====== Homepage ====== Welcome to the Parallel Computing Architecture Group Home Page. All the people in this group are working in the [[http://ditec.um.es| Computer Engineering Department (DITEC)]] of the [[http://www.um.es|University of Murcia. ]] {{ :logo-grupo.jpg?220x220 }} The Parallel Computing Architecture Research Group (GACOP) of the University of Murcia began in 1995, being fully consolidated and one of the Faculty of Computer Science's main pillars. Currently, the group consists of 4 Ph.D. members and 3 Ph.D. students, and a varying number of master and visiting students. Our group's research has always been centered around the topic of Supercomputing, with greater emphasis on Interconnection Networks in high-performance computer architectures, Multiprocessor on-chip (CMPs), and coherence protocols. We have currently the following research lines: * __Heterogeneous Computing__: For CMPs, GPUs, and XPUs architectures, with two different visions: at the source code level (following a Single Source Multiple Devices approach), and at the hardware level (exploiting the vectorization and parallelization capabilities). * __Code modernization for Bioinformatics__: We are working on the acceleration of bioinformatics and bio-inspired algorithms. * __ High-Performance Computing for Deep Neural Networks__: Training, inference, precision, memory costs. The group's philosophy is to contribute high-quality scientific research and be in permanent contact with national groups whose topics are similar to ours, as well as with some of the best-known European and American groups. As a result of this strategy, many produced publications have emerged through collaborations with other groups, published in prestigious international journals and high-impact international conferences.