Enlaces a proyectos basados en GRASS

Desde esta página podrás acceder a diversos proyectos, en diferentes partes del mundo, basados en el programa GRASS.

SIG en Internet utilizando GRASS

SIG turísticos

Aplicaciones geológicas:

Aplicaciones hidrológicas:

Image Gallery - Reports


  1. OGL3D visualization tool screenshot
  2. Multidimensional spatial interpolation at GMS Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - The best visualizations around!
  3. GRASS Visualization demos from UIUC Viz Group - visit also the NVIZ and SG3d pages
  4. GRASS Informe sobre cartografía dinámica en simulaciones de procesos de paisajeL. Mitas, B. Brown and H. Mitasova
  5. Imágenes GRASS de Tailandia del HPCC/NECTEC
  6. TclTKGRASS i graphical user interface.
  7. Geomorphological Analysis of DEM (r.param.scale)
  8. Basin streams calculation (r.watershed)
  9. Stream calculation from DEM (r.watershed
  10. ) Least cost routing (r.cost, r.drain: Alps traverse example)
  11. Setting ground control points for satellite image registering (i.points)

Image Gallery/ Animation

VRML output of SPEARFISH dataset: geological map draped over DEM (r.vrml) - big version (shaded elevation map with 150m resolution) 3D keyframe animation made by SG3d GRASS module (520kb MPEGfile). GRASS is free software, anyone may develop his/her own GRASS extensions. This page contains a growing list of links to GRASS packages, which are currently not part of the standard distribution.

GRASS outgoing directory

GUI (Interfaz Gráfica de Usuario)

Extensiones GRASS shell

Miscelanea de módulos

Módulos para teledetección

Módulos Raster

Módulos para Sites

Módulos para datos vectoriales


Módulos web

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