por la mañana

Moderador de la sesión: Miguel Ortuño

09:00-09:40 Boris Altshuler (Columbia University)

09:40-10:20 Pablo Jarillo-Herrero (Massachussetts Institute of Technology)
The Magic of Moiré Quantum Matter

10:20-10:45 Entrega de Premios de los concursos de Estudiantes y de Jóvenes Doctores

10:45-11:15 Café

11:15-12:00 Centenario de la IUPAP


  • Luis Viña, Presidente del Comité de Enlace Español de la IUPAP, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Raúl Toral, Miembro de la Comisión C3-Física Estadística, Universitat de les Illes Balears
  • Hermann Suderow, Miembro de la Cosmisión C5-Física de Bajas Temperaturas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Gloria Platero, Secretaria de la Comisión C8-Semiconductores, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid-CSIC
  • Alfonso Muñoz, Miembro de la Comisión C20-Física Computacional, Universidad de La Laguna

12:00-13:15 Junta General Ordinaria de la Real Sociedad Española de Física

13:15-14:30 Cocktail de despedida

Programa de los simposios (Tardes)

11/07 Lunes por la tarde

S1 XXXI Encuentro Ibérico de Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Física (DEDF)

Aula 1.16

15:30-17:00 Mesa redonda:
La enseñanza de la Física en el primer curso de las carreras científicas


Benito Vázquez Dorrio, U. Vigo:
La Física y los estudiantes de Ingeniería

M.ª Jesús Hernández Lucas, U Valencia:
La Física y los estudiantes de grado de Física

Luis Roca Zamora, U. Murcia:
¿Qué nos dicen las pruebas EBAU en los estudiantes de Física?

Miguel Ángel Fernández Sanjuan, U. Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid
La Física en el Grado de Ciencias Experimentales

Moderadora: Chantal Ferrer Roca, U. Valencia

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:12 Antonio Ángel Moya Molina
Laboratorio de Física General basado en Arduino

18:12-18:24 Manuel Iván González Martín
Video aids at the students’ lab: a proposal for a Renewable Energy Laboratory

18:24-18:36 Juan F. González Hernández
Teaching Physics with Physmatics: ideas from Mathematics, Astronomy and Theoretical Physics

18:36-18:48 José Antonio García Gamuz
Experiencia docente post-confinamiento: la clase invertida en Grados de Ciencias de la Salud

18:48-19:00 Germán Ros Magán
Formación científica inicial de maestros basada en el aula invertida y la indagación

19:00-19:12 Íñigo Rodríguez-Arteche
El centro de gravedad a través de una Secuencia de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje centrada en contextos cotidianos

19:12-19:24 Juan Tomé Escribano
Los relojes y el significado de sus medidas


1 S. Pinto, L. Santos, J. Couto, F. Leal y G. Barbosa
Collisions in the Macroscopic World: Billiard Balls

2 J. Daza, L. Escoda, M. Soler, J. Planella y J.J. Suñol
Teaching/Learning experiences in Physics: engineering degrees

3 D. Montagud-Martínez, V. Ferrando, L. Remón, A. Martínez-Espert, W.D. Furlan y J.A. Monsoriu
Laboratorio virtual para estudiar la caracterización de lentes multifocales

4 J. Güémez y J.A. Mier
On teaching thermodynamics in 21st century

5 María J. Hernández Lucas y J.C. Jiménez Muñoz
The challenge of teaching Physics to unmotivated undergraduate students: a case study of Health and Food Sciences degrees at the University of Valencia

6 E. Baradit, I. Sánchez y R. Aedo
Una Propuesta de Enseñanza de las Condiciones de Frontera para los Campos Electromagnéticos

7 T.P. Iglesias, J.L. Legido y M.A. Rivas
Online examination procedure with a tool developed in Visual .NET

8 M. Villaplana Pérez, S. González de la Hoz y F. Ballester
Uso de calcme (Wiris) como recurso didáctico en la enseñanza y evaluación de matemáticas y física

9 P. Palacios, J.C. Jiménez-Sáez, F.J. Sánchez, J. Gaite y S. Muñoz
Experiencia de aula invertida y gamificación en la docencia de un laboratorio de física de primer curso

10 J.J. Miralles Canals
Elaboration of calculated questions using Moodle and Wolfram language

11 D. González y J. Gil
La Óptica en la historia militar

12 E. Yubero, A. Clemente, A. López-Caravaca, N. Galindo y J.F. Nicolás
The use of discussion boards in undergraduate physics courses in experimental science degrees

13 M. Peres, I. Bruno y V. Silva
Improving the Teaching of Physics with Space Projects

14 C. Marín Sepúlveda, J. Castro-Palacio y J. Monsoriu
Los teléfonos inteligentes: un laboratorio de bolsillo

S4 Física Médica (GEFM)

Aula 1.14

15:30-16:00 Emilio Soria
Inteligencia artificial en física médica

16:00-16:15 Joaquin López Herraiz
Harmonization of Medical Images is Key for Robust and Generalizable Artificial Intelligence Models

16:15-16:30 Clara Freijo Escudero
Deep learning-based scatter correction of chest X-Rays

16:30-16:45 Javier Pérez Curbelo
Event selection with Neural Networks for Compton camera imaging of multi-energy radioactive sources

16:45-17:00 Alberto Corbi Bellot
Sensores inerciales, cronofiduciales, sueño y Alzheimer

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:30 Alfonso López
Radiofísica, una especialidad con futuro

18:30-18:45 Rafael Garcia-Molina
Simple yet reasonably accurate simulations of dose point kernels in liquid water by iodine radionuclides

18:45-19:00 Alicia Reija Vecino
Radiobiology experiments with laser induced radiation sources: exploring the UHDR regime

19:00-19:30 Networking


S5 Termodinámica y Análisis Térmico (GECAT-GET)

Aula 1.2

15:30-15:45 Josefa Salgado Carballo
Thermophysical characterization of a Firefighting Foam based on eco-friendly soap compounds and bentonite clay. Effectiveness laboratory testing

15:45-16:00 Pablo Vallet Moreno
Doped Lithium Ionic Liquids as potential electrolites

16:00-16:15 Angel Manuel Fernandez Fernandez
Análisis de cristalización de hidrato de metano en un poro de sílice empleando Dinámica Molecular

16:15-16:30 J.J. Suñol Martínez
Thermal analysis of magnetic materials

16:30-16:45 Juan José Parajó Vieito
Calorimetric and electrochemical studies of lithium salt dissolved in pure ethylammonium nitrate ionic liquid

16:45-17:00 José Francisco Martinez López
Calorimetría de mezclas binarias de L-carvona con alcoholes de cadena corta C2-C3

17:00-17:15 Consolación Sánchez Sánchez
Development of real-time polymerase chain reaction methods for the quantification of Methanoculleus, Methanosarcina and Methanobacterium in anaerobic digestion

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee


15 José Ramón Solana Quirós
Effective two-body potentials for fluid argon including three-body interactions

16 José Luis Legido Soto
Thermophysical characterization of peloids enriched with microalgae

17 José Luis Legido Soto
Study of the thermal properties of mixtures of clays and thermal waters of Latin America

18 Ângela Queirós
Density of alumina nanofluids (15 nm) in water at different temperatures

19 Fátima Muiño Blanco
Thermal analysis of Eco-Friendly Soap-Based Firefighting Foam. Effect of the bentonite addition

20 Pablo Vallet Moreno
Broad Band Dielectric Spectroscopy of nanofluids

21 Antía Santiago Alonso
Experimental characterisation of ionic gels for energy storage applications

S12 Nuevos retos en superconductividad (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.5

15:30-16:00 José Lado (Aalto University)
Topological and nodal superconductivity in artificial van der Waals materials

16:00-16:15 Miguel M. Ugeda (Donostia International Physics Center, Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV-EHU) and Ikerbasque)
Observation of superconducting Leggett modes from competing pairing instabilities in single-layer NbSe2

16:15-16:30 Edwin Herrera (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Quantum-well states at the surface of the heavy fermion URu2Si2

16:30-17:00 Flash Talks (Posters 1-9)

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Rosa López (Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos IFISC (CSIC-UIB))
Surpassing the uncertainty thermodynamic relation in normal-superconductor quantum dots

18:15-18:30 María José Calderón (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, ICMM-CSIC)
Mott Correlations in Moiré Heterostructures

18:30-18:45 Wen Wan (Donostia International Physics Center)
Nontrivial doping evolution of electronic properties in Ising-superconducting alloys

18:45-19:00 Ramón Aguado (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, ICMM-CSIC)
Quantum dot Josephson junction in a transmon circuit: a novel design for Andreev qubits

19:00-19:15 Francisco Jesús Matute-Cañadas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Signatures of interactions in the Andreev spectrum of nanowire Josephson junctions

19:15-19:30 Ángel Ibabe (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Joule heating effects in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices


22 Carlos Uriarte González (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos)
Design of a levitating system for the study of the superfluidity at ultra low temperatures

23 Rishav Harsh (Donostia International Physics Center, DIPC)
Superconducting dome by tuning through a van Hove singularity in a two-dimensional metal

24 César González-Ruano (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Tuning magnetic anisotropies with superconductivity and spin-orbit interaction in epitaxial ferromagnet-superconductor hybrids

25 Aiswarya Kethamkuzhi (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC)
Study of the overdoped state in TLAG grown YBCO thin films oxygenated with ozone

26 Marta Fernández-Lomana (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Tunneling spectroscopy at very high magnetic fields in the iron based superconductor KFe2As2

27 Celia González Sánchez (Universidad Autñonoma de Madrid)
Towards hybrid van der Waals Josephson Junctions based on NbSe2

28 Jordi Alcalà (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC)
Local modulation of the superconducting order parameter for energy-efficient functional devices based on fluxonic effects

29 Miguel Águeda (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Superconducting gap and magnetoresistance of layered AuSn4

30 Gabriel Caballero (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Magneto-transport properties and anomalous Hall effect of superconductor/ferromagnetic heterostructures

S15 Nuevas fronteras y retos en magnetismo (CEMAG-IEEE Magnetics)

Aula 1.12

15:00-15:05 Organisers

15:05-15:50 Aurelien MANCHON (Aix-Marseille Université (AMU))
Exploring the Potentials of Spin-Orbitronics

15:50-16:10 Elvira Paz (INL)
Spintronic devices based on Magnetic Tunnel Junctions

