Year: 2013

Merry Christmas and All the Best in 2014!!!

From the bottom of our heart, we wish you all the best in the new year and we hope to meet you again soon!

Jordi Adell: “Emerging Trends in Technology and Education”

Next Tuesday, 3rd of December, Dr. Jordi Adell from the Universitat Jaume I of Castellon is going to do a conference for our students called: “Emerging Trends in Technology and Education” at the Salón de Actos of the Faculty of

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Do not blame Facebook for what we could blame a fly

A few days ago, we could read in the newspaper “El País” an article with the title: “Much Facebook? Poor concentration?“. The article was moved enough in social networks and Twitter where even today remains posted and retweeted by a

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Seminar Hospital Pedagogy and ICT

From GITE (Research Group of Educational Technology) of Universidad of Murcia, we have organized a seminar in the context of ALTER Project. This training activity mean formal closure of the project. Seminar will be carried out in Sala de Grados

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Encuentro de clausura de EDUCARED 2012-2013

Desde hace unos años, el Encuentro Internacional de Educación que celebra EDUCARED -que empezó siento una especie de congreso más o menos “al uso”- ha dejado de ser un evento estrictamente presencial y localizado, para ser un todo compuesto por

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Breaking new ground: Social Learning Analytics

Today, more than ever before, learning is social. It develops in community and the activity of learning is conceived as a conversation that takes place among student and other members of the educative community and society. But this idea is

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Open recruitment proccess in Spanish

Are you a VET teacher? Would you like to know how to design and facilitate an e-learning course? If you answer is “yes”, you are more than Welcome to register in the course “How to design and facilitate an e-learning

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Evet2edu project meeting in Palermo

Last 18th and 19th of October took place the 3rd European project evet2edu meeting. The meeting had place in Palermo, in CESIE (European Centre of Studies and Initiatives). Isabel y María del Mar were the representants of the Group of

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Leigh Graves Conference

The Group of Research of Educational Technology organizes this conference by streaming in the context of the Máster Interuniversitario en Tecnología Educativa: E-Learning y Gestión del Conocimiento (developed by URV, ULL, UIB y UM). Conference: Engaging Feedback Strategies for Online Courses. Leigh Graves,

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About new ICT “experts”

From audiovisual media to Educational Technology and after this, ICT. From one phase to another it has been loosing identity and it has been creating a very crowded space, less specific. Currently we have travel from machines to a general

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