“Data Literacy for Citizenship”

Erasmus + KA204-076492

Project Manager: Barbara Wasson (University of Bergen. Norway )

IP and  Contact Person at the UM: Linda Castañeda (lindacq@um.es)

DALI aims to increase the basic training of data literacy (i.e., supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences) for adult learners, taking into account that adults are the main citizen group that is affected by the use of data, adults (as teachers, parents, families, workers, and so on) are in charge of the social uses and regulation of data, both at home and in the education of the young people.

DALI addresses the basic training of data literacy for adult learners in non-formal contexts, through the creation and piloting of pedagogical strategies and a toolkit of games and playful learning resources, as well as methods for implementation, that can be spread internationally and be used by institutions and organizations to foster digital competence and agency. By taking a playful approach we attempt to increase learning demand and take-up through effective outreach, guidance and motivational strategies.

More info at  https://www.um.es/dliteracy/

Dic 2020- Dic 2023

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