16:10-16:20 Jorge Marqués Marchán (CSIC)
Distinguishing local demagnetization contribution to the magnetization process in multisegmented nanowires

16:20-16:30 Santiago Osorio (CNEA)
Creation of single chiral soliton states in monoaxial helimagnets

16:30-16:40 Luis Sánchez-Tejerina San José (USAL)
Magnetic order excitation by magnetic fields from sub-picosecond structured laser pulses

16:40-16:50 Akashdeep Kamra (UAM)
Employing magnons for generating multi-qubit entangled states for quantum error correction

16:50-17:00 María Vélez Fraga (UNIOVI)
Bloch singularities and topological magnetic dipoles in a ferromagnetic microstructure

17:00-18:00 Posters (IEEE Networking) and Coffee

17:45-18:05 Saul Velez (UAM)
Chiral spintronics with magnetic insulators

18:05-18:15 Arantxa Fraile Rodríguez (UB)
Insights into the structural and magnetic texture of maghemite nanoflowers for biomedicine and environmental remediation

18:15-18:25 Rodrigo Martín Hernández (USAL)
Spatial isolation of femtosecond magnetic needles driven by azimuthally-polarized laser beams

18:25-18:35 Alonso José Campos Hernández (IMDEA Nanociencia)
FORC and coercivity angular measurements analysis of the magnetic interactions in arrays of FeNi nanowires

18:35-18:45 Aun Nawaz (US)
Magnetocaloric effect in doped all-d-metal Ni-(Co)-Mn(X)-Ti (X = Fe and Cr) Heusler alloys

18:45-18:55 Ana Parente Campos (UCM)
Magnetic nanostructures with different spin textures and topological protection

18:55-19:05 Alejandro Sánchez Miñarro (ICMAB)
Spin-orbit mixed states in an electromagnetic field

19:05-19:15 Sebastian Bustingorry (CNEA)
Universal critical exponents of the magnetic domain wall depinning transition


31 José Miguel García-Martín (CSIC)
Novel magnetic nanostructures: nanopillars and patterned antidots

32 Diego Caso Parajón (UAM)
Edge spin wave transmission through a vertex domain wall in triangular dots

33 Zaida Curbelo Cano (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Synthesizing MnAlC / hydrogel composites for 3D-printing of alternative permanent magnets

34 Jose Angel Fernandez Roldan (HZDR)
Current- and Oersted-field- dynamics of a Bloch Point in cylindrical Ni nanowires

35 Ester M. Palmero (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Role of the particle size in the development of customized permanent magnet composites and flexible filaments for additive manufacturing

36 Antonio David Subires Santana (DIPC)
Electronic band structure of the Co pnictide Ca(CoAs)2 probed by ARPES

37 Luis Moreno-Ramírez (US)
Temperature First Order Reversal Curves (TFORC) distributions of magnetocaloric materials

38 Miriam Jaafar (UAM)
Magnetic Force Microscopy for biomedical applications


S17 Física Teórica y de Partículas (DFTP)

Aula 1.16 bis

15:30-15:45 Aniol Lobo Salvia
LHCb Commissioning for run 3 - Milestones in the Trigger System

15:45-16:00 Diego Mendoza Granada
Trigger challenges for detecting long-lived particles at LHCb

16:00-16:15 Carlos García Montoro
IFIC Contributions to the Computing of the ATLAS Experiment for the Run 3 of the LHC

16:15-16:30 Ángel Jesús Murcia Gil
Exact electromagnetic duality with nonminimal couplings

16:30-16:45 Rafael Delgado López
quantumfdtd, a computational framework for the Relativistic Schrödinger Equation

16:45-17:00 Adrián Casado Turrión
Is gravitational collapse possible in f(R) gravity?

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Shalini Epari
Search for flavourful 2HDM model in multilepton plus multi-b-jets final states

18:15-18:30 Mariam Chitishvili
Measurement of the quadruple-differential angular decay rates of single top quarks produced in the t-channel at ?s=13 TeV

18:30-18:45 Pablo Martínez-Agulló
Search for associated production of a Higgs boson and a single-top quark in the 2I+tau final state at 13 TeV in ATLAS

18:45-19:00 Pablo Martínez-Agulló
Search for associated production of a Higgs Boson and a single top quark in 3l and 2lSS final states at 13 TeV in ATLAS

19:00-19:15 Mariia Didenko
Search for long-lived neutral particles in pp collisions at 13 TeV that decay into displaced hadronic jets in the ATLAS calorimeter


39 Laura Remón Martín
Electromagnetic tensor endowed with polarimetric parameters: application to the vicinity of extremely dense bodies

40 Víctor Montesinos Llácer
Prediction of symmetric partners of the Zc(3900) and Zb(10610) exotic states using heavy quark spin symmetry and SU(3) flavor symmetry

S23 Física Nuclear (GEFN)

Aula 1.15

15:30-16:00 Guillermo Megías (USevilla)
The relevance of Nuclear Physics in neutrino oscillations

16:00-16:30 Yassid Ayyad (USC)
The relevance of Nuclear Physics in neutrino oscillations

16:30-16:45 Antía Graña González (USC)
Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature and its implication in the stellar nucleosynthesis r-process

16:45-17:00 Gabriel García Jiménez (USC) and the R3B Collaboration
Study of (p,2p) events at the CALIFA calorimeter in knockout induced fission of 238U

17:00-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-17:45 A. Martín Sánchez (UNEX)
Recisión de datos nucleares de 212Po

17:45-18:00 F. Barranco Blázquez (CSIC-I3M)
Correlation between optical density and particle density in passive PADC (CR-39) detectors for high fluences

18:00-18:15 M. C. Jiménez-Ramos (USevilla/CNA)
Angular measurements on LGADs to study plasma effects using a Nuclear Microprobe

18:15-18:30 M. Pallàs (UPC)
Study of decay properties for La to Nd nuclei (A 160) relevant for the formation of the r-process rare-earth peak

18:30-18:45 Gustavo Alcalá (CSIC-IFIC)
Beta Decay Spectra Measurement for the Study of the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly

18:45-19:00 M. A. Millán Callado (USevilla/CNA)
Behaviour of particle detectors in a laser-driven neutron source

19:00-19:15 A. Perez de la Rada (CIEMAT)
?-delayed neutron spectroscopy of 85As with MONSTER

19:15-19:30 J. R Murias (UCM)
Investigation of 130Sn populated in the β decay of isomerically-purified 130In isomers


S24 Ampliando horizontes: interdisciplinariedad, física general e investigación novel

Aula 1.1

15:30-15:45 Welcome and introduction

15:45-16:00 Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens (Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas, CSIC-UAM UC3M-UCM / Dpto. de Análisis Matemático, Univ. Complutense)
Physics solutions to machine learning privacy leaks

16:00-16:15 Consuelo Guardiola Salmerón (Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica IMB-CNM, CSIC)
High-resolution beam monitoring with 3D-microdetectors

16:15-16:30 Miguel Ángel Ramos Ruiz (Centro de Microanálisis de Materiales, UAM / Inst. Nicolás Cabrera / IFIMAC)
CMAM: an ion-beam accelerator for multidisciplinary science

16:30-16:45 María de los Ángeles Millán Callado (Dpto. de Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Univ. de Sevilla / Centro Nacional de Aceleradores, CSIC-US-Junta de Andalucía)
Image and CT capabilities at Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

16:45-17:00 Diego Delgado Bueno (Dpto. de Matemáticas, Universidad de León)
Conserved magnitudes in flatwater canoeing

17:00-17:30 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Ángel Jesús Murcia Gil (Instituto de Física Teórica, UAM-CSIC)
A universal feature of charged entanglement entropy

18:15-18:30 José María Cámara Zapata (Centro de Investigación e Innovación Agroalimentaria y Agroambiental, Univ. Miguel Hernández)
Greenhouse dehumidification through dynamic overhead ventilation

18:30-18:45 Pedro Hernández Cascales (Dpto. De Física, Univ. de Murcia)
Morphology of multi-wavelength selected AGN Host-Galaxies

18:45-19:00 Carlos Yanguas Durán (Dpto. de Automática, Univ. de Alcalá)
Automatic solar burst detection and classification


41 Rosa Cibrián (Universitat de València)
Evaluación del paisaje sonoro de un evento patrimonial en entorno abierto: El Tribunal de las Aguas de Valencia

42 Milagros F. Morcillo Arencibia (Universidad de Córdoba)
Computational study of the Hydrogen molecule inside a C60 fullerene cage

43 Ricard Kirchner (Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya)
Análisis de la invariancia de escala fractal de series temporales de concentración aérea máxima de polen

12/07 Martes por la tarde

S1 XXXI Encuentro Ibérico de Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Física (DEDF)

Aula 1.16

15:30-17:00 Mesa redonda:
La divulgación de la Física en contextos no formales (ferias, museos,)


Chantal Ferrer Roca, U. Valencia
Feria Experimenta

José González López de Guereñu
Director de la Feria Madrid es Ciencia

Rosa Martínez Martínez
Directora Museo Didáctico e Interactivo de Ciencias, Vega Baja del Segura, Alicante

Isabel Abril Sánchez, U. Alicante
El Pati de la Ciència. Divulgar Ciencia en el Siglo XXI

Pablo Contreras Vélez, profesor IES
La Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología de Murcia

Moderadora: Carmen Carreras Béjar, vicepresidenta DEDF

17:00-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-18:00 Benito Vázquez Dorrio, U. Vigo
Enseñar Color con actividades experimentales

18:00-18:12 Manuel Alonso Sánchez
Estudio de la iridiscencia en 2 Bachillerato

18:12-18:24 Manuel Alonso Orts
Cristales fotónicos en 2 Bachillerato

18:24-18:36 Emma Torró Pastor
Masterclasses Internacionales “HandsonParticle- Physics” en el IFIC

18:36-18:48 Marília Peres
The Physics Collection of the Instituto Maynense

18:48-19:00 Matilde Ariza
Physics sounds through heritage: Study of sonorous scientific-historical instruments and bells

19:00-19:12 Luis Afonso
Eyes Protection Against UV

19:12-19:24 Ana Cros Sttoter
8 vídeos y 32 experimentos en un Kit: experimentos de física de la RSEF sección local de Valencia

19:24-19:36 Isabel Abril Sánchez
Dos propuestas para divulgar ciencia entre los más jóvenes

S4 Física Médica (GEFM)

Aula 1.14

15:30-16:00 M. C. Jimenez Ramos (USevilla/CNA)
Medical Applications with Ion Beams at Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

