“Education in a connected world”, our MOOC in Canvas

This post is to inform about a MOOC organized by our Research Group, its title is “Education in a connected world”. This massive course pretends to show a general view about technology influence in our educational system but also in informal learning, special needs o digital citizenship, among others.We have used the platform CANVAS and the enrollment is open until next 18th of May. The course has six modules organized in six weeks. These modules are:

1. Learners in digital world.
2. Current Teaching and Learning.
3. ICT tools for teaching and learning.
4. ICT in classrooms.
5. E-Learning.
6. Digital Citizenship

We want to express our gratitude to all the teachers and collaborators, but specially to M.Cruz Bernal because her effort and great work in order to finish the production of contents on time.

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