About new ICT “experts”

From audiovisual media to Educational Technology and after this, ICT. From one phase to another it has been loosing identity and it has been creating a very crowded space, less specific. Currently we have travel from machines to a general interest in the field, so today there isn´t any educational area of knowledge interested in it from “science” and “great training and long vision” about it. Moreover, all people knows about ICT, but really some time ago nobody wanted to be near audiovisual media, perhaps it could be dangerous by electricity.

In the present moment, once fear is overcome, who has studied an informatic professional level is named informatic, and who know something about windows or SPSS, for example, is competent to speak about ICT impact everywhere.

Know how to use a tool is not like knowing about it. And moreover if this tool is related to communication and information, two complex concepts whit a lot of aspects that it´s necesary to domain to be capable to speak about them.

Teaching is really a communication process, with the shades you want, but it´s this. Forget it and only think about machines or other tools is the same situation we lived in audiovisual era… and it´s curious because those people are the same who now are raising flags, asking for ICT as own field. There is nothing worse than a convert.

Interest in media is in society and nobody wants to be left out, specially if we sell technology as a new “Fierabras balsam” to solve all teaching problems. I think that people who are working whit educational technologies a long time must clarify the contents and also clarify that we´re speaking about communication and information… and this is before the machine, althoug we all were geek.

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