16:00-16:15 Consuelo Guardiola (IMB-CNM-CSIC)
Experimental microdosimetry maps in proton therapy

16:15-16:30 Isabel Abril Sánchez (UA)
Interaction of swift-ions and secondary electrons in liquid water: Bragg peaks and radial deposited dose

16:30-16:45 Michael Seimetz (i3M-CSIC-UPV)
Scintillating fibre proton beam monitor for biomedical applications

16:45-17:00 Nerea Encina Baranda (UCM)
Prompt-Gamma Correction in 124I PET Imaging

17:00-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-17:45 Juan Peñas (USC)
A laser-driven proton source for medical radioisotope production

17:45-18:00 Gabriela Llosá Llácer (IFIC, CSIC-U. Valencia)
MACACO Compton camera for medical applications

18:00-18:15 Teresa Rodríguez (USevilla/CNA)
Experimental study of proton-induced cross sections of β+ isotopes for PET range verification in particle therapy

18:15-18:30 Francisco Camarena
Aplicaciones neurológicas de los ultrasonidos


S6 Física de la atmósfera y el océano (GEFAO)

Aula 1.14

Aula 1.2

15:30-15:40 José Manuel Vaquero (U de Extremadura)
The meteorological observations of Jovellanos in the castle of Bellver

15:40-15:50 I. Tovar (U Extremadura)
Recovering meteorological information from the ”Extremadura” newspaper (1924-1927)

15:50-16:00 Albenis Pérez-Alarcón (U Vigo)
Overview of moisture sources for the precipitation of tropical cyclones through a Lagrangian approach

16:00-16:10 José Carlos Fernández-Alvarez (U Vigo)
Atmospheric Rivers moisture sources projections landfalling the Iberian Peninsula

16:10-16:20 Eloisa Raluy (U Murcia)
Impact of aerosols on atmospheric rivers in regional climate simulations: development of an identification algorithm and a climatological analysis

16:20-16:30 Roger Sori (U Vigo)
The oceanic and terrestrial origin of precipitation in the great world river basins: their role in drought severity

16:30-16:40 Gleisis Alvarez-Socorro (U Vigo)
Global climatology of nocturnal low-level jets with the ERA5 reanalysis

16:40-16:50 David Barriopedro (IGEO-CSIC-UCM)
A multiparametric perspective of the North Atlantic eddy-driven jet

16:50-17:00 Marie Drouard (IGEO-CSIC-UCM)
Contrasting dynamics of short and long atmospheric blocks in the Northern Hemisphere

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:10 J. Manuel Garrido Pérez (U Complutense)
Storyline description of the summer air stagnation response to anthropogenic warming forcing in Europe and the contiguous United States

18:10:18:20 Juan A. Añel (U Vigo)
Stratospheric contraction caused by greenhouse gas emissions

18:20-18:30 Samuel Benito Barca (U Complutense)
Driving mechanisms for boreal winter stratospheric ozone response to ENSO

18:30-18:40 Gines Garnés (U Murcia)
On the role of Aerosols on Atmospheric Circulation in Regional Climate Experiments

18:40-18:50 Leandro Cristian Segado-Moreno (U Murcia)
Spatial and temporal variability of surface ozone in a climate simulation over Europe and its relationship with climate parameters

18:50-19:00 Susana Bayo.Besteiro (U Vigo)
The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation for solar installations in the Atacama desert


1 Jose M. Garrido-Perez, D. Barriopedro, R. García-Herrera and C. Ordóñez
How climate change is affecting the patterns of electricity demand in Spain?

2 C. Ordóñez, Jose M. Garrido-Perez, R. García-Herrera
Did the meteorology affect the near-surface ozone concentrations over Europe during the COVID-19 lockdown of early spring 2020?

3 A. Bernáldez, J.M. Vaquero, M. Antón, A. Sánchez-Lorenz
Preliminary results about long-term trends in downward surface shortwave radiation over Spain (1985–2021)

4 Xavier Navarro, Ricard Kirchner, Raúl Rodríguez-Solà, M. Carmen Casas-Castillo
Análisis de escala simple de veinticinco años de registros de la red pluviométrica de Barcelona

5 Jesús Rodríguez-Camacho, Sergio Toledo-Redondo, Jorge Portí, Jesús Fornieles, David Blanco, Juan Francisco Gómez-Lopera, Alfonso Salinas, María del Carmen Carrión
Long-term analysis of Schumann Resonance measured at the Sierra Nevada ELF station

S7 Información y Computación Cuánticas (GEIC)

Aula 1.11

15:30-15:45 Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Nicolas Gisin, Marc-Olivier Renou
Proofs of network quantum nonlocality aided by machine learning

15:45-16:00 María Hita-Pérez, Pedro Orellana, Manuel Pino, Juan José García Ripoll
Quasi Bound-State in the continuum in a heavy fluxonium qutrit

16:00-16:15 Paula García-Molina, Javier Rodríguez-Mediavilla, and Juan José García-Ripoll
Quantum Fourier analysis for multivariate functions and applications to a class of Schrödinger-type partial differential equations

16:15-16:30 Pablo Díez Valle
Understanding single-layer QAOA advantage

16:30-16:45 Emanuel-Cristian Boghiu, Flavien Hirsch, Pei-Sheng Lin, Marco Túlio Quintino, Joseph Bowles
Device-independent and semi-device-independent entanglement certification in broadcast Bell scenarios

16:45-17:00 Javier Cerrillo
Transfer-Tensor Method: Analysis and Propagation Tool for Open Quantum Systems

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Javier Argüello-Luengo, Alejandro González-Tudela, Daniel González-Cuadra
Tunable long-range fermion-mediated interactions in cold-atom quantum simulators

18:15-18:30 S. C. Wein, J. C. Loredo, M. Maffei, P. Hilaire, A. Harouri, N. Somaschi, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, O. Krebs, A. Auffèves, C. Simon, P. Senellart, C. Anton-Solanas
On demand time-entanglement in the Fock basis generated by sequential excitation of a two-level atom

18:30-18:45 David Fernández Fernández, Yue Ban, Gloria Platero Coello
Quantum control of two qubits spin hole gates

18:45-19:00 Alberto Castro, Adrián García Carrizo, David Zueco, Fernando Luis
Optimal control of molecular spin qudits

19:00-19:15 Jordi Picó-Cortés, Gloria Platero
Applications of Floquet engineering in ac-driven spin qubits

S12 Nuevos retos en superconductividad (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.5

15:30-16:00 Anna Palau (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC)
Nano-engineered high-temperature superconductors and hybrid systems for energy-efficient functional devices

16:00-16:15 Akashdeep Kamra (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Interfacial control of vortex-limited critical current in type II superconductor films

16:15-16:30 Emma Campillo (Lund University)
Modelling of vortex core magnetization and Pauli paramagnetic effects

16:30-17:00 Flash Talks (Posters 1-9)

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Antonella Meninno (Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) and University of the Basque Country)
Ab initio study of possible metastable occupation of tetrahedral sites in Palladium Hydride compounds

18:15-18:30 Fabián A. Cuellar (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Extremely long range, high-temperature Josephson coupling across a half metalllic ferromagnet

18:30-18:45 Jordi Picó-Cortés (Universität Regensburg and nstituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, ICMM-CSIC)
Non-equilibrium transport in Josephson junctions through interacting nanostructures

18:45-19:00 Antonio Badía (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza)
Electromagnetic modelling in macroscopic superconductivity. Fundamentals and applications

19:00-19:15 Enrique Villa Benito (Centro de Astrobiología CSIC-INTA)
Ti/Al bi-layer Kinetic Inductance Detector (BiKID) configuration for CMB experiments

19:15-19:30 Fabian Sigloch (Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza)
Large output voltage to magnetic flux change in nanoSQUIDs based on direct-write Focused Ion Beam Induced Deposition technique


6 Ignacio Figueruelo Campanero (IMDEA Nanociencia and Universidad Complutense)
Fabrication and characterization of the high-temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ for van der Waals heterostructures

7 Ana Parente (Universidad Complutense)
Low dimensional effects in superconducting nanostructures

8 Aleix Barrera (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC)
Hybrid superconducting-ferromagnetic structures for sustainable functional devices

9 Mario Gómez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
The Little-Parks effect in full-shell Al-InAs hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices

10 Pablo García (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Reduced size STM in high magnetic fields

11 David Rodríguez (Centro de Astrobiología CSIC-INTA)
High-quality factor NbTiN superconducting resonators for quantum technologies

12 Cristina García-Pérez (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Hybrid Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detectors

13 Thomas Günkel (Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona, ICMAB-CSIC)
Tuning the electronic structure of High-Temperature Superconducting films by field-induced oxygen diffusion

14 Raquel Sánchez-Barquilla (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
STM at high magnetic fields in the superconducting series FeSe1-xSx

S14 Avances en la caracterización de nanomateriales mediante Microscopía de Fuerzas Atómicas

Aula 1.12

15:00-15:05 The Organizers

15:05-15:40 Agustina Asenjo Barahona
Dissipative Magnetic Force Microscopy

15:40-15:55 Guillermo López-Polín
High efficiency devised based on the anomalous Nernst effect of Co/Pt magnetic multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

15:55-16:10 Jorge Marqués Marchán
Nucleation and current-induced bubble structures motion in PMA multilayers

16:10-16:35 Daniel Martín Jimenez
Chemical bond imaging using torsional and flexural higher eigenmodes of qPlus sensors

16:35-17:00 Cesar Gonzalez Pascual
Detecting molecules in defective MoS2 with SPM techniques

17:00-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-18:05 M. Teresa Cuberes Montserrat
Visualization of nanostructural arrangements at organic-inorganic hybrid matrices by Ultrasonic Force Microscopy

18:05-18:20 Sergio Molina-Prados
Co-localized scanning probe microscopy/Raman scattering studies of hybrid plasmonic substrates

18:20-18:35 Francisco Miguel Espinosa Barea
Sub-10 nm patterning of few-layer MoS2 and MoSe2 nanoelectronic devices by oxidation scanning probe lithography

18:35-19:00 Eider Berganza Eguiarte
Writing bioactive nanostructures with Scanning Probe Lithography techniques


S16 Energía y Sostenibilidad (GEE)

Aula 1.6

15:30-16:10 Víctor A. de la Peña O’Shea (Instituto IMDEA Energia)
Solar fuels by artificial photosynthesis: from inorganic to hybrid multifunctional materials

