Category: Seminarios

Seminario sobre Acoso y Ciberacoso: la vulnerabilidad de los estudiantes con NEE

En el marco del Proyecto Disabuse, sobre el que ya hemos hablado en otra ocasión, el Grupo de Investigación de Tecnología Educativa de la Universidad de Murcia organiza el Seminario sobre Acoso y Ciberacoso: la vulnerabilidad de los estudiantes con

Seminar: Basic readings about Educational Technology Vol. 2

Following the initiative started in May with the first one, now we have done the second version of the Recommended Readings Seminar, following the compilation of readings done in the Book “Educational Technology” by Chris Davies y Rebbeca Eynon (2016).

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(Español) Paseando

Sorry, this entry is only available in European Spanish.

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Seminar: Basic readings about Educational Technology Vol. 1.

For some years, GITE has been conducting seminars in which each of us shares with the other members of the group, something of what concerns us, what we are working on, or what attracts our attention in the last times

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