The development of otherness on the Internet

Internet is often considered a decent studio space from an anthropological point of view, it is giving people the platform to highlight the development of a moral that, in the absence of the network, could be very difficult to express.
Otherness not only it takes place in classroom spaces. Often, we see how the network users show interest in understanding the reality of others, encourage dialogue ending in agreements, to make proposals to solve any conflict, understand the positions of parts or others in any event. Otherness is a willingness to understand that also fosters collaboration and promotes positive relationships.
However, the network also found, as in other areas, poor otherness when relationships are impossible or perceptions of reality collide and there is no way for understanding. Much has been written and dialogued about the possible consequences of misuse of the network and the development of illegal activities and inappropriate attitudes can affect people relationships established over the Internet. Therefore, it is essential that the pedagogy of otherness led to all kinds of contexts and spaces, it is also virtual addresses.
The relationships of young people are taking place both in face and virtual spaces, and from school is essential to train in this sense, because when we talk about educating teens to interact in cyberspace know deep down we are referring specifically to train for otherness develop the network. It is essential to know to take the place of another, develop values ​​and transmit knowledge in different areas and contexts as free people who are concerned about caring for others, understood as “an attitude of consideration and action to the other, not acting tyrannical way, but it includes feelings of concern, responsibility and affection to meet their demands “(Mínguez, 2014).
Morales (2009) translates the crisis of values ​​present in society the world of ICT, stating that ICTs are tools that can provide the means for creating new models, and can also help shape ethical people because ” in adults views and styles they are created, and the younger role models. Hence the importance of values ​​in the Information Society “(p.94) and the need to combat the lack of ethics that are today for a behavior according to the reality that established the Knowledge Society.
Will reflect the work done by Pariente and Perochena (2013) where it is evident that the use of ICT is effective for learning in values, especially the justice focused on the rights and duties of citizenship, considering the basis of other values, but also for the development of otherness in the individual in all contexts, spaces and areas of your life.


MÍNGUEZ, R. (2014). Ética de la vida familiar y transmisión de valores morales. Revista de Educación, 363, 210-229.

MORALES, M.A. (2009). Modelos de formación para la capacitación de las familias en la sociedad de la información. Granada, Universidad de Granada.

PARIENTE, J. L. Y PEROCHENA, P. (2013). Didáctica de la educación en valores en la ESO. Una propuesta utilizando las tecnologías. Pixel-Bit: Revista de medios y educación, 42, 195-208.

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