16:10-16:30 Judit García Ferrero (Universidad de Salamanca)
Brayton cycle coupled to CSP plants: comparative analysis of central tower and parabolic dish farms

16:30-16:50 Francisco Cuadros Blázquez (Universidad de Extremadura)
Secuestro de Carbono en una Planta Híbrida Biogás-Fotovoltaica Seguida de un Proceso de Compostaje

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:40 Mercedes Ballesteros Perdices (CIEMAT)
Aportaciones desde el sector energético a la lucha contra el cambio climático

18:40:19:00 Alberto Sánchez González (Universidad Carlos III)
Flux mapping in heliostat fields: Analytic function with astigmatism and defocus

19:00-19:20 Youssouf Doumbia (Universitat Politécnica de València)
Investigation of the stability and efficiency of MA-doped FAPbBr3 thin film for solar cells


15 Pablo Palacios Clemente (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Instituto de Energía Solar)
Assessing composition engineering as mechanism to deal with stability and toxicity problems of inorganic halide perovskites with improved absorption features for photovoltaic applications

16 Antonio Angel Moya Molina (Universidad de Jaen)
Charge and energy stored in electric double layer capacitors from potentiostatic discharge

17 Victoria Beltran (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)
Artificial Intelligence Applied to the Prediction of Module Temperature for Building-Integrated Photovoltaic

S17 Física Teórica y de Partículas (DFTP)

Aula 1.16 bis

15:30-15:45 Carlos Solans Sanchez
Radiation hardness and timing performance of MALTA monolithic Pixel sensors in Tower 180 nm

15:45-16:00 Rafael Mayo García
Technological Applications of Extensive Air Showers Simulations

16:00-16:15 Paula Garcia Moreno
Commissioning and Monitoring of the Calorimeter sub-detector in LHCb experiment

16:15-16:30 Rodrigo Alvarez Garrote
Simulation and reconstruction of scintillation light with X-ARAPUCA photodetectors in SBND

16:30-16:45 Rafael Delgado López
Unitarized one-loop graviton-graviton scattering

16:45-17:00 Álvaro Parra López
Gravitational particle production in the laboratory

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
Some uses of dispersion relations

18:15-18:30 Miguel Albaladejo Serrano
On the doubly charmed tetraquark Tcc+ recently discovered at CERN: analysis and predictions

18:30-18:45 César Jesús Valls
Analysis and instrumentation developments for the future understanding of neutrino physics with the T2K experiment

18:45-19:00 Paula Martinez Suarez
The ATLAS Level-1 Topological Trigger: Run 2 performance and plans for Run 3

S18 Nanociencia y Materiales Moleculares (GENAM)

Aula 1.5 bis

15:30-16:00 José J. Baldoví Jachán (ICMol-Universidad de Valencia)
Tailoring magnetism in low-dimensional materials

16:00:16.30 M. José Martínez Pérez (INMA CSIC-Universidad de Zaragoza)
Ultrasensitive magnetic characterization at the nanoscale: from molecules to complex magnetic states

16:30-16:45 Enrique Burzurí Linares (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Spin-state-dependent electrical conductivity in single-walled carbon nanotubes encapsulating spin-crossover molecules

16.45-17:00 Giancarlo Franzese (Universidad de Barcelona)
Uniqueness of water compared with other liquids under nano-confinement

17:00-17:15 Saúl Sánchez González (Universidad de Oviedo)
Relevance of Shockley states on the electrical and thermoelectric response of gold-based single-molecule junctions

17:15-17:45 Posters and Coffee

17:45-18:15 Miguel Anaya Martín (Cambridge University)
Molecular treatment in halide perovskites for next generation optoelectronic device

18:15-18:30 Arantxa Fraile Rodríguez (Universidad de Barcelona)
Multifunctional Plasmonic Nanostructures with 3-fold Symmetry

18:30-18:45 Pablo de Vera Gomis (Universidad de Murcia)
Charged-particle electronic cross sections in biomaterials: towards a detailed modelling of nanoscale biodamage

18.45-19:00 Gabriel Martínez Carracedo
Accurate exchange constants for bilinear-biquadratic spin models: application to graphene nanostructure

19:00-19:15 Julia García Pérez (IMDEA)
Electro-optical study of a MoS2 micro-drum resonator

19:15-19:30 Alberto M. Ruiz (Universidad de Valencia)
Chemical tailoring of the magnetic properties of two-dimensional materials


18 Bruno Cosio Corujo (Universidad de Oviedo)
Study of edge states and topology on 2D flakes of dichalcogenides

19 Gabriel Caballero Catalán (IMDEA)
Electrical properties of mechanically exfoliated MoS2 devices under different ambient conditions

20 Alberto Montoya Ruiz (ICMol-Universidad de Valencia)
Tailoring the magnetic properties of 2D magnetic materials


S23 Física Nuclear (GEFN)

Aula 1.15

15:30-16:00 M. C. Jimenez Ramos (Usevilla/CNA)
Medical Applications with Ion Beams at Centro Nacional de Aceleradores

16:00-16:15 Consuelo Guardiola (IMB-CNM-CSIC)
Experimental microdosimetry maps in proton therapy

16:15-16:30 Isabel Abril Sánchezn(UA)
Interaction of swift-ions and secondary electrons in liquid water: Bragg peaks and radial deposited dose

16:30-16:45 Michael Seimetz (i3M-CSIC-UPV)
Scintillating fibre proton beam monitor for biomedical applications

16:45-17:00 Nerea Encina Baranda (UCM)
Prompt-Gamma Correction in 124I PET Imaging

17:00-17:30 Coffee Break

17:30-17:45 Juan Peñas (USC)
A laser-driven proton source for medical radioisotope production

17:45-18:00 Gabriela Llosá Llácer (IFIC, CSIC-U. Valencia)
MACACO Compton camera for medical applications

18:00-18:15 Teresa Rodríguez (USevilla/CNA)
Experimental study of proton-induced cross sections of β+ isotopes for PET range verification in particle therapy

18:15-18:30 D. Godos-Valencia (UNAM-UHU)
46Mn beta-decay experimental studies and its connection with CCSN

18:30-18:45 J. García-Marcos (UCM)
Quasielastic neutrino-nucleus scattering within realistic nuclear model and Monte Carlo event generator

18:45-19:00 V. Lérida Toro (CNA)
Unified radiochemical method to determine 129I by AMS in different matrix analysed in oceanographic studies

19:00-19:15 A. Tarifeño (UPC)
Neutron spectrometry with HENSA: from underground physics to space weather applications

19:15-19:30 Martina Feijoo Fontán (USC) and R3B collaboration
Study of multi-nucleon knockout reactions of exotic nuclei in the region of Sn


S0 Grupo de estudiantes

Aula 1.1 bis

15:30-17:00 Mesa redonda
Estudiantes de física por España


  • Diana Andrés Bautista - Instituto de Instrumentación para Imagen Molecular (UPV)
  • Laura Pérez Molina - Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
  • Rodrigo Martín Hernández (Universidad de Salamanca)
  • Pablo Sánchez Palencia (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Victoria Vedia (TRIUMF, British Columbia, Canada)

Moderador: Pedro Villalba González (University of British Columbia)

Física para tod@s

Courtyard Campus de la Merced

20:00-21:00 GEFES group
Experimentos de superconductividad

13/07 Miércoles por la tarde

S1 XXXI Encuentro Ibérico de Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Física (DEDF)

Aula 1.16

15:30-17:00 Mesa redonda:
Nuevos currículos de Física (y Química) de la ESO y Bachillerato en la LOMLOE


Rafael López-Gay, U. Almería
Análisis del currículo de Física y Química en la ESO

Pablo Nacenta Torres, JdG DEDF
Los ámbitos, un modelo de organización de las materias en la ESO. El caso de la Física y Química

Patricio Gómez de Lesarri, IES Ramiro de Maeztu, Madrid
Propuesta de la Física (y de la Química) en los nuevos Bachilleratos

Marisa Amieva Suárez, IES Leopoldo Alas Clarín, Oviedo, JdG DEDF
El modelo de evaluación por competencias La competencia científica

Moderador: José María Pastor Benavides, presidente DEDF

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

17:30-18:00 Teresa Seixas, U. Porto
Students judgment of learning strategies effectiveness: a case study in an undergraduate physics course at the University of Porto

18:00-18:12 Beatriz Padín Romero
Herramientas computacionales de software libre en la Física de Secundaria

18:12-18:24 Ernesto Pastor Lebrero
Estudio de la fuerza eléctrica entre dos esferas cargadas

18:24-18:36 Daniel Aguirre Molina
Los laboratorios remotos para la enseñanza de la Física en Secundaria

18:36-18:48 Miguel Ángel Queiruga Dios
Análisis de la implementación de proyectos STEAM en el aula de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

18:48-19:00 Ángel Ávila Freire
Quantum break – Exploiting a scape room to reinforce Physics and Chemistry among Bachillerato Students

19:00-19:12 Manuel Fiolhais
On the experience of 25 years in writing textbooks for middle and high school in Portugal

19:12-19:24 Jesús M.ª Marcos Merino
La Física de la Formula 1



1 Ives Torriente García, Juan C. Castro-Palacio, Juan A. Monsoriu
The Smartphone as a Variable Voltage Supply: Cases of the RC, RL and RLC Series Circuits

2 Camila Marín, Juan Castro-Palacio, Juan Monsoriu
Acoustic Determination of the Gravitational Acceleration

3 K. Kristiani, L. Sirqueira, M.G. Silva, S. Francisco, M.A. Salgueiro da Silva y T.M. Seixas
Social-emotional learning: a case study in academic institutions of Portuguese speaking countries

4 A. Sotto Díaz, J.M.ª Arsuaga Ferreras y P. Melón Jiménez
La situación de la Física en los nuevos currículos de ESO y Bachillerato

5 A. Sotto, J.M. Arsuaga y P. Melón
Diseñando un átomo. Un ejemplo de abproblemas

6 María Consolación Rodríguez-Palazón, Rafael Garcia-Molina
Propuesta práctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de los espectros atómicos en el último curso de secundaria

7 Irene Carrión, Ana Teresa Gea, Mercedes Contreras, Gema María Muñoz, Rafael Garcia-Molina
Análisis físico de una obra literaria: El pozo y el péndulo de E. A. Poe

8 José Jorge Llopis Juan, Rafael Garcia-Molina
Estudio acústico de campanas de Alcoy mediante software de audio de uso libre

