d.mon - Abre y gestiona los monitores gráficos de GRASS
(GRASS Display Program)


d.mon help
d.mon [-lLprs] [start=nombre] [stop=nombre] [select=nombre] [unlock=nombre] [nlev=valor]


Permite abrir, seleccionar, listar, borrar, desbloquear o consultar el estado de los monitores gráficos. Puede usarse de forma interactiva (a través de menus) o no interactiva tecleando todas las opciones en linea de comandos.


Lista todos los monitores
Lista todos los monitores mostrando su estado
Muestra el nombre del monitor que está seleccionado
Libera el monitor que está seleccionado
No seleccionar automáticamente el monitor abierto con el parámetro start.


Nombre del monitor gráfico que va a iniciarse
Nombre del monitor gráfico que va a pararse
Nombre del monitor gráfico que se selecciona
Nombre del monitor gráfico que se desbloquea
Número de niveles de color para cada canal R/G/B (por defecto  nlev=32, es decir  32768 colores)
Si se ejecuta  d.mon sin parámetros aparece el siguiente menú
                        MONITOR MENU
Making sure that the graphics monitor is running:

  1      - Start a graphics monitor
         (also automatically selects this monitor)
  2      - Stop a graphics monitor

Choosing a graphics monitor for your graphics:

  3      - Select a graphics device for output
         (currently selected monitor:  name)
  4      - Release control of the graphics driver
         (let someone else use it)
         (option 4 appears only after selection of a monitor)

RETURN   quit
Estos parámetros realizan las siguientes funciones:
  1. Start: Inicializa un monitor.

  2. Para dibujar mapas o gráficos en GRASS, el usuario debe inicializar (start) y seleccionar (select ) un monitor gráfico. Por defecto, la opción start ejecuta también la opción select., por tanto inicializar un monitor significa también seleccionarlo a no ser que la opción -s haya sido activada.

    When a monitor is started, it is therefore also (automatically) selected for output, unless the -s flag is set by the user; the user can also explictly select a monitor that has been started (see (3) below). After a monitor is started, a blank graphics frame should appear on whatever terminal the user is using to display graphics.

    The desired monitor should be started once and need not be restarted unless it is stopped (option 2) for some reason. A monitor may continue to run for any length of time, even when no GRASS session is being run. The monitor program runs in the background.

    Using the nlev parameter the user can define the number of color levels to be used. nlev can be a value between 1 and 256. nlev=256 means 8bit for each R, G, B color channel equal to 24bit truecolor (16.7 million colors). The calculation of number of colors (ncolors) is performed by calculating:

     ncolors = nlev^3
    Un número de colores elevado puede ralentizar la inicialización del monitor
  3. Stop a Monitor.

  4. Sometimes the monitor program needs to be stopped (terminated). Choosing option 2 will terminate a user-specified monitor program. A graphics monitor has two different types of status: monitor program not running, and monitor running. A monitor that has been started and/or selected will be listed as running; a monitor that has been stopped (or not started) will be listed as not running. The -L (list status) flag will list the status of each monitor connected to the system.
  5. Select a Monitor.

  6. When the user starts a monitor, it is also (automatically) selected for graphics output unless the user sets the -s flag. In order to use (direct graphics output to) a monitor, the user must select that monitor for use, either by simply starting the monitor without the -s flag or by explictly selecting the monitor for output using option 3. Only running monitors can be selected for graphics output. Once the user has selected a monitor for output, no other user can use this monitor for graphics output until the monitor driver is either released (by the user) or unlocked (by any user on the system).

    The user can run multiple graphics monitors by simply starting each of the graphics monitors drivers he wishes to direct output to.

  7. Release a Monitor.

  8. Once a user has selected a monitor for graphics output, it is locked for use by that user until either: (1) the user voluntarily releases control of the monitor for use by another (option 4), or (2) another GRASS user unlocks the user's control of the monitor. Menu option 4 appears only to the person who has selected the monitor (since only that user can release control of his selected graphics monitor.) If another user wishes to unlock the user's control of the monitor, that user must run d.mon from the command line and set the unlock=name parameter.
Pueden ejecutarse diversas opciones a la vez




Michael Shapiro, U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory,
Full 24bit support by Roberto Flor, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy