====== Links ====== ===== Related Groups ===== * [[http://www.acca-group.info |ACCA, Advanced Communication and Computer Architecture Group.]] * [[http://www.gap.upv.es |GAP, Parallel Architectures Group. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.]] * [[http://www.i3a.uclm.es |RAAP, Grupo de Redes y Arquitecturas de Altas Prestaciones. Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha.]] ===== Interesting Links ===== * [[http://www.hipeac.net | HIPEAC - European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation.]] * [[http://www.acm.org | ACM - Association for Computing Machinery.]] * [[http://www.ieee.org | IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.]] * [[http://www.top500.org | TOP500 - Supercomputer Sites.]] * [[http://arch-www.cs.wisc.edu/home | WWW - Computer Architecture Home Page (Wisconsin University).]] * [[http://sc.fpcmur.es | CESMU - Centro de Supercomputación de la Fundación Parque Científico de Murcia.]] * [[http://www.ac.upc.es | DAC - Department of Computer Architecture. Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña.]]