9 J. M. Cámara-Zapata, H. Puerto, A. Conesa, J. M. Brotons
Multidisciplinary collaborative learning. Application to the analysis of citrus cultivation in the Vega Baja del Segura against rising energy prices

S4 Física Médica (GEFM)

Aula 1.14

15:30-15:45 Jose Borreguero Morata
Prepolarized Magnetic Resonance Imaging of soft and hard biological tissues in a low field scanner

15:45–16:00 Teresa Guallart Naval
Portable magnetic resonance imaging indoors, outdoors and at home

16:00-16:15 Diana Andrés Bautista
Thermal patterns generated by ultrasound holograms

16:15-16:30 Irene Pi Martín
Evaluation of lateral and axial resolution in photoacoustic tomography with linear US probe and pixel-based beamformers

16:30-16:45 Mailyn Pérez-Liva
Ultrafast-Ultrasound for PET radiotracer Arterial Input Function Quantification in the Rat Carotid Artery

16:45-17:00 Andrew Coathup
Phase-contrast x-ray imaging with a laser-driven x-ray source in air

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Rosa Maria Cibrian Ortiz de Anda
Self organizing maps aplicados al análisis de los datos obtenidos mediante termografía infrarroja para el diagnóstico y seguimiento de la diabetes

18:15-19:00 ASAMBLEA


10 Miguel Martinez Albaladejo
Commissioning and quality assurance of 192-Ir high-dose-rate brachytherapy sources based on micro-ionization chamber dosimetry

11 Vicente Puchades Puchades
Método rápido de verificación de la estabilidad de un conjunto cámara pozo-electrómetro de uso clínico

12 Fernando Illescas Martinez
Statistical analysis of the pre-treatment quality assurance results from a new TrueBeam linac


S8 Tecnologías Cuánticas (GEIC-GEOCONL)

Aula 1.11

15:30-16:15 Carlos Navarrete Benlloch
Invited Talk

16:15-16:30 Xi Chen
Variational Approach to Coherent Matter-Wave Splitting

16:30-16:45 Yan Chen, Yue Ban, Ran He, Jin-Ming Cui, Yun-Feng Huang, Chuan-Feng Li, Guang-Can Guo, and Jorge Casanova
A Neural Network Assisted 171Yb+ Quantum Magnetometer

16:45-17:00 Nilo Mata, Isabel Gonzalo, Miguel A. Porras
Promoting quantum tunneling via Zeno Dynamics

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Miguel Varga, Jon Lasa-Alonso, Carlos Maciel-Escudero, Martín Molezuelas-Ferreras, Iker Gomez-Viloria, Garbriel Molina-Terriza
Understanding the normal modes of optical fibers for quantum communications

18:15-18:30 Álvaro Navarrete, Marcos Curty
Decoy-State Quantum Key Distribution Secure Against Trojan-Horse Attacks

18:30-18:45 Víctor Zapatero, Marcos Curty
Simple and passive quantum key distribution

18:45-19:00 Xoel Sixto, Víctor Zapatero, Álvaro Navarrete, Marcos Curty
Quantum cryptography with intensity correlations

19:00-19:15 Cristian Tabares and Alejandro González-Tudela
Tunable photon-mediated interactions between spin 1 atoms

19:15-19:30 Santiago Oviedo Casado
Power-law scaling of correlations in statistically polarized nano-NMR


S9 Óptica Cuántica y Óptica No Lineal (GEOCONL-GELUR)

Aula 1.1 bis

15:30-15:45 Laura Rodríguez Suñé (Univ. Politecnica Catalunya)
Combined experimental-theoretical study of harmonic generation in silicon at nanoscale

15:45-16:00 Carlos Rodríguez Fernández Pousa (Univ. Miguel Hernández)
Incoherent self-loss-modulated Q-switch in Frequency Shifting Loops

16:00-16:15 Shroddha Mukhopadhyay (Univ. Politecnica Catalunya)
Nonlinear conversion efficiency enhancement in gold grating nanostructure

16:15-16:30 Antonio García Blázquez (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
Symmetry indicators of second order photocurrent with application to monolayer GaSe from first principles

16:30-16:45 Adolfo Esteban Martín (Univ. de Valencia)
Interferometric Phase Retrieval via Nonlinear Transient Detection Imaging

16:45-17:00 Elena Pinilla Cienfuegos (Univ. Politecnica Valencia)
Optical bistability based on the integration of a molecular nanomaterial in silicon photonics

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 David Novoa Fernandez (UPV/EHU)
High-quality compression of ultrafast near-UV light in hollow anti-resonant fibres

18:15-18:30 Miguel López Ripa (Univ. Salamanca)
In-line and ultraestable spatiotemporal characterization of constant and time-varying optical vortices

18:30-18:45 Abraham Loredo Trejo (Univ. de Valencia)
Simultaneous tuning of four-wave mixing and polarization modulation instability in microstructured optical fiber

18:45-19:00 Víctor Wilfried Segundo Staels (Univ. Salamanca)
Use of gas-filled multipass cells to generate clean supercontinuum spectra

19:00-19:15 Carlos Damián Rodríguez Fernández (U. Santiago Compostela)
Ionic Liquids as tunable nonlinear optical materials

19:15-19:30 Luis Sánchez-Tejerina San José (Univ. Salamanca)
”Non-linear, purely magnetic magnetization response to femtosecond structured laser pulses


13 Luis Alberto Sánchez Domínguez (Univ. de Valencia)
Novel Methods for the Characterization of Forward Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers and its Applications

14 Ignacio López Quintás (Univ. Salamanca)
Collinear optical vortices with tailored topological charge generated by angular momentum transfer

15 Juan Lizarraga Lallana (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
Light polarisation under evanescent coupling in exciton-polariton couplers

16 Francisco Javier Serrano Rodríguez (Univ. Salamanca)
High-performance simulations of high-order harmonic generation based on artificial intelligence

17 José Ramón Salgueiro Piñeiro (Univ. Vigo)
Efficient computation of azimuthal perturbation eigenpairs of vortex solitons

18 Manuel Eduardo Barredo Alamilla (Uiv. Nacional Autónoma de Mexico)
Cherenkov radiation in chiral matter

19 Manuel Valiente (Univ. de La Laguna)
Quantum liquids and droplets with low-energy interactions in one dimension

20 Inmaculada Pérez Pérez (University of Jena)
Fiber-based biphoton spectroscopy


S10 Inteligencia Artificial en Física de la Materia Condensada (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.5 bis

15:30-16:20 Eliska Greplova (TU Delft)
A data-driven perspective on quantum matter

16:20-16:40 Sergio G. Rodrigo (Universidad de Zaragoza)
Design of plasmonic superconducting transition-edge-sensors with neural networks

16:40-17:00 Daniel del Pozo (Universitat de Barcelona)
Transition metals oxidation state determination through Electron Energy-Loss Spectra and Support Vector Machines

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:20 Borja Requena (ICFO)
Certificates of quantum many-body properties assisted by machine learning

18:20-18:40 Pablo Serna (Universidad de Murcia)
Machine learning and displacement transformations to locate the many body localization transition

18:40-19:00 Alejandro Jose Uria-Alvarez (Universidad Autonónoma de Madrid)
Deep learning for disordered topological insulators through their entanglement spectrum

19:00-19:20 Juan José García (Universidad Autonónoma de Madrid)
Deep Learning for the modeling and inverse design of radiative heat transfer


21 Pedro Moronta (CSIC)
Can random laser networks learn?

22 Miguel Dalmau (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid & CSIC)
Graph convolutional neural networks for accelerating property predictions of small organic molecules

S11 Fronteras en Materia Blanda Condensada (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.3

15:30-16:00 Pietro Tierno
Topological Boundary Constraints in Artificial Colloidal Ice

16:00-16:15 Alejandro Cuetos Menéndez
Estudio mediante simulación de propiedades emergentes en colonias celulares

16:15-16:30 Alvaro Domínguez Alvarez
Beyond classic phoresis: new insights into self-phoresis

16:30-16:45 Alexis de la Cotte
Orientational correlations of active defects in flat and curved space

16:45-17:00 Pablo Maynar Blanco
Understanding an instability in vibrated granular monolayers

17:00-17:12 Flash talks of the posters

17:12-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Ramon Planet Latorre
The uncanny weight of granular columns

18:15-18:30 Carlos Miguel Barriuso Gutiérrez
Discovering dynamic laws from observations: the case of self-propelled, interacting colloids

18:30-18:45 Miguel Ángel Ramos Ruiz
Ultrastable glasses: going very deep into the energy landscape of glasses

18:45-19:00 José Manuel Romero Enrique
Casimir contribution to the interfacial Hamiltonian for 3D wetting

19:00-19:15 José Martín Roca
Magnetic colloids adsorbed at fluid interfaces acting as interfacial swimmers and colloid adsorption probes


23 Juan Pablo Miranda López
Collective behaviour of energy depot repulsive particles

24 María Isabel García de Soria Lucena
Dynamics of hard particles confined by an isotropic harmonic potential

25 Jose Martin Roca
Discovering dynamic laws from observations: the case of self-propelled, interacting colloids

26 Carlos Miguel Barriuso Gutiérrez
Simulating active agents with Dissipative Particle (hydro)Dynamics

S13 Sistemas interactuantes de baja dimensionalidad fuertemente correlacionados (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.5

15:30-15:50 Michael Pepper (University College London)
Non-Magnetic Fractionally Quantized Conductance in Quasi-One Dimensional Semiconductor Structures

15:50-16:10 Dragana Popovic (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University)
Quench dynamics in two-dimensional electron systems: Long-range vs short-range Coulomb interactions

16:10-16:30 Yuval Gefen (Weizmann Institute of Technology)
The Role of Neutral Modes at the Edge of Quantum Hall Phases: The Emergence of Superconductivity

16:30-16:50 Vladimir Kravtsov (ICTP)
Sensitivity of (multi)fractal eigenstates to perturbation of the Hamiltonian

16:50-17:05 Manuel Pino (Universidad de Salamanca)
Scaling up the Anderson transition in random-regular graphs

17:05-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:20 Vladimir Dobrosavljevic (Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA)
Disorder-dominated quantum criticality in moiré bilayers

18:20-18:40 Javier E. Villegas (Unité mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales)
Tunnel electroresistance and photomemristive effects in strongly-correlated oxide/metal junctions

