Flipped Classroom at University: turning classroom upside down with materials created by students. 2012

Flipped Classroom at University: turning classroom upside down with materials created by students. 2012

Project Manager: Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán

Vice-Rectorate of International Relations and Innovation of the University of Murcia.

Abstract: The main objective of this project consisted of the introduction of the Flipped Classroom methodology into university classrooms. The framework for this project was the subject of Research and ICT imparted on the first course of the Degree in Primary Education at the Education Faculty of the University of Murcia. Considering that future teachers are involved in the project and that the nature of this subject is very related to this kind of work, students were asked to design and prepare digital contents to develop the topics of the subject. Thus, the intention was going beyond the Flipped Classroom methodology itself, trying to make students the creators of the contents. This implied that the students had to approach a topic of the subject by structuring and organizing it on their own and by making a video explaining part of the contents of such topic to the rest of the class. The best videos were included as basic training material of the subject for the next academic year.