Safer Internet International day: the involvement of parents

The Anti-Bullying Center of the Dublin City University (DCU) has published data relating to safe Internet Day in which he reveals that less than 20% of Irish parents monitor online activity of their children. In addition, it is stated that many teenagers deceive their parents about what they do online. In Spain over 50% of parents allow their children to use the Internet unsupervised and only 54% of them talk to their children about the negative consequences that may have an inappropriate use.

Nowadays is so important to educate for safe use both school and by parents. But, parents are overwhelmed by a situation they can not control, so that only 40% have notions of basic safety measures. But we are increasingly smaller and smaller as they have early access to technology. Thus, in recent research it is said that 80% of teens access the Internet from their mobile.

Since parents find it difficult to work this problem, the “Pantallas Amigas” association in collaboration with the Telefonica Foundation today launched its educational program “Pilar and his cell phone, to tell stories” in order to provide educational solutions. In the same they are treated various topics, such as sedentary lifestyle, misuse of ICT and privacy, with the intention to solve problems such as cyberbullying, the sextorsion and promote responsible use. National Police also adds to the struggle for the safe use of technology and advises create a contract between parents and adolescents in order to regulate the use by teenagers.

Meanwhile, from the Anti-Bullying Center of the DCU are developing a project with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia in which they are creating a manual for parents and a game to work with these issues with adolescents.

Finally, we leave you a video that has been done to encourage non-viral videos where privacy of individuals sharing expose, humiliate or violate:


O’Higgins, J. (2016). DCU research reveals digital divide between parents and children.

Pantallas Amigas (2016). Pilar y su Celular: programa educativo para el uso saludable del móvil se presenta el Día de Internet Segura.

SecureKids (2015). Más del 50% de los padres permite usar a sus hijos internet sin supervisión.

Policía Nacional (2015). Hacer un contrato padres-hijos para el uso de Internet.

Proyecto “Parentnets”.

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