18:40-19:00 C. Anton-Solanas (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Exciton-polaritons with 2D materials, from cryogenic to ambient conditions

19:00-19:15 J. Molina-Vilaplana (Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena)
A Non-Gaussian Variational Approach to Interacting Bosons in One Dimensional Lattices

19:15-19:30 Alberto Rodríguez (Universidad de Salamanca)
Chaos for Interacting Bosons and Random Two-Body Hamiltonians


27 Jose Antonio Moreno (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Electronic band structure inside the superconducting gap from Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in quasi two-dimensional 2H-NbSe2-xSx

28 Pablo de Vera Gomis (Universidad de Murcia)
Ab-initio electronic excitation spectra of ceria: input data for surface-science radiation-transport simulations

29 Miguel Águeda Velasco (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Thin films of superconducting Au proximitized with Nb under magnetic fields

30 Arin Escobar Ortiz (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Coexistence of superconductivity and excitonic condensates in two-dimensional crystals

S14 Avances en la caracterización de nanomateriales mediante Microscopía de Fuerzas Atómicas

Aula 1.12

15:00-15:55 Thilo Glatzel
Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy

15:55-16:30 Mónica Luna Estévez
Unraveling the Charge Transfer and Trapping on Single Gold Metal Nanoparticles on TiO2 during photo(electro) catalytic H2 production

16:30-16:45 Ignasi Fina
On the origin of extrinsic charging effects in piezoelectric force microscopy experiments

16:45-17:00 Horacio Vargas Guzman
Quantitative electrostatic force tomography for virus capsids in interaction with an approaching nanoscale probe

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:35 Cristina Gomez-Navarro
Mechanics of Defective 2D Materials

18:35-18:50 Aitor Zambudio Sepúlveda
Fine Defect Engineering of 2D Monolayers Friction

18:50-19:05 Yolanda Manzanares Negro
Controlling fracture properties of MoS2 by introducing atomic vacancies


31 Mª Dolores Samper Madrigal
Study of the effect of reactive/non-reactive additives on the microstructure of biopolymer blends by means of AFM-QNM

32 Juan López Martinez
AFM Surface deterioration evaluation to monitor thermoplastic starch films degradation under composting conditions

33 Diana Méndez Arvelo
Visualization of interfacial layers of organic molecules on graphite by Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy

34 Daniel Gallego Fuente
Development of a technological AFM microscope for operation in UHV

35 Diego Alonso Aldave Valle
Deterministic transfer of gold nanowires in scanning probe assisted nanowire circuitries

36 Eva Osuna Bris
Nano-scale conductivity of Hi3(HITP)2 Metal-Organic Framework

37 Miriam Jaafar Ruiz - Castellanos
Unraveling Dissipation-Related Features in Magnetic Imaging by Bimodal Magnetic Force Microscopy

38 Mario Navarro Rodríguez
Charge injection and conductivity measurements on highly insulating materials

39 Ana Cros
Ultraviolet light assisted Kelvin probe force microscopy of dislocations in GaN structures for power applications

40 Pablo Ares
Isolation of Highly Stable Antimonene under Ambient Conditions

41 J.G. Vilhena
All-Atom Single-Protein AFM Nanomechanical Spectroscopy Mapping

42 Emilio Rayón Encinas
A microstructural study by stiffness mapping using the QNM-AFM technique. A case study: Improvement of the miscibility of a PHB-PCL blend


S16 Energía y Sostenibilidad (GEE)

Aula 1.6

15:30-16:10 Carlos del Cañizo Nadal (Instituto de Energía Solar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Improving the quality of solar grade silicon through defect engineering

16:10-16:30 Joeluis Cerutti Torres (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
Into an accurate and low computational cost prediction of bandgaps in Copper based delafossite oxides: a DFT and ML study with experimental comparison

16:30-16:50 Klègayéré Emmanuel Koné (Universitat Politécnica de València)
Insight of ZnO/CuO and ZnO/Cu2O solar cells efficiency with SCAPS simulator

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:20 Amal Bouich (Universitat Politécnica de València)
Opportunities and Challenges of Lead-Free Perovskite for high efficiency and stable solar cells with a low-cost technique

18:20-18:40 Armel Ignace N’Guessan (Universitat Politécnica de València)
Enhanced the CIGS solar cell efficiency through structural engineering at the buffer/CIGS interface

18:40-19:00 Pablo Sanchez Palencia Vallejo (Instituto de Energia Solar, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
The compositional and configurational space of spinel nitride solid solutions: accelerated exploration of electronic properties through machine learning

19:00-19-20 Roberto Gómez-Calvet (Universidad Europea de Valencia)
The 2030 power sector transition in Spain: advantages and drawbacks of massive deployment of solar photovoltaic sources

S17 Física Teórica y de Partículas (DFTP)

Aula 1.16 bis

15:30-15:45 Naseem Bouchhar
Data-Driven Calibration of B-Tagged and Large-R Jets for gamma+jet Events in The ATLAS Experiment

15:45-16:00 Héctor García Cabrera
Results of the SDHCAL Beam Test data analysis of 2015

16:00-16:15 Juan Ramón Balaguer Tornel
IIB orientifold reductions with open strings

16:15-16:30 Sergio Manthey Corchado
Light Detection in DUNE’s Vertical Drift Module

16:30-16:45 Laura Pérez Molina
Photon Detection System in ProtoDUNE phase II

16:45-17:00 Pablo Barham Alzás
Core-Collapse Supernova Burst Neutrino detection and trigger in DUNE

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

S19 Física de Plasmas y sus Aplicaciones (GEFP)

Aula 1.7

15:30-16:00 Elena de la Luna (Emilia Solano)
Resultados JET DT Campaign

16:00-16:15 K. McKay, D.J. Cruz-Zabala, E. Viezzer, R. López-Cansino, R.M. McDermott, R. Dux, and the ASDEX Upgrade Team
Investigation of the separatrix ion temperature using impurity Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy

16.15-16.30 E. Sánchez, J. L. Velasco, I. Calvo, S. Mulas
A quasi-isodynamic configuration with good confinement of fast ions at low beta

16.30-16.45 Francisco Tabares, Eider Oyarzabal, Daniel Alegre, Macarena Liniers, David Tafalla, Alfonso de Castro, Kieran McCarthy and the OLMAT technical Team
OLMAT. A new Facility for testing materials under DEMO-relevant Heat Loads

16.45-17.00 E. Viezzer et al
Assessment of core-edge integrated ELM-free and small-ELM scenarios for future fusion power plants

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 M. Garcia-Munoz, A. Mancini, J. Segado-Fernandez, E. Viezzer, M. Barragan-Villarejo, J. Ayllon-Guerola, D. Cruz-Zabala, M. Freire-Rosales, J. Garcia-Dominguez, J. Galdon-Quiroga, J. Garcia-Lopez, J. M. Maza, J. F. Rivero-Rodriguez, M. Toscano-Jimenez, L. Velarde-Gallardo and the PSFT team
High Confinement Regime at Positive versus Negative Triangularity in the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART)

18:15-18:30 A. de Castro, J. Raukema, D. Alegre, E. Oyarzábal and F. L. Tabarés
Glow Discharge studies on the direct detection of chemically eroded tin hydride


S21 Física de Sistemas Complejos (GEFENOL)

Aula 1.2

15:30-16:00 V. Martín Mayor
The mystery of rejuvenation and memory in spin-glasses

16:00-16:15 J. Moreno Gordo
Temperature Chaos is present in off-equilibrium spin-glass dynamics

16:15-16:30 J. Cantisán Gómez
Stochastic Resetting in the Kramers problem

16:30-16:45 R. Gutiérrez
Finding generalized optimal paths and unveiling dynamical phase transitions through the large deviations of random walks on graphs

16:45-17:00 J. Borondo
Forecasting Fruits and Vegetable Prices: Reservoir computing outperforms traditional methods and neural networks

17:00-17:15 R. A. Rica
Brownian dynamics of interacting particles confined in an aqueous Paul trap

17:15-17:45 Coffee Break

17:45-18:15 J. García-Ojalvo
Temporal oscillations as spatial organizers in multicellular populations

18:15-18:30 M. Sireci
A macroecological law of species interactions in microbial ecosystems

18:30-18:45 J. Fernández-Gracia
Inferring Generalized Lotka-Volterra parameters from longitudinal microbial data

18:45-19:00 G. I. Triguero Platero
From microscopics to macroscopic hydrodynamics of collective cell motion

19:00-19:15 V. Buendía
The excitatory-inhibitory branching process: a parsimonious view of cortical asynchronous states, excitability, and criticality

19:15-19:30 E. Abad
Normal and anomalous diffusion in evolving domains: a brief overview of some recent results

S22 Tópicos Avanzados en Óptica

Aula 1.1

15:30-15:45 Jesús Armengol Cebrian (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)
Optical and visual quality indicators of intraocular lenses measured with an on-bench eye model

15:45-16:00 Verónica González Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Comparative study of enhanced monofocal lenses for different nominal powers

16:00-16:15 Sonia Ortiz Peregrina (Universidad de Granada)
Effects of smoking cannabis on visual performance

16:15-16:30 Miriam Casares López (Universidad de Granada)
The influence of visual function on driving performance under the influence of alcohol

16:30-16:45 Vahid Pourreza Ghoushchi (Universidad de Murcia)
Periodic blur fluctuations effect on contrast sensitivity

16:45-17:00 Alberto de Castro Arribas (IO-CSIC, Madrid)
Personalized computational models with OCT. Challenges and opportunities

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Rosa María Martínez Ojeda (Universidad de Murcia)
Enhanced second harmonic imaging of the living human eye using deconvolution

18:15-18:30 Luis Ordóñez Angamarca (Universidad Jaime I)
Optical sectioning in microscopy with structured illumination and single pixel detection

18:30-18:45 Manuel Martinez Corral (Universidad de Valencia)
Advances in Fourier Lightfield Microscopy

18:45-19:00 Víctor Bernardo Puente (Hamamatsu Photonics France)
Quantum imaging with a photon number resolving camera

19:00-19:15 Jose Manuel Crespo Contiñas (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Computer generated training datasets for deep learning applications to ESPI fringe patterns

19:15-19:30 Ana Jesús López Díaz (Universidad de La Coruña)
Desarrollo de un sistema de procesado láser 3D asistido por robot para la eliminación de pintura


43 E. Josua Fernandez Martinez (Universidad de Murcia)
Manipulating the second order coherence function for super-resolution intensity correlation imaging

44 Laura Clavé Cerezo (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)
Visual acuity in phakic and monofocal pseudophakic eyes under red, green, and blue lights

45 Justo Arines Piferrer (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Jacobi Fourier Polynomials: more flexibility for designing ophthalmic solutions

46 Juan Manuel Bueno García (Universidad de Murcia)
Optical coherence tomography in retinitis pigmentosa patients treated with an injection of autologous bone-marrow-derived mononuclear stem cells

47 Diego Montagud-Martínez (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
Caracterización cromática de una lente intraocular comercial de foco extendido

48 Anabel Martínez Espert (Universidad de Valencia)
Impacto de la aberración esférica en modelos de ojos teóricos

49 Aina Turull Mallofré (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña)
Analysis of the accommodation response as a supporting tool during subjective refraction

50 Alba María Paniagua Diaz (Universidad de Murcia)
Visual simulation and correction using economic and compact vertical aligned liquid crystal devices

51 Dulce María Simón Badia (Universidad de Murcia)
Straylight and Optical Memory Effect characterization of ex-vivo cataractous crystalline lenses

52 Pedro Gil (Universidad de Murcia)
Effects of small residual astigmatism on the reading performance of contact lens neophytes

53 Adriana Rosalía Sánchez Montes (Universidad de Alicante)
Numerical analysis of cross-talk phenomena in pixelated PA-LCos devices

54 Joan Josep Sirvent Verdú (Universidad de Alicante)
Precise-Integration Time-Domain for Optical Anisotropic Media

55 Iryna Standret (Universidad de Murcia)
Investigating ergodicity for the determination of optical coherence functions

56 Pien Vinke (Universidad de Murcia)
Impact of the detector response on the temporal second degree of coherence of a chaotic light source

57 Erik Baradit Allendes (Universidad del Bio-Bio)
Characterization of topography hidden under paint by means of algorithms stable to the number of frames under non-uniform illumination


S23 Física Nuclear (GEFN)

Aula 1.15

15:30-16:00 Jorge Lerendegui (CSIC-IFIC)
i-TED: Imaging neutron capture sections and applications

16:00-16:15 N. Mont-Geli (UPC)
Measurement of 27Al(α,n)30P thick target neutron yields at CMAM using the miniBELEN-10A neutron counter

16:15-16:30 T. Franco Muñoz (UCM)
Realistic treatment of nuclear structure in the neutrino-nucleus interaction

16:30-16:45 A. Saíz Castillo (USevilla)
Quantum simulation and machine learned analysis of an extended Agassi model

16:45-17:00 Nerea Encina Baranda (UCM)
Prompt-Gamma Correction in 124I PET Imaging

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Entrega de Premio GEFN a la mejor tesis doctoral

18:15-18:30 Charla premio 1

18:30-18:45 Charla premio 2

18:45-19:00 Charla premio 3

19:00-19:30 Reunión GEFN


14/07 Jueves por la tarde

S2 Mujeres en Física (GEMF)

Aula 1.16

15:30-16:00 (Charla Invitada) Maite Paramio (Universitat Autònoma Barcelona)
Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas (AMIT)

16:00-16:15 Chantal Ferrer-Roca (Universitat de Valencia)
Mujeres en STEM con la Feria Experimenta de Valencia

16:15-16:30 Anabel I. Morales (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, CSIC & University of Valencia))
Proyecto Meitner

16:30-16:45 Alba de las Heras (Universidad de Salamanca)
The future researchers in Optics and Photonics: gender bias in the PhD theses defended in Spain in 2015-2020

16:45-17:00 Elisabet Pérez-Cabré (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
20/21 Spanish Central IDL Event in Terrassa: promoting a balanced participation in gender

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18:15 Ana Jesús López Díaz (Universidad de A Coruña)
Una actividad para reflexionar, con perspectiva de género, sobre los procesos de transferencia del conocimiento universitario

18:15-18:30 Màriam Tòrtola (Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC, CSIC & University of Valencia))
An initiative to invert gender statistics at nuclear and particle physics workshops: @FlipPhysics

18:30-18:45 Mª Teresa Ceballos (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-Universidad de Cantabria))
Más allá de Madame Curie: iniciativas IFCA para todos los públicos por la visibilización de científicas

18:45-19:00 María S. Millán (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Women in Physics trending topic in a MSc course. Pilot experience

19:00-19:15 Pas García Martínez (Universitat de València)
I Encuentro Virtual de Alumnas de Física

19:15-19:30 Isabel Saura (Universidad de Murcia)
Visibilidad de la mujer en la ciencia desde la actividad cotidiana: concursos, encuestas y otras propuestas sencillas


S3 Didáctica e Historia de la Física (GEDH)

Aula 1.14

15:30-16:00 José Benito Vázquez Dorrío, Miguel Ángel Queiruga-Dios
Algunas herramientas práctico-mentales para el aprendizaje de la Física

16:00-16:15 Javier Pulgar, Diego Ramírez, Cristian Candia
Fostering between-group collaboration in physics education through random group assignment

16:15-16:30 Javier Pulgar
A Teacher Ed. Initiative for Effective Collaboration via Classroom Network Analysis in Physics Education

16:30-16:45 Gabriel Pinto
Enfriamiento del agua en recipientes cerámicos como el botijo: Un recurso para la formación STEAM

16:45-17:00 Luis Moreno Martínez
“¿Eso para qué sirve?”. Una experiencia de recreación de un gabinete histórico de física en las aulas de ESO

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:30 Arcadio Sotto, Jesús M. Arsuaga, Pablo Melón
Diseño de laboratorios STEM sostenibles

18:30-18:45 Jesús María Arsuaga Ferreras, Arcadio Sotto Díaz, Pablo Melón Jiménez
La Física en el nuevo currículo de Primaria

18:45-19:00 Cabrera, Bastián Carnero, Carlos Damián Rodríguez-Fernández, Damián Insua-Costa, Irene Romo-Díez, Javier Prada-Rodrigo, Javier Varela-Carballo, José Paz-Martín, Sabela Fernández-Rodicio, Verónica Villa-Ortega, Víctor W. Segundo Staels
I NW MYRO: How students from different universities managed to organize a face-to-face congress after two long pandemic years

19:00-19:15 Pablo De Ruyt, Javier Pulgar
Lectura de libros de divulgación para estimular la reflexión conceptual en física moderna escolar

S9 Óptica Cuántica y Óptica No Lineal (GEOCONL-GELUR)

Aula 1.1 bis

15:30-15:45 Alberto Muñoz de las Heras (IFF CSIC - Univ. Trento)
Anyonic Molecules in Atomic Fractional Quantum Hall Liquids: A Quantitative Probe of Fractional Charge and Anyonic Statistics

15:45-16:00 Ivan Morera Navarro (Univ. Barcelona)
Superexchange liquefaction of strongly correlated lattice dipolar bosons

16:00-16:15 Eduardo Zubizarreta Casalengua (UAM - U. Wolverhampton)
Emitting single and squeezed photons

16:15-16:30 ”Miguel Cornelles Soriano (IFISC, Illes Balears)”
Photonic reservoir computing using quantum resources

16:30-16:45 Sergi Terradas Briansó (CSIC- Univ. Zaragoza)
Ultrastrong Waveguide QED with Giant Atoms

16:45-17:00 Abel Rojo Francàs (Univ. Barcelona)
Exact diagonalization correction method for a few-particles trapped in a harmonic potential

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Rodrigo Martín Hernández (Univ. Salamanca)
Magnetically-pumped High Harmonic Generation with circularly polarized driving fields

18:15-18:30 Juan Jose Esteve Paredes (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
Light-matter interaction from density functional theory with application to attosecond electron dynamics

18:30-18:45 Ana García Cabrera (Univ. Salamanca)
Multi-vortex high-harmonic beams from graphene’s anisotropy

18:45-19:00 Raúl García Álvarez (Univ. Politécnica de Madrid)
The shortest focused X-Waves with Orbital Angular Momentum

19:00-19:15 Alba de las Heras (Univ. Salamanca)
Extreme-ultraviolet scalar and vectorial vortices with very high topological charge

19:15-19:30 Iker Gomez Viloria (CFM Donostia)
Prohibited optical trapping regimens unlocked by focused OAM beams


1 Luis Alberto Sánchez Domínguez (Univ. de Valencia)
Novel Methods for the Characterization of Forward Brillouin Scattering in Optical Fibers and its Applications

2 Ignacio López Quintás (Univ. Salamanca)
Collinear optical vortices with tailored topological charge generated by angular momentum transfer

3 Juan Lizarraga Lallana (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid)
Light polarisation under evanescent coupling in exciton-polariton couplers

4 Francisco Javier Serrano Rodríguez (Univ. Salamanca)
High-performance simulations of high-order harmonic generation based on artificial intelligence

5 Carlos Rodríguez Fernández Pousa (Univ. Miguel Hernández)
Incoherent self-loss-modulated Q-switch in Frequency Shifting Loops

6 José Ramón Salgueiro Piñeiro (Univ. Vigo)
Efficient computation of azimuthal perturbation eigenpairs of vortex solitons

7 Manuel Eduardo Barredo Alamilla (Uiv. Nacional Autónoma de Mexico)
Cherenkov radiation in chiral matter

8 Manuel Valiente (Univ. de La Laguna)
Quantum liquids and droplets with low-energy interactions in one dimension

9 Inmaculada Pérez Pérez (University of Jena)
Fiber-based biphoton spectroscopy


S11 Fronteras en Materia Blanda Condensada (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.3

15:30-16:00 Chantal Valeriani
Trapping active particles up to the limiting case: bacteria enclosed in a biofilm

16:00-16:15 Caleb Anderson
MIPS and Activity Cycles in Fire Ants

16:15-16:30 Raúl Rica Alarcón
Collapse of magnetite-decorated pNIPAM microgels trapped with optical tweezers

16:30-16:45 Alessandro Patti
Phase behaviour and dynamics of colloidal cuboids: paving the path to biaxial nematic liquid crystals

16:45-17:00 Javier Rojo González
Nematics in 3-tori: Doubly twisted structures and defect-populated configurations

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

S13 Sistemas interactuantes de baja dimensionalidad fuertemente correlacionados (DFMC-GEFES)

Aula 1.5

15:30-15:50 I V Yurkevich (Aston University)
Superconducting edge states in a topological insulator

15:50-16:10 Victor Kagalovsky (Shamoon College of Engineering)
The emergence of the non-interacting channel in the strongly interacting 1D system

16:10-16:30 Vincent Humbert (Unité mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales)
Overactivated transport in the localized phase of the Superconductor-Insulator transition

16:30-16:45 Shamashis Sengupta (IJCLab Paris-Saclay)
Superconductor-Insulator transition in YSi thin films

16:45-17:05 Aviad Frydman (Bar Ilan University)
The Superconducting Dirac Point in Proximitized Graphene

17:05-17:45 Coffee break

17:45-18:05 Claire Marrache-Kikuchi (Université Paris-Saclay)
Crossover from impurity-controlled superconductivity to granular superconductivity in (TMTSF)2ClO4

18:05-18:25 Mariela Menghini (IMDEA Nanociencia)
Room temperature Mott metal-insulator transition in V2O3 compounds

18:25-18:40 María Tenorio Tuñas (Instituto Catalán de Nanociencia y Nanotecnología)
Doped Nanoporous graphene as a new material for ultrasharp superlattice heterojunctions

18:40-18:55 Enrique Abad (Universidad de Extremadura)
Ping-pong balls in motion: peculiarities of diffusive transport and structure formation

18:55-19:10 Vladimir Gasparian (California State University, Bakersfield)
Anomalous Faraday effect in a PT -symmetric dielectric slab

Premiosla 1.6 bis

16:00-16:15 Antonio Benítez, Experimental thesis award 2020-2021
Spin-orbit phenomena in proximitized graphene

16:15-16:30 Adolfo Otero, Theoretical thesis award (ex-aequo) 2020-2021
Interplay between Ferromagnetic and Charge Density Wave orders in Transition Metal Dichalcogenides

16:30-16:45 Ricardo Ortiz, Theoretical thesis award (ex-aequo) 2020-2021
Electronic and spin properties of open- shell nanographenes

16:45-17:00 Nicolás Agrait (on behalf of Laura Rincón García), Experimental thesis award 2019-2020
Quantum thermopower of single-molecule junctions

17:00-18:00 Coffee break

18:00-18:15 Juan Camilo López Carreño, Theoretical thesis award 2019-2020
Exciting with Quantum Light

18:15-18:30 Eva Cortés, Best article 2020-2021
Observation of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in superconducting graphene

18:30-18:45 Javier Argüello Luengo, Best article 2019-2020
Simulating quantum chemistry using ultracold atoms

S14 Avances en la caracterización de nanomateriales mediante Microscopía de Fuerzas Atómicas

Aula 1.12

15:00-15:35 Nuria Gavara Casas
Bio-AFM is the new black in biomedical sciences

15:35-15:50 Marina Pilar López Yubero
Effects of energy metabolism on the mechanical properties of breast cancer cells

15:50-16:05 Juan García Sánchez
The viscoelasticity of adherent cells follows a single power-law with distinct local variations within a single cell and across cell lines

16:05-16:30 Andra C. Dumitru
Decoding mechanical fingerprints of cellular components in pathological conditions: a multiscale perspective

16:30-16:33 Alejandro Martin-Gonzalez
Condensin-driven loop extrusion on supercoiled DNA

16:55-17:45 Coffee break

17:45-18:00 Victor Gisbert
High-Speed Bimodal AFM nanomechanical mapping of collagen self-assembly

18:00-18:15 Giovanni Sáenz-Arce
Nanomechanical properties of trophozoites and extracellular vesicles of the free-living amoeba Naegleria fowleri

18:15-18:40 Mercedes Hernando Pérez
Physical principles of protein nanocages: AFM, a single molecule approach

18:40-18:45 The Organizers
Closing remarks


S17 Física Teórica y de Partículas (DFTP)

Aula 1.16 bis

15:30-16:30 Seminario: Guillelmo Ceballos (MIT)
La medida de la masa del W por el experimento CDF

16:30-17:00 Entrega de premios de tesis doctorales

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-19:30 Junta de Gobierno de la DFTP

S19 Física de Plasmas y sus Aplicaciones (GEFP)

Aula 1.7

15:30-16:00 L.J Fernandez-Menedez
Diagnóstico de plasmas inducidos por láser mediante espectroscopía de emisión con resolución especial y temporal

16:00-16:15 V. Gonzalez-Fernandez, A. Steiger
Comparison of electric field fall strengths in a hollow cathode discharge in hydrogen and deuterium

16.15-16.30 Paula Lozano, Antonio Tejero-del-Caz, Rut Morales, Encarnación Muñoz-Serrano
Numerical simulation of an argon atmospheric pressure plasma jet for biomedical applications

16.30-16.45 Gonzalo Rodríguez Prieto, Luis Javier Fernández Menéndez, Luis Ernesto Bilbao Dates, Nerea Bordel García
Excitation temperatures of plasmas at times much larger than current deposition in exploding wires

16.45-17.00 Aarón Alejo
Recent developments of high-intensity laser pulse guiding using hydrodynamic optical-field-ionised (HOFI) channels

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break

18:00-18.15 Lozano P, Tejero-del-Caz A, Morales R, Muñoz-Serrano E
Validity of the Boltzmann relation in electronegative plasmas

18:15-18:30 C. González-Gago, C. Méndez-López, L.J. Fernández-Menéndez, J. Pisonero, N. Bordel
Estudio del efecto de la nebulización sobre los parámetros de excitación en plasmas inducidos por láser

18-30:19:30 All
General Meeting GEFP


S20 Astrofísica y Astropartículas

Aula 1.15

15:30-15:45 Victor J. Sánchez Béjar
Dynamical masses of brown dwarfs and planets

15:45-16:00 Jun-Yan (Jerry) Zhang
Chemical Components Analysis of Atmospheres of Ultracool Objects using Laboratorial Spectra

16:00-16:15 Susana Iglesias
Evidence for amino acids in the gas of the IC 348 star cluster in Perseus

16:15-16:30 Javier Olivares Romero
The dynamical interaction of the Coma Berenices open cluster and Group X

16:30-16:45 Nicolas Lodieu
Small-ELF: a propotype for the future ExoLife Finder hybrid optical telescope

16:45-17:00 Pedro Villalba González
The Canadian Galactic Emission Mapper (CGEM): An 8-10 GHz Northen Sky Polarization Survey

17:00-18:00 Posters and Coffee

18:00-18:15 Felipe J. Llanes-Estrada
Galaxy rotation favors prolate dark matter haloes

18:15-18:30 Oscar del Barco Novillo
Primordial black hole origin for thermal gamma-ray bursts

18:30-18:45 Marusa Zerjal
Nearby young open clusters and their luminosity functions

18:45-19:00 Ramón Luna Molina
Structural changes induced by temperature variations in ices of astrophysical interest

19:00-19:15 Miguel Molero Gonzalez
Measurement of the Positron, Electron and Proton Anisotropy with AMS-02 on the ISS

19:15-19:30 Hernán Gonzalo Asorey
Astroparticle Simulation in Cloud Infrastructures: Applications to Astroparticle Physics


10 Ramón Luna Molina
Refractive index and density of CO ice


S21 Física de Sistemas Complejos (GEFENOL)

Aula 1.2

15:30-16:00 M. Castro
The turning point and end of an expanding epidemic cannot be precisely forecast

16:00-16:15 P. Carpena
Contagion effect in exams

16:15-16:30 P. I. Hurtado
Building continuous time crystals from rare events

16:30-16:45 J. C. Losada
Multipolarity in a Complex Society

16:45-17:00 M. Grande
Evolutionary Dynamics of the Ethereum Transaction Network

17:00-17:15 R. Toral
Numerical sampling rare of rare trajectories using stochastic bridges

17:15-17:45 Posters and Coffee

17:45-18:15 O. Agam
”Aging” and slow relaxation in the dynamics of living cells

18:15-18:30 J. M. Marcos
Optimal control of bidirectional escape from a symmetric potential well

18:30-18:45 A. Domínguez
Colloidal monolayers: bridging the gap between two and three spatial dimensions

18:45-19:00 P. Maynar
Kinetic theory of fluids under strong confinement

19:00-19:15 A. Patrón
Optimal thermalisation for a generic d-dimensional harmonic oscillator

19:15-19:30 C. Pérez-Espigares
Direct evaluation of large deviations in open quantum systems


11 A. V. Coronado
Nonlinearity test for complex time series

12 S. Martín-Gutiérrez
Statistical models of social interaction

13 M. I. García de Soria
Dynamics of hard particles confined by an isotropic harmonic potential

14 B. Skadden
Variability of spreading rate in forced plumes

15 I. González-Adalid
Accelerating out-of-equilibrium critical dynamics via magnetic domains

S22 Tópicos Avanzados en Óptica

Aula 1.1

15:30-15:45 Esther Nabadda (Universidad Miguel Hernández)
Synchronous phase detection technique for the evaluation of complex functions displayed on a phase-only modulator

15:45-16:00 María del Mar Sánchez López ( (Universidad Miguel Hernández)
Proof-of-concept depolarization emulator based on a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator

16:00-16:15 Tomás Lloret López (Universidad de Alicante)
Quality metrics in holographic lenses recorded in a low toxicity photopolymer

16:15-16:30 José Carlos García Vázquez (Universidad de Alicante)
Reflection gratings stored in a nanoparticle-doped photopolymer

16:30-16:45 José Carlos Mira Martínez (Universidad de Alicante)
Redes plasmónicas unidimensionales de nanopartículas de oro a partir de redes de relieve fabricadas holográficamente

16:45-17:00 Víctor Bonal Díaz (Universidad de Alicante)
Latest advances in organic distributed feedback lasers with top-layer resonators

17:00-18:00 Coffee Break


Actos sociales

11/07 Lunes por la noche: Cocktail de bienvenida

Hora: 20:30

Lugar: TBA

12/07 Martes por la noche: Física para tod@s

Hora: 20:00

Lugar: La Merced Campus yard / Patio Campus de la Merced

13/07 Miércoles por la noche: Cena de gala

Hora: 20:30

Lugar: Finca Buenavista

15/07 Jueves al mediodía

Hora: 13:30

Lugar: Merced Campus yard / Patio Campus de la Merced

15/07 Viernes al mediodía: Cocktail de despedida

Hora: 13:30

Lugar: Merced Campus yard / Patio Campus de la Merced

Patrocinadores institucionales

Localización: Aulario de la Merced, c/ Santo Cristo, 1. Murcia
2024 | XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física